Potential return to Kemper

  • Hi,

    I've used a Kemper twice for a fair few years. I got rid of the last one about 3 years ago (just after the editor came out that had all kinds of bugs) I'd been using it with a Prog rock / metal band that split.

    Since I've been using an Engl Ironball/pedalboard/CaptorX with two bands (original rock/funk and an 80s rock/metal cover band) and an AX8 with the other (7-piece Country/Americana) and for home practice.

    I do like the amp via the CaptorX but drive pedals can behave unpredictably depending on amp volume and various other things.

    The AX8 - I like its form factor, I preferred its drives at the time I got it......and it worked better for certain amp models.

    The Kemper would be advantageous in various ways......being able to have totally different amps via the remote whereas the AX8 is limited to two amp types per scene.....obviously my Engl Ironball can only be an Engl Ironball. Also the blend via an expression pedal was fantastically useful and despite trying all kinds of complex assigns, the AX8 never really worked for there.

    BUT - sometimes the Kemper would randomly sound like it had a cocked wah in front of it. Sometimes re-starting it (45 seconds?) would fix it.....sometimes even multiple hard resets wouldn't work....until randomly they did.....

    So, before I consider buying again (and I also have an expensive PA mixer decision to consider)....

    • What are the major changes please that have occured with the Kemper?
    • Has the cocked wah bug been fixed?
    • It's been spoken about forever, but is there a Kemper2 on the horizon?
    • Form-factor......how is the Kemper Stage? When it first came out, there was no end of complaints about QC....


    Andy :)

  • It's difficult to advise something....

    I mean, you've gone twice and, beyond your bug problems (i've never met one), i assume there was another reason(s) for leaving ?!

    During the last three years, there were good improvements but IMO even if Liquid Profiling is a real technical huge progress, the sound was already there before...

    You met bugs with Rig manager but as you said, it arrives at the end, so i imagine you had already built your rigs/performance and had the habit to set parameters easily on the device.... So i imagine it can't be the only reason....

    The Stage is just marvelous (but i'm not objective ; i love it ;) )

    A kemper 2 could arrive but C.Kemper seemed to say that it wouldn't stop the 1st developpment/production.... So if it's good for you...

    • Good ones, USB recording, liquid profiling, better rig manager
    • Never had it, didn’t know it was a ‘bug’
    • Don’t know, don’t really need one anyway
    • Good, plenty of space for feet but those with big feet seem to use the wee add on buttons

    I think you’d like it

    A brace of Suhrs, a Charvel, a toaster, an Apollo twin, a Mac, and a DXR10

  • To answer your questions:

    • What are the major changes please that have occured with the Kemper? In the last 3 years the biggest changes from the top of my head are Liquid profiles, updates to the delays and reverbs, Kabinet/Kone, RM improvements but no doubt there are a host of others. There is little change to the profiling process or underlying tech...
    • Has the cocked wah bug been fixed? No idea what this is. I NEVER had this problem in 8 years of ownership. Was it ever a recognized bug or possibly an issue with your set up? Some people complain about a mid range honk but that isn;t intermittent and I think is fairly subtle as not everyone hears it.
    • It's been spoken about forever, but is there a Kemper2 on the horizon? - Who knows. There are no plans that have been shared and the speculation will always exist.
    • Form-factor......how is the Kemper Stage? When it first came out, there was no end of complaints about QC.... There were some initial concerns with some of the hardware but Kemper rectified them...in general its seems as reliable and stable as the rack or Toaster.
  • If you bought a Kemper and then sold it twice my guess is that buying it a third time will lead to selling it a third time. No one piece of gear is the right fit for everyone. There have been improvements and upgrades to the firmware but nothing that has altered the core essence of the device.