• Like the title says, Ive owned a kemper since before the remote. Great piece of gear. Only complaint is not having the simplicity of the all in one unit like the stage so I finally got one. What are some best practices for owning two kempers ? How does one sync both units in terms of Performances and rigs ? Can the units be synced and have other differences like the reassignment of looper switch and output settings etc ? Any other useful tips ?

  • Like the title says, Ive owned a kemper since before the remote. Great piece of gear. Only complaint is not having the simplicity of the all in one unit like the stage so I finally got one. What are some best practices for owning two kempers ? How does one sync both units in terms of Performances and rigs ? Can the units be synced and have other differences like the reassignment of looper switch and output settings etc ? Any other useful tips ?

    I ended up getting a second unpowered head unit.

    The one I keep at home is the test/play unit, and the one at the practice studio is the production/gig unit.

    When I am happy with the changes I make on the home unit I back it up and take the USB stick to practice and update.

    Works a treat, and some pros travel with a USB stick and just ask for a Kemper at the gig.

  • DonPetersen November 22, 2023 at 6:17 PM

    Changed the title of the thread from “A SECOND KEMPER IS ON THE WAY” to “second PROFILER”.
  • If you connect both using MIDI cable and enable "UI to MIDI" (System -> Midi Settings, page 8/12 on Stage) your second Profiler will "copy" whatever you do on first Profiler. Check section "Transmitting User Interface to MIDI Global Channel" in manual. I think this will not copy rigs from one to another - you can use Rig Manager to do this - or use backup / restore. You can combine the two: make both identical using backup / restore and then use UI to MIDI to "copy" changes as you make them.

  • look here:

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  • A second profiler for me is a must as a backup. If you need a second profiler to complete your live rig, then for me, personally, something is... not wrong but almost. That would mean you need two more, a total of 4 Profilers, to have a backup just in case. Generation II will solve all those problems ;-).

    Better have it and not need it, than need it and not have it! - Michael Angelo Batio