When is the next round of Kemper Players expected to go out?

  • ...Plus the fact that the kemper team listens to what their user base asks for...

    I can clearly remember times when Kemper argued with vehemence why there is no need for an editor or a floor unit! And the fanboys defending it to the bone!!

    The need for an editor to stay competitive was very very obvious, but it took many years until Kemper finally had an insight. Now we even have a Kemper Player that has no screen on the unit and is heavily depending on the editor.

    The success of Kemper is not BECAUSE they are always up-to-date to the demand (or we would have a tuner in Rig Manager yesterday ;)). They have success DESPITE being late to the party with the editor, the Stage and now the Player. But they don't seem to strive for maximum profit or growth. And doing well with that I guess.

  • True. Having the RM is a nice to have for the toaster and floor but it really isn't actually needed. Had it never existed though, the player would have needed a screen, been too large and more expensive so i'm glad they caved there. I'm much happier leaving the big rig home and just toting the player around. A built=in tuner in RM though? NEVER!!!! haha

  • Are you using gmail or hotmail? We send automated emails regarding the status of orders. They seem to get lost sometimes with these (and some other) providers.

    The funny thing is that I did eventually get a mail with a notification that it had been sent, 20 minutes after it got delivered. Better late than never I guess? :p

  • Received my Player today. I pre-ordered on Sweetwater on Jan 01 and then Kemper US had stock on Jan 03. Ordered one from Kemper US and cancelled Sweetwater pre-order. Received shipping/tracking info on Jan 08 and Player arrived today Jan 10. First impression when I removed it from the outstanding packaging was how solid this device feels. Off to fire it up and test drive it.