Input buffer pedal for multiple pedals ?

  • Although there are a lot of boutique pedal that are Truebypass, most pedals have a buffer built it. if you have a tuner at the front pf the board it probably already includes a buffer. Therefore, whether you need a buffer or not depends on what pedals you are running, their order and how long your cable run is between the last pedal and Kemper. Basically, if the Kemper sounds the same plugging straight into the front as it does through the pedals then you don’t need buffers. If there is noticeable high end loss then you do.

  • My answer is basically the same as Wheresthedug. A buffer before or after outboard pedals is about the pedals and not the amp (Profiler or otherwise).

    Are the pedals pulling the signal down? Does it sound darker with the pedals in line? If so - use a buffer no matter what you're plugging in to.

  • Further more if it turns out that you need a buffer, you already have one in the Profiler. If you are ok with loosing one effects slot, you can put an effects loop right to the first slot, and hook your pedals in there.

    Using the effects loop adds a huge amount of latency - more than 7ms on top of the basic latency of the unit (plus the latency of digital pedals in the chain).

  • Although there are a lot of boutique pedal that are Truebypass, most pedals have a buffer built it. if you have a tuner at the front pf the board it probably already includes a buffer. Therefore, whether you need a buffer or not depends on what pedals you are running, their order and how long your cable run is between the last pedal and Kemper. Basically, if the Kemper sounds the same plugging straight into the front as it does through the pedals then you don’t need buffers. If there is noticeable high end loss then you do.

    Thank you so much Alan. cheers.

  • Using the effects loop adds a huge amount of latency - more than 7ms on top of the basic latency of the unit (plus the latency of digital pedals in the chain).

    Hmm, I wasn’t aware of that good to know! Actually I am not using the effects loop actively so I did not have the chance to notice. Thanks for the info!

  • You’re the only person I’ve ever heard claim it adds ‘a huge amount’. That’s inaccurate.

    No. It does not. Not enough to tell between on/off. The *pedal* you place in it might - but not the loop itself.

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  • I use a lot of TCE pedals. The Polytune3 has the Bonafide buffer built in which you can turn on or off. And their Hall Of Fame reverb has switchable True Bypass and Buffered Bypass like most of their pedals.

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

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    Don’t care. I’ve *never* been able to feel it.

    Swapping it in and out during a performance in the same song. Nothing. I’ve never heard anyone complain about it, either. Just ‘tests’ like this.

    That guy looks at scopes and scientific tests.

    You don’t play those. It’s stupid.

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    Edited once, last by Ruefus (January 14, 2024 at 4:59 PM).