Balancing volume

  • Ears. During rehearsal.

    Even better if you can record the rehearsal and go trough each song part and decide if that is the loudness you need in every part or as a guitarist in your band.

    Maybe EQing is another thing. Often being loud does not necessarily mean that your guitars cut through - but maybe that is not what you asked directly.

    Better have it and not need it, than need it and not have it! - Michael Angelo Batio

  • Using your ears playing alone gets you in the ballpark. If the balance is significantly off once heard in a mix, I’d probably see about minor eq adjustments after the amp section. That might make it sit better in the mix, vs just blasting the volume more which as keeps its balance matching when playing alone

  • Ears. During rehearsal.

    Even better if you can record the rehearsal and go trough each song part and decide if that is the loudness you need in every part or as a guitarist in your band.

    Maybe EQing is another thing. Often being loud does not necessarily mean that your guitars cut through - but maybe that is not what you asked directly.


    I would add you might need to tweak a bit live as well as rehearsal is often slightly different but once set, rarely needs to be changed. Volume vs cut is also a really important point!