And on me and wife's Anniversary! What are the odds? I guess I ain't taking her out anytime soon.

OS 10 beta is out! Let's get Liquid!
BayouTexan -
August 2, 2023 at 5:57 PM -
Thread is Resolved
Happy birthday!
Happy birthday!
For all of us!
1st impression- Incredible!
Try this- load one of Guidorists new liquid profiles, change the EQ settings to a little more extreme. Switch back to the 'Kemper Generic' eq amp model. Night and Day- totally blows away the Kemper generic!
As you scroll through all the different models, they all sound so much better, much more real than "Kemper Generic".
I loaded up a clean Fender Champion, applied the Fender Champ model to it, then plugged in my BE-OD pedal and played to a mix I was working on and was BLOWN away! I have never dialed in a tone that fast before. This is big time game-changer for me. I hope you all have the same experience.
Thanks Kemper! This is freakin awesome!
I'm going to eat some more humble pie that's twice for me. I said I didn't need liquid profiling. Boy was I wrong.
I took the Morgan ac 20 profile and used a fender twin gain stage and tone stack, after playing with gain and generic gain I have created my dream amp. Did the same with a my favourite profile of a Soldano and used a Soldano liquid profile and just blown away. Amazing 80s rock sound.
This just changed everything now I need Kemper rehab or I'm going to be single soon.
I‘gonna wait till the release version, as i am currently very happy with my sounds. (I’m on OS7, I think 😁) Don‘t know how LP could improve that, but still curious to play with it.
Have fun.
And happy Birthday!
I'm going to eat some more humble pie that's twice for me. I said I didn't need liquid profiling. Boy was I wrong.
I took the Morgan ac 20 profile and used a fender twin gain stage and tone stack, after playing with gain and generic gain I have created my dream amp. Did the same with a my favourite profile of a Soldano and used a Soldano liquid profile and just blown away. Amazing 80s rock sound.
This just changed everything now I need Kemper rehab or I'm going to be single soon.
Ok, you posted while I was writing - sounds like I should really give it a try.
Can someone give a brief run down on how to actually use the liquid profiles?
Will updating to beta effects my current saved performances? I want to try it out but don’t want to mess up my live performances for upcoming shows
Can someone give a brief run down on how to actually use the liquid profiles?
Just go into the amp section ... select the amp and it will be applied ... it's as easy as that !
Can someone give a brief run down on how to actually use the liquid profiles?
If it's a Liquid Profile from the do everything exactly as before. The changes aren't visible, but under the hood with regard to tone shaping (B, M, T, Presence and even gain). You can also apply a tone stack to existing profiles, as described above.
How do I use this with existing profiles?
Just "selecting" an amp in the Amp section?
But what, if "my" amp is not there?
How do I use this with existing profiles?
Just "selecting" an amp in the Amp section?
But what, if "my" amp is not there?
pick one as close as possible ... you can even go crazy and take the complete opposite !
Wow - what a difference
Sounds so more amp like if you change amp settings.
The liquid profiles from Michael Britt, Rigbuster and Guidorist are already available under Rig Packs in Rig Manager.
MBritt and Rigbusters have most of the profiles values about 5 (bass, mids, treble,...)
Many profiles from Guidorist have more extrem settings e.g. GB - Mars Brit 800 2 has Bass value of 10.
Wonder why...? -
Wow - what a difference
Sounds so more amp like if you change amp settings.
The liquid profiles from Michael Britt, Rigbuster and Guidorist are already available under Rig Packs in Rig Manager.
MBritt and Rigbusters have most of the profiles values about 5 (bass, mids, treble,...)
Many profiles from Guidorist have more extrem settings e.g. GB - Mars Brit 800 2 has Bass value of 10.
Wonder why...?Could be the difference between profiling the amp with the settings at noon (neutral, if you will) vs profiling the amp with preferred settings, as was common previously. Guidorist is one of my favorite profile makers.
Will updating to beta effects my current saved performances? I want to try it out but don’t want to mess up my live performances for upcoming shows
If you have upcoming shows - wait a while maybe
Even if it shouldn't affect your performances, there are no guarantees; especially for a beta version.
So played a little bit with it, simply great!
Need some explanation regarding the setting like bright cap and Gain pot ref. have to read Addendum 10
and understand it…
Hmm, can’t find the liquid profiles is the rig manager?
So played a little bit with it, simply great!
Need some explanation regarding the setting like bright cap and Gain pot red.
Hmm, can’t find the liquid profiles is the rig manager?
Restart RM
After playing around for a bit with LP, gotta say it lives up to the hype. Some amps sound better with the Generic setting, some come alive with the actual LP for that amp...and many sound cool with another amp's LP. It'll be fun to sit with it for a while & tweak.
As usual, I liked Britt's Liquid Profiles the best. He really knows how to dial in a JCM800!