Parallel Path Problem after OS 9 update (possibly)

  • I am on the latest build,

    Before I updated to OS 9 (the one that added USB interface function), I usually used a 2nd guitar thru the return input, along with mine in the front input, when I give guitar lessons, or have a quick jam, I used a small guitar rig (OD, pedal sim amp -iridium- and a reverb pedal) for the other guitar, It is pretty efficient and I used the A/B slots for whatever effects I needed to add for the 2nd guitar.

    But it has been a while since I have done that, but last time I did it worked, and after I updated to OS 9, I needed to use it in that manner again but it is not working, A and B are not doing anything at all for the other guitar in the return input, I also tried XLR and 1/4 inch return inputs, I fiddled with all the related controls, nothing is happening, the sound is coming thru from the 2nd rig, , but A/B are useless, also they are not being used by the main guitar signal path when I max the Parallel path Mix knob clockwise.

    Is anyone else having this problem? Am I doing it right? or Am I missing something that changed when they added USB functionality?

  • This is the signal flow of Parallel Path and has always been. The input signal - either coming from the front INPUT or the RETURN depending on the selected Input Source - flows into both pathes.

    If your guitar plugged into the RETURN doesn't, you might be using the RETURN as Aux In feeding it's signal directly into the outputs.

  • This is the signal flow of Parallel Path and has always been. The input signal - either coming from the front INPUT or the RETURN depending on the selected Input Source - flows into both pathes.

    If your guitar plugged into the RETURN doesn't, you might be using the RETURN as Aux In feeding it's signal directly into the outputs.

    Alright Thanks for the reply, so how do I make the 2nd guitar plugged into the return input use A and B? and the front input guitar use C+D+Stack + Mods at the same time? with sound coming out of the XLR output into a FR.

    Also if I connect ONE guitar into the alternate or return input ALONE, then it works on the 2nd signal path (A and B only), and it ignores the main path, but once I connect the main guitar along with it, A and B stop functioning for both inputs, unless I dial back the parallel path knob then the front input guitar accesses A and B, but nothing happens for the return input.

    Sorry if too cluttered, but I am pretty sure this is how I used it for a while while giving lessons as I had a different room for lessons and had to keep carrying stuff and my interface and laptop everytime which was a hassle, and then I discovered this so I only took my Kemper and the rig to the room and connected them into an FR without a PC or an interface.

    I actually made a thread about it and got some help from here and this is how I got it to work in the first place , here is the thread.

    Using AUX for a 2nd guitar rig using Iridium and playing Simultaneously

  • It's not possible to feed one guitar into A/B and the other into C.... And it was never possible to use these two inputs as independent guitar inputs.

    it is possible and I literally have TWO guitars connected to the Kemper right now, one in alternative input and one in the front. The Front starts from C when Parallel path is activated, I gave around 40 lessons using that rig. And I know the alternative goes to A==> B ==> OUTPUT

    When I remove the front and keep ALT input, then A/B become activated for that input, but when I connect the 1st guitar in the front, the effects are not applicable in A/B anymore , but the guitar plays normally, and is still going thru that same path, unprocessed, because the front input is starting from C, so two guitars "work", but unless you have a moddler or some kind of sim, it will sound like a DI guitar, and this is how I began to use the iridium into that input of the Kemper and output connected to a FR direct with no PC or interface.

    I was just wondering why the A/B are not working, my memory is vague about those and I mostly used the reverb pedal on that rig, so I got confused if they worked or not before OS 9, that is why I asked.

  • Are you using the ALTERNATIVE IN for the second guitar? Originally you stated you were using the RETURN!?

    Are you using one of these as

    1. guitar input - how is Input Source set? Regardless how Input Source is set, the front INPUT has the right of way, if a cable is plugged in. You cannot use both inputs simultaneously and route their signals differently.

    2. or effect loop return - had you for example a Loop Mono in module A and used the RETURN? That might work somehow.

    3. or Aux In - is any of the Aux In Mixes cranked up or are all three set to "Off"? In this case the signals at ALTERNATIVE IN and RETURN flow directly to the outputs, not through module A/B.

  • Are you using the ALTERNATIVE IN for the second guitar? Originally you stated you were using the RETURN!?

    Are you using one of these as

    1. guitar input - how is Input Source set? Regardless how Input Source is set, the front INPUT has the right of way, if a cable is plugged in. You cannot use both inputs simultaneously and route their signals differently.

    2. or effect loop return - had you for example a Loop Mono in module A and used the RETURN? That might work somehow.

    3. or Aux In - is any of the Aux In Mixes cranked up or are all three set to "Off"? In this case the signals at ALTERNATIVE IN and RETURN flow directly to the outputs, not through module A/B.

    Hey man, Thanks the response, I think I used both, I'll double check that again when I am back near the amp.

    1- Guitar Input, yes it is happening exactly like that.

    2- effect loop return, I tried that, The problem is when I have something in the Return, and insert an FX loop mono, the amp says on the FX loop settings :" can not use effects loop while using the AUX in return", or similar, which is super weird because the only way to use the fx loop is to use the return input, but I think it is saying that cause I am not using the send possibly? but technically it shouldn't care about that and should work , or is it because I am doing the FX loop AND possibly have one of the AUX in volumes cranked,

    3. I cranked up the one I was using, the master mono that outputs to my UAD aapollo and the monitor, and set the others to off, I also have the Kemper connected thru the Kemper's power amp to a celestion cab, so I just cycled thru them to check, sound is there but as you said no A/B, only when I have the back input alone (I'll confirm which one)

    I'll double check all of this when I am back at my amp tonight, and will update.

    Thanks a lot, I appreciate your help

  • The only way I have managed to use two guitars and parallel path is by placing a Mono Loop in Stomp A and using the Return Input. This only leaves one Stomp (B) available to process the second guitar. The only time I use this set up is with a dual output guitar like my PRS Hollowbody II. Magnetic pickups go to main input and Piezo goes to Loop in Stomp A and parallel path. This lets me blend the two pickup types for acoustic and electric blended tones