4 Ohm (2 x 12") speaker to my Kemper Power Head

  • Does it sound more fantastic than any well designed, linear solid state amplifier?

    If so, I am curious to understand why.

    Tubes will color and sound different. A clean clear SS amp will reproduce the Kemper more accurately and if you're trying to reproduce a tube amp profile to sound the most like a tube amp, you want it to sound as uncolored as possible. To add tube sound to a tube sound is like using 2 cab sims changing the sound. That doesn't mean it couldn't sound good just that it's altering what was. I want a profiled tube amp to sound exactly like the tube amp does so I choose not to color it, I want it straight and natural. If it's a good profile you don 't need to "warm it up" with tubes, it already sounds like tubes.

  • Tubes will color and sound different. A clean clear SS amp will reproduce the Kemper more accurately and if you're trying to reproduce a tube amp profile to sound the most like a tube amp, you want it to sound as uncolored as possible. To add tube sound to a tube sound is like using 2 cab sims changing the sound. That doesn't mean it couldn't sound good just that it's altering what was. I want a profiled tube amp to sound exactly like the tube amp does so I choose not to color it, I want it straight and natural. If it's a good profile you don 't need to "warm it up" with tubes, it already sounds like tubes.

    Im all for 100 percent. But its more complicated thann that. Some people listen to music through a valve block i dont see them complaining about distortion. To some you would not hear the difference. Some would say its richer, more dynamic somehow. Without it sounding like a 1940s signal. Im not here to argue whats better but do not think for a second that this is about adding distortion. Its about dynamics an feel, An the physcical aspect of it driving a speaker, an how it feels under the fingers is what i dig about it. Your talking about no more difference if you were using a EV honest speaker or a alnico speaker. You can say well its not 100 percent pure, well whats the difference if i am using a valve kemper with a high watt speaker an you using a SS kemper with a low efficient speaker thats colouring your a bit? So the arguments kinda silly. I get your point as im all about purity, an you see me here more than anyone bashing kempers profiling lacking compared to its competitors, but the differences we have on this could be so small it could just be speaker choice. I get a feel an satisfaction i do not get with SS. An this is designed to be clean, its more about feel. No point playing SS if your profiles are crap anyway. I played my pro reverb profiles today an it was pure valve satisfaction.

  • Im all for 100 percent. But its more complicated thann that. Some people listen to music through a valve block i dont see them complaining about distortion. To some you would not hear the difference. Some would say its richer, more dynamic somehow. Without it sounding like a 1940s signal. Im not here to argue whats better but do not think for a second that this is about adding distortion. Its about dynamics an feel, An the physcical aspect of it driving a speaker, an how it feels under the fingers is what i dig about it. Your talking about no more difference if you were using a EV honest speaker or a alnico speaker. You can say well its not 100 percent pure, well whats the difference if i am using a valve kemper with a high watt speaker an you using a SS kemper with a low efficient speaker thats colouring your a bit? So the arguments kinda silly. I get your point as im all about purity, an you see me here more than anyone bashing kempers profiling lacking compared to its competitors, but the differences we have on this could be so small it could just be speaker choice. I get a feel an satisfaction i do not get with SS. An this is designed to be clean, its more about feel. No point playing SS if your profiles are crap anyway. I played my pro reverb profiles today an it was pure valve satisfaction.

    I tend to agree that a valve power amp in not "necessary", certainly for my needs to fill any gap normally for a clean valve power stage....but then I have the same view regarding external drive pedals vs amp gain....

    You are adding real tube on top of tube emulation which defies logic in my head. When you factor in the cost ( i assume it wasn't cheap), additional hassle/variability of tube maintenance and performance, on the surface this seems "overkill".... but for you its positive, so it doesn't matter for 2 reasons:

    1) We each have our own needs either real or even perceived, both are valid.

    2) It looks soooo cool. This alone excuses every negative I wrote above. If you were just feeding a KPA into a Marshall head, I'd beat on you a bit but oh man this is different level!!!

    Love it!!!

  • I think its just great that even with a piece of digital gear, each person can find their own individual way to use and enjoy it. What an example here.

    Absolutely beautiful and unique mod. And if it sounds and plays well for you, even better. Congra

    I tend to agree that a valve power amp in not "necessary", certainly for my needs to fill any gap normally for a clean valve power stage....but then I have the same view regarding external drive pedals vs amp gain....

    You are adding real tube on top of tube emulation which defies logic in my head. When you factor in the cost ( i assume it wasn't cheap), additional hassle/variability of tube maintenance and performance, on the surface this seems "overkill".... but for you its positive, so it doesn't matter for 2 reasons:

    1) We each have our own needs either real or even perceived, both are valid.

