FIXED!!. Crazy feedback.

  • Hey guys! so i was testing some stuff swapping out cables and trying different outputs and i ran into crazy feedback.

    I only got this problem when i used an XLR Female to TRS cable coming out of the kemper Main Output (Ground button enabled) direct into my interface. Im guessing this is not normal and i should realy not ever attempt this again.

    Any advice would be cool.

    Also update on the "sending the kemper to Germany" I took my unit to Royal Mail all packaged up correctly with all the correct documents and was rather excited untill Royal mail told me after i requested insurance that they dont insure musical equipment and it was cost around £300 to ship WITHOUT insurance...absolutely heartbroken. They suggested i try another courier but was then told it would probably cost way more...devistated! looks like i got some saving up to do huh?


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  • To me it sounds more like a routing issue in the Daw than a Kemper issue. The feedback would probably be your Daw output somehow being fed back into the Kemper input. Maybe check how you have the routing setup? Are you also using the new Kemper USB audio that might somehow be part of this? To check that you might unplug any USB from the Kemper and try the Daw again.

    Aside from that, the XLR's can be very high output. Using the XLR could be making your interface see this as a mic level instead of line level. You might try it with a TRS to TRS or a regular guitar cable to see how it affects things.

    That's seems like a pretty insane shipping amount, so you'd want to be really sure there's something very wrong in hardware. Wouldn't be much fun to go that route and then get the Kemper back with a "nothing wrong" report.

  • To me it sounds more like a routing issue in the Daw than a Kemper issue. The feedback would probably be your Daw output somehow being fed back into the Kemper input. Maybe check how you have the routing setup? Are you also using the new Kemper USB audio that might somehow be part of this? To check that you might unplug any USB from the Kemper and try the Daw again.

    Aside from that, the XLR's can be very high output. Using the XLR could be making your interface see this as a mic level instead of line level. You might try it with a TRS to TRS or a regular guitar cable to see how it affects things.

    That's seems like a pretty insane shipping amount, so you'd want to be really sure there's something very wrong in hardware. Wouldn't be much fun to go that route and then get the Kemper back with a "nothing wrong" report.

    Hey CM thanks for the reply. Sorry im not fully savvy with tech stuff im not sure how my DAW would send its signal back into my kemper brain fried trying to process that haha. The only USB cable i have connected to the kemper is for Rig Manager could that somehow be messing with something? Hhmmm...So i tried a different guitar (my ESP with emg's) and it didnt have this feedback problem at all. I then plugged my Solar back in and it was feeding back again...the plot thickens. Maybe my action is too low on the Solar and as a result the strings are too close to the pickups and some kind of strange voodoo is happening making it feedback.

    Yeah Royal mail wanted just short of £150 to send it (without insurance) so it makes sense they would probably want around £150 to send it back but none of that journey would be insured so of course i backed out.

    Plan B is to go see a luthier to get a full setup truss rod bridge nut etc which i DID last week but i found out as i got to his now (not known to me at the time) former shop he had infact retired haha just my luck haha.

    Yeah so luthier then see where im at. \m/

  • If the squealing only happens with that one guitar then that would suggest it isn’t a DAW routing issue. Squealing normally happens due to microphonic pickups . It is unlikely that the actipn he0ght/truss rod adjustment/etc would cause that squealing.

    Sorry i forgot to mention this also happens when i unplug the guitar and touch the end of the guitar cable. It seems this only happens when im using the XLR female -TRS MAin output to my interface.

    WARNING!! Turn volume down FEEDBACK NOISE.

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    First clip is the XLR FEMALE- TRS JACK from MAIN OUT LEFT direct to my interface that causes the feedback ringing either Mic or Line produces the same noise. The second clip is the exact same profile only this time using TRS cable out from MAIN OUTPUT directly into interface with no ring but obviously has the standard buzz you would get from touching a plugged in guitar cable.

    i like how the XLR-TRS sounds but not the ringing bit haha is there a fix?

  • Take care in buying cables from Amazon because sometimes they get their wires reversed. Try another brand.

    Awww bugger. It was a Roland cable ( Roland Rcc-10-Trxf Interconnect) i thought they were a reputable brand...oh well. I guess im gonna have to find a new one because besides the ring feedback i like the tone haha.

    EDIT: Just ordered a Mogami cable from GuitarGuitar fingers crossed i aint just blew £40 haha.

  • Awww bugger. It was a Roland cable ( Roland Rcc-10-Trxf Interconnect) i thought they were a reputable brand...oh well. I guess im gonna have to find a new one because besides the ring feedback i like the tone haha.

    EDIT: Just ordered a Mogami cable from GuitarGuitar fingers crossed i aint just blew £40 haha.

    Roland are a reputable brand. Mogami is pretty much snakeoil. No need to spend that much on a cable.

    Even if the wires were crossed it wouldn’t cause feedback.

    The feedback happening without the guitar obviously rules out microphonic pickups so at least that’s one step closer to finding the source 👍

  • Roland are a reputable brand. Mogami is pretty much snakeoil. No need to spend that much on a cable.

    Even if the wires were crossed it wouldn’t cause feedback.

    The feedback happening without the guitar obviously rules out microphonic pickups so at least that’s one step closer to finding the source 👍

    Heartbreaking when i hear the word "snakeoil" just after i drop cash on something🤣🤣 the plot thickens. I will stick at it and see what i can come up with.

    Any ideas anyone has would be welcomed :)


    Hey Guys!!

    So i figured out what was causing the ringing feedback sound. After removing all cables and connections i reconnected them one by one and the ring was gone which then got me on the mission to find it again and i did.The TRS cable going into my 4pre was not fully pushed in. After pushing it all the way in the ring feedback noise completely vanished. So the simple lesson to be learned here is to make sure all cables are correctly inserted...kinda wish i never dropped the £40 so quickly on a new cable but hey ho haha.


  • AdamMassacre1981 August 8, 2023 at 12:19 AM

    Changed the title of the thread from “Crazy feedback.” to “RESOLVED!!! Crazy feedback.”.
  • Crazy feedback came back again this morning. So far i've narrowed it down to it possibly being the "Instrument in" option on my interface. When choosing "Line In" on focusrite control it seems to go away.Could it be because im using XLR from kemper to TRS into interface on the Instrument setting of my interface that is creating this digital feedback ring? 🤔🤔 i will dig a little deeper after work.

  • AdamMassacre1981 August 10, 2023 at 3:08 PM

    Changed the title of the thread from “RESOLVED!!! Crazy feedback.” to “RESOLVED!...kinda..(it came back) Crazy feedback.”.
  • Yes you should be using Line In. Instrument In would be used if you were connecting a non-active guitar direct to the interface.

    Here's a link to Focusrite descriptions of the input types

    What is the difference between Mic, Line, and Instrument level? – Focusrite Audio Engineering

    ^ Yep. The Profiler sends out a line-level signal. As cmbrowns says, instrument is if you were plugging your guitar directly into the interface with nothing in between.

  • AdamMassacre1981 August 10, 2023 at 5:23 PM

    Changed the title of the thread from “RESOLVED!...kinda..(it came back) Crazy feedback.” to “FIXED!!. Crazy feedback.”.