Who uses a guitar wireless with IEM's live?

  • I took my Kemper live for the first time on Friday as my old band had a reunion show. It was also the first time I was using IEM's, as we were playing as a 3 guitar setup and only had space on the stage for 2 cabinets. We tested it in rehearsal and it all worked, however my Line 6 Relay G50 guitar wireless kept dropping out throughout the set.

    I changed to RF1 mode, switched channels and also paid attention to where I positioned transmitters and receivers. Still dropouts. I put this down to it operating in 2.4GHz band and as many wifi routers and stuff use this same range there's not alot of space.

    I've looked at the Shure GLXD16+ which has a dual band range now up with 5.8GHz and many have said it has been great with no drop outs but I've seen a small few still having problems. One of the other guitarists uses the GLXD original one (I think its still using 2.4GHz) and he says he never has dropouts. So maybe its a Line 6 thing.

    The new unit costs £549 odd so its a lot of money to spend on something that might not be the answer.

    Anyone else use this with IEM's and how does it perform?

  • I have used wireless with IEM's with no issues. I use LD systems IEM's and Sennhesier XS-D wireless.

    I suspect you are getting clashes and all you can do is try to separate the frequencies as best you can. In other words it can work but it can be a lottery!

  • I had a horrible time with the line 6 and changed to an audio technica. It doesn’t seem to drop out at all and also provides the front of the Kemper with enough to give me my normal sound. I’ve used it on quite big stages with plenty of RF. The had problems with the wireless in ears where the antenna wasn’t close enough and where clipping on some channels triggered the safety compression. I’m sure the Shures are ok as well.

    A brace of Suhrs, a Charvel, a toaster, an Apollo twin, a Mac, and a DXR10

  • I've been using my L6 G90 with my KPA and Sennheiser IEM for years. The G90 is operating on 2.4GHz, but I have stayed on the old transmitter firmware which produce a stronger signal. Possibly too strong as it renders any 2.4G WiFi nearby useless. No dropouts unless I go too far from the receiver or behind a brick wall. The transmitter for the G90 and G50 should be the same (TBP-12), but I can't remember if the reduction of transmitter signal strength was only a firmware update, or wether later TBP-12 transmitters also had their hardware altered.

  • I use the Sennheiser EW-100 guitar wireless and the Shure PSM 300 IEM with the Shure SE535 ear buds.

    They work great and no lost signals at all.

    The one thing I need to do is have the wireless packs on opposite sides of my body when in use.

  • I use the Sennheiser EW-100 guitar wireless and the Shure PSM 300 IEM with the Shure SE535 ear buds.

    They work great and no lost signals at all.

    The one thing I need to do is have the wireless packs on opposite sides of my body when in use.

    Yeah I made sure to do this when using both body packs but it still dropped out.

    I may have to put this down to the 2.4GHz operating band.

  • I use line6 G55 and Sennheiser EW300. I never have dropouts. But I do check every show if the channel I am on is good enough by checking the amount of red leds on the receiver while my beltpack is still off. And I make sure my receiver is at least 2 meters away from our soundguy's wifi router.

    Our bass player also has a line6 G55. She has dropouts but we found out that the battery holes in her beltpack are a little bit too narrow for rechargeable batteries. When she is using normal batteries, she has no dropouts at all.

  • I use the Sennheiser EW-100 guitar wireless and the Shure PSM 300 IEM with the Shure SE535 ear buds.

    They work great and no lost signals at all.

    The one thing I need to do is have the wireless packs on opposite sides of my body when in use.

    Very close to my setup. I echo the recommendation. Don’t have them too close.

    And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.

  • We use 4 wireless Sennheiser IEM systems, 2 wireless Shure mics, 1 wireless (Sennheiser) bass, 1 wireless guitar (Shure GLXD14R)

    Also 6 wireless IPADs and wireless FOH mixing (Swissonic router)

    If possible don't operate on 2.4 GHz, but on the 5 GHz band.

    No issues at all.