Classic Profiles vs. Liquid Profiles

  • I think your comments are extremely negative. Considering the changes/enhancements have cost you nothing (unless you are selling profiles).

    Liquid Profiling went from beta to final release which already included additional tone stacks, with more to come.

    I too have owned and do own many different amps and LP is the closest any modeller has come to creating one profile/model that spans the whole tonal characteristics of one specific amp.

    I find it much quicker to dial in the tone I am after with LP’s, than having to browse through a mountain of profiles to end up having to tweak them to my taste in any case.

    Your comments are thus null and void. Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.

    I’m not sure who you are referring to but I’ve jusr reread the whole thread and can’t find anyone saying anything even vaguely negative 🤷🏻‍♂️

  • He was responding to the OP. He put a 'thumbs down' on the first post.

    ....on a thread where the last post was over 90 days ago. The forum software warns about posting on anything 60+ days old.

    Its a zombie thread that's alive again for no good reason, with a post that makes no sense. Basically it says "sit down and be quiet."

    Y'know.....not entirely bad advice. ;)

  • This basically :)

    "So 'Liquid' Profiles are great!

    'Classic' Profiles are great too"

    I buy profiles because I want a set of sounds that are a dialled in version of an amp. However I have always been very aware that tweaking the Kemper EQ wasn't authentic so I didn't really use it. So profiles worked for me or they didn't.

    I will still want a set of dialled in liquid profiles in any future packs I purchase. But I will also feel a little more comfortable that adding some mids, lowering the gainetc. won't drift too far from the original amps behaviour.

    This is exactly how I feel.