" Spillover " not working ?? ... ideas ??

  • Hey all !

    Running 10.1.2 Release. In Performance Mode ...... Spillover from Slot to Slot within a single Performance is not working (?)

    => I have Spillover OFF Dis-Engaged in all my Individual Presets

    => in the Rig Menu I have Rig Spillover Off UN-checked

    => all my Reverbs and Delays are in the exact same EFX-Slots in each Preset

    => the same Reverb and same Delay in each Preset

    => each Preset is very Basic ie: 1 x WAH, 1 x Drive, 1 x Chorus, 1 x Phaser, Amp, Cab, 1 x Delay, 1 x Reverb, 1 x Pure Boost

    Any idea what may be wrong ?



    Edited once, last by benifin (October 3, 2023 at 8:22 AM).

  • As others have said, only delay block and reverb block spillover. The pure boost should sound the same if you place it before the delay. Also make sure the setting in your delays and reverbs is set to pre not post. Can’t remember what it’s called at the moment.

  • AFAIK spillover works only when Delay and Reverb are in the dedicated slots, it doesn't if you place them in other blocks

    Yep. As,Keller said you need to have them in the dedicated slots. You probably have Delay going in series into The Reverb slot which contains an effect that can’t spillover. I would move the boost before the delay and reverb. Another thing you could try is to run the delay and reverb slots in parallel.

    As others have said, only delay block and reverb block spillover. The pure boost should sound the same if you place it before the delay. Also make sure the setting in your delays and reverbs is set to pre not post. Can’t remember what it’s called at the moment.

    Huge thanks all. Moved the blocks back around to "stock slot positions" ...spillover working perfectly now :)

    Now ... maybe if one day we can get spillover working when going from Performance to Performance that would be the icing on the cake :)

    All the best,


  • Sì. Come, Keller ha detto che devi averli negli slot dedicati. Probabilmente hai un Delay in serie nello slot Reverb che contiene un effetto che non può propagarsi. Sposterei il boost prima del ritardo e del riverbero. Un'altra cosa che potresti provare è far funzionare gli slot di ritardo e riverbero in parallelo.

    ciao come si mettono in parallelo?grazie

  • Huge thanks all. Moved the blocks back around to "stock slot positions" ...spillover working perfectly now :)

    Now ... maybe if one day we can get spillover working when going from Performance to Performance that would be the icing on the cake :)

    All the best,


    Not sure we'd get spillover between performances, haven't tried. I suspect that might be available depending on a setting, someone else can weigh in. There is a performance load parameter in system settings, set by default to "pending" in which you can control what happens when you switch performances. Pending means that after stepping on up or down, you still have to then step one of the five Rigs in the new performance to load a new rig. IF kpa's DSP allocation keeps some aspect of other Rig in a performance loaded up for gap free and spillover access, then their is a finite number of additional rigs in other performances that can be transitioned to without audio gap and lack of spillover. However, if my theory is correct, and if there's enough DSP to to allow even one additional Rig in another performance to be instantly accessed, then it is possible.

    The default system setting for performance changes is "pending." You step on the up or down button and then have to choose which Rig you want in that performance before it loads. So while you are in one performance, you need instant access to the other four. But if you bank up in pending mode, you don't need instant access to the other four rigs in the performance you are leaving, you need instant access to the FIVE rigs in the new performance. Thus once you bank up, the kpa could dump whatever info was needed from the four rigs in the old performance, and load the info needed for the five Rigs. Even if this takes half a second to do, it takes half a second to move your foot and start pressing a Rig footswich after pressing the up or down foot switches anyway. If you change your mind before selecting a Rig and bank back the old performance, it could dump the five and load the four again before you'd have the time to move your foot and select a Rig.