Rig Manager Can't Find Profiler

  • If you have the same issue on both Mac and Windows then you probably should be looking at your connections.

    You mentioned trying 2 cables. But if it's through a hub, try bypassing the hub. If you're trying through a USB-C with an adapter of some sort, try a USB-B port. Beyond that, support is still the answer. Maybe something is defective in the Kemper USB port.

    My issue on Windows 11 is different than the Mac.

    On Windows Rig Manager opens, I can click around for 5 seconds and then BLAM! Freeze, unresponsive. Tried everything including working with their support. I mean everything.. kemper unplugged, unplugging any usb hubs and trying (per their suggestion). In other words, I can't even get it to open and be functional, with NOTHING connected.

    That's why I grabbed my MacBook.. and now I've hit this roadblock.. ugggh


    Hi, my name is Peter Dunbar a singer, songwriter and musician from the Green Mountain state of Vermont. I will be doing videos of all kinds such as experiences, live and (HD) recorded covers and originals. My (HD) stuff will most likely feature the VoiceLive 3 Extreme.. I may also throw in a gear review now and again. Thanks for stopping by and thanks in advance for hitting the subscribe button!

  • If you have the same issue on both Mac and Windows then you probably should be looking at your connections.

    You mentioned trying 2 cables. But if it's through a hub, try bypassing the hub. If you're trying through a USB-C with an adapter of some sort, try a USB-B port. Beyond that, support is still the answer. Maybe something is defective in the Kemper USB port.

    My worry is a defective USB port. I wasn't using the hub, but direct into the MacBook usb port (that I tested with a stick and the port works).


    Hi, my name is Peter Dunbar a singer, songwriter and musician from the Green Mountain state of Vermont. I will be doing videos of all kinds such as experiences, live and (HD) recorded covers and originals. My (HD) stuff will most likely feature the VoiceLive 3 Extreme.. I may also throw in a gear review now and again. Thanks for stopping by and thanks in advance for hitting the subscribe button!

  • My issue on Windows 11 is different than the Mac.

    On Windows Rig Manager opens, I can click around for 5 seconds and then BLAM! Freeze, unresponsive. Tried everything including working with their support. I mean everything.. kemper unplugged, unplugging any usb hubs and trying (per their suggestion). In other words, I can't even get it to open and be functional, with NOTHING connected.

    With what you describe, you're beyond forum advice.

    But a few last suggestions -

    You say it opens. If the Kemper is not connected at all, it should still open. Just no editor section. Not sure what you mean by clicking around, but without the Kemper does it still crash? if so, that wouldn't be a bad USB port. If not, do you have content in RM? Like something in Local Library?

    When it crashes does it seem related to any specific rig or folder you click around in?

    Try selecting a Rig and copy then paste it to some other folder. If that works, RM would seem to be OK and would seem to point back to the Kemper.

    Maybe with that small bit of troubleshooting you could give Kemper Support something more to focus on.

    Good luck.

  • Appreciate that extra info. No it just freezes on it's own even if I don't touch the mouse at all.

    One thing I tested was I had JUST enough time to click file and preferences and see if the beta checkmark was checked and it was.

    Currently, there is just enough time for the update screen to pop up asking to install the beta, and it's just frozen.

    I also tested unchecking the box.. it froze still and I re-opened, clicked file and preferences and saw the beta box unchecked and waited... still froze.

    Was hoping maybe that was causing the freeze but nope.


    Hi, my name is Peter Dunbar a singer, songwriter and musician from the Green Mountain state of Vermont. I will be doing videos of all kinds such as experiences, live and (HD) recorded covers and originals. My (HD) stuff will most likely feature the VoiceLive 3 Extreme.. I may also throw in a gear review now and again. Thanks for stopping by and thanks in advance for hitting the subscribe button!

  • This appears to be an inherent problem across both Windows and Mac users that has been ignored.

    I "opened a ticket" a couple of weeks ago and a gentleman called Hans suggested that I revert back to 9.0.8 I did and the problem still exists. He replied, stating that I should not use a hub or use USB cables longer than 2 - 3 meters. All of which I'm not. He asked me to reply with a DebugLog.txt file for their developers which I did.

    I'm still awaiting a reply

    Whilst I think it is fantastic that Kemper provide free updates to their product, it would would be good if they would address some of the more persistent issues that still remain.

  • No the original response was:

    Hans (Kempermusic)

    Aug 15, 2023, 22:56 GMT+2

    thank you for sending the file. I have forwarded it to our developers. In the meantime please consider installing the 9.0.8 release version which you can download from our website.

    With best regards,

    Kemper Support

  • No the original response was:

    Hans (Kempermusic)

    Aug 15, 2023, 22:56 GMT+2

    thank you for sending the file. I have forwarded it to our developers. In the meantime please consider installing the 9.0.8 release version which you can download from our website.

    With best regards,

    Kemper Support

    The suggestion to install 8.7.20 was sent on the 19th of August after you responded that installing 9.0.8 would not fix the issue.

  • The only temporary fix I have found, is to to restart my iMac, open Rig Manager and then turn on my Profiler. Even then, the connection is intermittent

    May I ask if this is a new iMac with a USB-C port?
    My experience is that the Kemper Amp has issues with USB 3 and USB-C, specifically when the iMac tries to send the USB port into Sleep Mode.
    I would recommend using a simple USB 2.0 hub in between and disabling the hard drive sleep setting in the Energy Saver section of System Preferences.

    Be the force with you ;)