Couple of questions before upgrading studio monitors.

  • I'm at a point were I believe it's time to make a change. I used to have a small home studio with decent studio monitors but they both died on me 8 to 10 years ago. I had stopped recording a couple of years prior to that so I didn't replace them. Over the last few years I've done a little video editing on occasion and a pair of PreSonus Eris E3.5 have been adequate for that, they don't work very well with the Kemper overall but sound great with the acoustic simulator.

    I've had my Kemper for six years now and tried/used a plethora of monitoring solutions, pa speakers, Kabinets, Kones and several other 12" speakers in my own cabinets. I have not taken the profiler out of the house one time yet to play, though I do intend to in the near future. There are only a couple of places that I will probably go and both have pa systems I've installed. The easiest scenario I see is carrying in my guitar, Kemper, and plugging straight into the FOH, I have a 112 cab if needed for personal monitoring.

    What I've found is my approach to dialing in rigs that will translate well at FOH is a losing battle when using the monitoring solutions I have. I have been looking at a couple of studio monitors to run my Kemper through, something I should have done several years ago as 100% of of my playing time has been directly in front of my pc.

    The two I'm considering are the ADAM Audio T7V and the Yamaha HS7, I belive either would work well and are in a price range I'm comfortable with. I could use some advice with this, since I no longer do any recording is an audio interface necessary between the Kemper and the monitors or does it sound about the same going direct?

    I apologize in advance for the long post before getting to my question, I just felt the more information I gave initially might enable others to better offer suggestions.


  • jon9max & Morph Thanks for the input, I've never had the opportunity to hear them in person, just the Yamahas.

    I was using genelecs for years and moved to the Adam’s about 18 months ago. I find the more friendly than the genelecs and they still translate well to other environments. I guess nowadays, you have 14 days if you don’t get on with them. Good luck

    A brace of Suhrs, a Charvel, a toaster, an Apollo twin, a Mac, and a DXR10

  • Been using ADAM A5...ten years or so. I'll keep them until they die. But if you live close enough to a music store go and test different brands and see what you like best.

    Think for yourself, or others will think for you wihout thinking of you

    Henry David Thoreau

  • Been using ADAM A5...ten years or so. I'll keep them until they die. But if you live close enough to a music store go and test different brands and see what you like best.

    Unfortunately its 280 miles to the nearest city with a store that would carry a small variety of studio monitors. The internet has really cut into stores that used to carry a larger selection of gear in my neck of the woods.

  • i have been using Adam A7x for many years and love them. My friend had Yamaha HS8 and they sound great with the Kemper too.

    Honestly, I think either TV7 or HS7 will work well for you. The speaker position and room (treatment or lack of) will make a much bigger difference than the speaker model. Go with whichever ones you can get the best deal on.

  • i have been using Adam A7x for many years and love them. My friend had Yamaha HS8 and they sound great with the Kemper too.

    Honestly, I think either TV7 or HS7 will work well for you. The speaker position and room (treatment or lack of) will make a much bigger difference than the speaker model. Go with whichever ones you can get the best deal on.

    I hadn't considered a smaller monitor until reading the post from Ingolf above, so I looked at the Adam T5V which looks like it would serve my purpose just as well as the T7V, being slightly smaller would also be a benefit for the space I have. Then I read your post again and speaker position finally got my attention, I had not thought about that. I've rearranged the room I'm in from when I used it just as a home studio, at that time the monitors were not near a wall so I never had any issues with a rear port, but now they will only be a few inches from a wall and I can't change the room around any longer.

    I've been looking for an hour or so online at front ported monitors, I should have considered the speaker position from the start, but to be perfectly honest as I'm getting older it becomes more and more apparent that all the cylinders are not firing as well as they used to and I miss stuff, it sucks... I'm glad you threw that in, I'll have to limit my choices to monitors that will work better by the speaker placement available.

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    stop worrying about what's "best" - just pick the thing that works for you