    2) It looks soooo cool. This alone excuses every negative I wrote above. If you were just feeding a KPA into a Marshall head, I'd beat on you a bit but oh man this is different level!!!

    Love it!!!

    Do you have a ss kemp? send or show me a profile that you like on yours an that would be a good comparison an i do same.

  • Do you have a ss kemp? send or show me a profile that you like on yours an that would be a good comparison an i do same.

    Yes. I happy to send the profile but couple of problems:

    1) I use mine almost exclusively live so its packed away - it will take me a few days :)

    2) To compare I assume you mean record as sound file? That would need to include the power amp, which means via a speaker. I only play via a Kabinet which is not good with a mike. all my current live recordings are off the desk so minus the power amp

    So its difficult to compare power amps me thinks? Let me know if you mean something else...

  • So its difficult to compare power amps me thinks? Let me know if you mean something else...

    Its about dynamics an feel, An the physcical aspect of it driving a speaker, an how it feels under the fingers is what i dig about it.

    goldensheaf has stated that the real difference is in the “feel” when playing the profile. Therefore, I can’t see any way to test/compare that other than standing in the room and physically playing .

    For the avoidance of doubt ; I’m not trying to start an argument. I am firmly in the ‘valve power amps aren’t necessary and are actually counter productive” camp for my own use. However, I also firmly believe that if someone else feels a valve power amp works for them (whether it is real or just a placebo) then more power to them.

  • Yes and yes and yes! My experiance with a marshall tube poweramp was a complete desaster. I change to a solid state marshall wich can be switched to linear -> no tube simulation. BUT I still use guitar cabs and switched off the speaker simulation when not using the kone. I love it even in mind that i don't use the profile completely. But in gear there is IMO no wrong. If it works for you, it just f****g works. End of story!

    BTW love the Tube-KPA, looks awesome!!!

  • goldensheaf has stated that the real difference is in the “feel” when playing the profile. Therefore, I can’t see any way to test/compare that other than standing in the room and physically playing .

    For the avoidance of doubt ; I’m not trying to start an argument. I am firmly in the ‘valve power amps aren’t necessary and are actually counter productive” camp for my own use. However, I also firmly believe that if someone else feels a valve power amp works for them (whether it is real or just a placebo) then more power to them.


  • Yes and yes and yes! My experiance with a marshall tube poweramp was a complete desaster. I change to a solid state marshall wich can be switched to linear -> no tube simulation. BUT I still use guitar cabs and switched off the speaker simulation when not using the kone. I love it even in mind that i don't use the profile completely. But in gear there is IMO no wrong. If it works for you, it just f****g works. End of story!

    BTW love the Tube-KPA, looks awesome!!!

    ...and YES.

    If it works for you all good....BUT if it looks cool as well? Double bonus!

  • Your talking about no more difference if you were using a EV honest speaker or a alnico speaker.

    Actually the Speakers you use with the Kemper make a huge very noticeable difference. More than Tubes vs. SS if both are trying to be used producing a clear clean signal. I have used so many different speakers with mine I know what I'm talking about.

  • Actually the Speakers you use with the Kemper make a huge very noticeable difference. More than Tubes vs. SS if both are trying to be used producing a clear clean signal. I have used so many different speakers with mine I know what I'm talking about.

    I just scored 3 1960s rola celestion g12s an oh man....... Look, im a nobody, an people get defensive with opinions. But i own vintage guitars an have played vintage amps an have a ear. When people hear all these great marshalls an fenders an the like what they are really hearing is........the speaker. Wether its a fenders chine through a old jensen or a vintage JTM its a raspy celestion, most of the tone is the speaker. People chase clapton or greenys tone yet its right there in the speaker. Its the immediacy an the projection of the speaker that makes a sound. The real tricky part with the kemper, an i have discovered this trying to get the best DI profiles possible is that what makes a good real cab tone may not make for a good DAW tone. Not all the time but when i dial in that shimmery valvey splatter the profile tends to not sound same in DAW. For me i treat my kemper like a amp that instead of having 5 amps an spending a fortune or using up space, I can have one simple unit in my lounge an be in heaven. I dont want a million amps, just 5 killer ones. The only thing digiital is the kemper an the rest can be vintage just like if i had a old amp to play. Having a cab with 60s speakers is going to sound better than the KAB, simple. Be no different if i had a bunch of amps an played through the same cab like many do anyway. Unfortunately its not a eq thing, but a physical thing. The KONE may sound like a vintage speaker but it will not project or feel like one. My valve kemp keeps me happy. I was playing my pro reverb profile yesterday an it honestly honestly felt like I was with a real one in the room. So sweet. Now with liqued profiling my dreams even closer.