PROFILER Operating System 10.1.0 Public Beta

  • I made a strange discovery: I own 2 Profiler Stages, bought new almost 2 years ago a week apart. (So they should be roughly the same series.) After the update to OS 10 Beta, one connects easily to WIN 10 and the Rig Manager. Not the other one! I performed a factory reset on both devices (after backing up the data!) - the result remained the same! With OS 9.0.8 and earlier OS I have no problems with either device! Obviously the devices are not 100% identical in terms of hardware ?! Has anyone had a similar experience?

  • BayouTexan There could actually be small hardware revisions we never know about. However i think it might be Rig Manager that has problems with two profilers with that OS.

    If that were true, I don't think it would cause connectivity issues and the core unit is still the same. However, I agree RM may be the issue, and OP should read this thread...

    February 22, 2022 at 3:06 PM

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

  • This is a problem 100 %. I wasted so MANY hours last night (which is a recurring theme I have had with Kemper - wasting time dealing with breakage they constantly repeat) attempting to connect Rig Manager 3.4.45 to the latest OS10 Beta on Windows 10 Professional. A no go. Had curiosity over liquid profiling and sure enough experienced an entire evening of wanting to throw this piece of sh**t out the window. This is not the first time nor will it be the last time USB connectivity gets derailed with Rig Manager and future hack job firmware updates to Kemper Hardware. Official OS 9 release on the Stage functions on multiple computers in my studio (Win10 Pro - fully updated and patched current), with the exact same ports, same exact cables - while the OS 10 firmware update to the stage IMMEDIATELY zeros connectivity in Windows Device Manager. The kemper stage under OS10 is literally not detected by the Windows Operating System itself and a manual firmware downgrade back to OS9 IMMEDIATELY restores that USB detection. WHAT THE HELL.

    I have done everything possible to eradicate any potential conflicts - every nonsense work around and tech troubleshooting technique. As an IT Sys Admin, I even took things further to registry edits and BIOS firmware Updates to my god dam motherboards. ABSURD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So sick of these problems and I know I'm not the only one. What makes me irate about this, is that these errors are literally par for the course for Kemper. Just look at the forum over time, and you will see YEARS AND YEARS AND YEARS of these same exact repeating complaints with EVERY SINGLE firmware release impacting sporadic Rig Manager connectivity issues for users. Then the same armada of blame game fan boys pointing to hub ports and cables, and blah blah blah. Its the Kemper itself and their inability to provide rock solid USB drivers to the masses, ignoring industry proven comm instructions code, or even providing official Asio! You guys are supposed to be OG's in this industry so WTF, and the version right before this has stable USB connectivity that required NO UPDATING. This is USB 2.0 dinosaur tech for god sakes. No other supposedly professional piece of gear do I have in my studio is so volatile from rev to rev. NONE. OP, you are not alone, and you are not crazy, the pain is real. Experiencing this nonsense at Kemper's price points is inexcusable in 2023.

  • I didn't complain too much (fortunately the one device worked flawlessly!). My intention was to save the people for whom it doesn't work from too much (wasted) effort and rather wait for the official update, because I've never had any problems with it! Thank you very much for your interest!

  • Just as predictable as the recurring breakage with USB Rig Manager communications is with every single firmware revision, so too is the emergence of the Fan Boy Troll patrol as anticipated. As if Paul "Kemper" Revere himself rode through the night to call upon his legions of rats to arise to the surface from their sewer nests. Good evening to you. Welcome and thank you for your absolutely obvious, unintelligent and ignorant useless input.

    The point of these posts is to elevate feedback in a public forum that is actually seen by the company and its developers to not only identify areas of severe inadequacies, but to also share with others who have invested in Kempers hardware that many of us are experiencing the same exact breakages. CONTINUOUSLY with every release - beta or not. Again OP, you are not alone, nor are the countless others in multiple external threads on this same issue, so please feel confident you have brothers in arms. The resolution to this is in Kempers hands who should be aware that if proper Software Development with Cataloged Quality Control was instituted on each revision over the last many years, problems such as this wouldn't even exist to conversate upon. Windows 10 is just about the most proven and thoroughly tested operating system that ever existed in audio production to date. With legacy USB 2.0 as apparent, open, and vetted as white bread. A proper tabled and historic indexed codebase would INCLUDE the past revision fixes for this issue, preventing the same cycle to be repeated over and over again with each firmware release. Year after year. The definition of insanity is repetition of the same actions somehow expecting a different outcome/result. This is that.

