Getting profile settings for non-liquid profiles

  • Has anybody had much luck from the commercial profilers out there getting them to provide their settings (if they saved them) that they used during profiling for previous stuff you’ve purchased? I’m hoping some would provide that for free without trying to resell the same stuff as a liquid profile pack (assuming that they did save the settings and they are just upgrading a profile to the new liquid profile and reselling it).

  • I put in a question to this effect on Michael Britt's website but never received a response. I'm growing concerned that knob settings might be considered proprietary by working players. I have to believe he has a record of control settings. BTW, I am indeed a paying customer.

    UPDATE: In NO way am I complaining about Michael, for who's work I have great respect. Was more musing in general whether there might be vendors who consider the exact settings proprietary.

    Edited once, last by vtgearhead: Clarify. (August 17, 2023 at 7:45 PM).

  • M Britt gave me a thumbs up when I asked about his settings. I don't know if he plans to re-release LPs or just his settings. I also just asked TJ for his settings on the Bassman that he has as I would love to have them. I guess we shall see. I think many are waiting until it is out of Beta.

  • I put in a question to this effect on Michael Britt's website but never received a response. I'm growing concerned that knob settings might be considered proprietary by working players. I have to believe he has a record of control settings. BTW, I am indeed a paying customer.

    Proprietary? They're amp settings.

    For 13 years, keeping a record of profile amp settings served absolutely no purpose. Suddenly liquid profiles exist and after a few weeks the makers are now becoming suspect? With Michael Britt, one of, if not the the most respected profile makers the one called out first?


    IMO, we are owed absolutely nothing. If they have the settings and choose not to share that, big deal. I've long since received the value I expected and paid for.

    I don't see this happening, but I don't think its appropriate to add Liquid Profiling to existing profiles and charge people full-price a second time. Either release a file of the settings for profile owners to update, or perhaps update the profiles and charging a small fee for doing so. The time required to do this is not insignificant.

  • Proprietary? They're amp settings.

    For 13 years, keeping a record of profile amp settings served absolutely no purpose. Suddenly liquid profiles exist and after a few weeks the makers are now becoming suspect? With Michael Britt, one of, if not the the most respected profile makers the one called out first?


    IMO, we are owed absolutely nothing. If they have the settings and choose not to share that, big deal. I've long since received the value I expected and paid for.

    I don't see this happening, but I don't think its appropriate to add Liquid Profiling to existing profiles and charge people full-price a second time. Either release a file of the settings for profile owners to update, or perhaps update the profiles and charging a small fee for doing so. The time required to do this is not insignificant.

    True, we are owed nothing. However, if he does happen to have them recorded or at least some of them, I would love to have them. Heck, I would even toss a little coin to him for them.

    I think that is what vtgearhead was getting at.

  • there are def some settings as example from tonejunkies has some in there it think 2018 Packs, im sure..

    I have TJs everything pack bought about 8 months ago. There are no PDFs included in it at all. I have a DMBL pack I bought from him prior with nothing as well. I'm not saying they don't exist, but there is nothing in the ones that I have. My M Britt ones have PDFs, but no settings.

    I actually would love that Bassman profiles in an LP if TJ has the settings. I could probably wing it and get close enough, but it still would be nice to have their notes if they have any.

  • Proprietary? They're amp settings.

    For 13 years, keeping a record of profile amp settings served absolutely no purpose. Suddenly liquid profiles exist and after a few weeks the makers are now becoming suspect? With Michael Britt, one of, if not the the most respected profile makers the one called out first?


    IMO, we are owed absolutely nothing. If they have the settings and choose not to share that, big deal. I've long since received the value I expected and paid for.

    I don't see this happening, but I don't think its appropriate to add Liquid Profiling to existing profiles and charge people full-price a second time. Either release a file of the settings for profile owners to update, or perhaps update the profiles and charging a small fee for doing so. The time required to do this is not insignificant.

  • Most top profilers don't keep that great of records especially when it comes down to exact knob settings. Even if they did, many of them tweek the profile to sound good after the process so it really wouldn't matter. It's like buying a meal at a restaurant, they're not concerned with the butter, carbs and fat amounts, they just want it to taste good and have you like it and come back. With the Kemper I've found there are a lot of pathways to get what I like. I could take a Bassman, eq it add a gain pedal and change the cab and get a great rock tone or I can dial up a favorite Marshall rig and get there too. I don't want to mess around much, I just want to turn it on select something and have it be killer and play.

  • For 13 years, keeping a record of profile amp settings served absolutely no purpose. Suddenly liquid profiles exist and after a few weeks the makers are now becoming suspect? With Michael Britt, one of, if not the the most respected profile makers the one called out first?

    Please re-read my original post. I'm not "calling out" anyone and was simply wondering why I never received any response. The comment about proprietary was a WAG that in general there may be concerns about working artists detailing their control settings. It's because I have so much respect for Michael Britt that the lack of response puzzled me.

  • Please re-read my original post. I'm not "calling out" anyone and was simply wondering why I never received any response. The comment about proprietary was a WAG that in general there may be concerns about working artists detailing their control settings. It's because I have so much respect for Michael Britt that the lack of response puzzled me.

    I apologize if I misinterpreted your post.

    I did re-read it. Just now and more than once before my original post. You may not have intended to sound accusatory, but that's what it (still) reads like to me. Regardless, no worries. Thanks for replying to clarify.

  • I expect this is all a work in progress. M Britt and TJ would have to do a lot of work answering these requests for exact settings for the profiles they have made, and for no money. That's an unrealistic expectation.

    My hope is that older profiles are updated and sold as new for those who have never owned them and as lower priced (50%?) updates for those who already bought them.

    I use primarily one M Britt profile, it still sounds f'ng great. An update would be nice but I'm already happy.


  • Most top profilers don't keep that great of records especially when it comes down to exact knob settings.

    Its really not that necessary, half of the fun is finding the sweet spot.

    Everyone hears things differently.

    Experiment have fun I'm having a ball. Some of my favourite tone stacks are not even the ones for the amp. Create your own boutique amp.

  • I apologize if I misinterpreted your post.

    I did re-read it. Just now and more than once before my original post. You may not have intended to sound accusatory, but that's what it (still) reads like to me. Regardless, no worries. Thanks for replying to clarify.

    I went back and updated the post to make it clear I wasn't upset with Michael in the slightest.