    Beta testing should be focused on hammering new feature sets and documenting instabilities with the added code introduced for NEW functions. It should not be about regurgitating the same broken code for USB incompatibility with Rig Manager, of which is NOT broken in its official OS9 release. That individual component surely required no re-writing, and once established should never have to be re-authored again. This rinse repeat that occurs with every single firmware revision where multiple users report Rig Manager disconnects has no justification, whatsoever. PERIOD. It's just bad code development contrary to uneducated rat feedback.

    Kemper, please absorb the comments and seriously consider it. The fact is your incredible technical innovations should not be hampered with sloppiness. Furthermore, to the troll rats who responded, you have a great weekend as I'm confident there are many Youtube videos awaiting your worthless opinions in the comments sections. You guys truly help make the Internet a wonderful place.

  • I can't connect kemperstage to Rig manager.

    the present,

    kemperstage OS : 10.1.0 Public Beta

    Rig manager : 3.4.45

    Normal connection when Kemperstage OS is 9.0.8.

    However, if I update to 10.1.0 Public Beta, my kemperstage and rig manager cannot connect.

    What's the problem?

  • oggi ho aggiornato Rig manager...cliccando sull'icona sul mio desktop appariva errore di mancato riconoscimento....sono andato in programmi dal menù start windows,e cliccando sul rig manager tutto è andato a posto....è logico:la vecchia icona collegamento a rig manager va cancellata e bisogna ricrearne una nuova...provate

  • This is a problem 100 %. I wasted so MANY hours last night (which is a recurring theme I have had with Kemper - wasting time dealing with breakage they constantly repeat) attempting to connect Rig Manager 3.4.45 to the latest OS10 Beta on Windows 10 Professional. A no go. Had curiosity over liquid profiling and sure enough experienced an entire evening of wanting to throw this piece of sh**t out the window. This is not the first time nor will it be the last time USB connectivity gets derailed with Rig Manager and future hack job firmware updates to Kemper Hardware. Official OS 9 release on the Stage functions on multiple computers in my studio (Win10 Pro - fully updated and patched current), with the exact same ports, same exact cables - while the OS 10 firmware update to the stage IMMEDIATELY zeros connectivity in Windows Device Manager. The kemper stage under OS10 is literally not detected by the Windows Operating System itself and a manual firmware downgrade back to OS9 IMMEDIATELY restores that USB detection. WHAT THE HELL.

    I have done everything possible to eradicate any potential conflicts - every nonsense work around and tech troubleshooting technique. As an IT Sys Admin, I even took things further to registry edits and BIOS firmware Updates to my god dam motherboards. ABSURD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So sick of these problems and I know I'm not the only one. What makes me irate about this, is that these errors are literally par for the course for Kemper. Just look at the forum over time, and you will see YEARS AND YEARS AND YEARS of these same exact repeating complaints with EVERY SINGLE firmware release impacting sporadic Rig Manager connectivity issues for users. Then the same armada of blame game fan boys pointing to hub ports and cables, and blah blah blah. Its the Kemper itself and their inability to provide rock solid USB drivers to the masses, ignoring industry proven comm instructions code, or even providing official Asio! You guys are supposed to be OG's in this industry so WTF, and the version right before this has stable USB connectivity that required NO UPDATING. This is USB 2.0 dinosaur tech for god sakes. No other supposedly professional piece of gear do I have in my studio is so volatile from rev to rev. NONE. OP, you are not alone, and you are not crazy, the pain is real. Experiencing this nonsense at Kemper's price points is inexcusable in 2023.