Help! Updated from an early OS, but my Presets & Cabs are gone!

  • Help! I updated from an early OS, but my Presets & Cabs are gone! I even tried one of my older backups and they still don't show... I hope there is a solution because I put in untold hours programming this stuff!

    All modelers known to man 8o

  • Radley doesn't mention if he updated to OS 8.7.20 release or OS 9.0.0 public beta. And I don't think, this is beta related.

    How early was the former OS. Do you know the version number?

    Which presets did you exactly loose? Cabinet presets and what are the others? Input, effect, output,....

    Please open a support icket and attach an old backup, which should include that data and let us knwo, what is exactly missing.

  • Thanks for your response Burkhard! I was on an early OS (maybe around 4.0). I first updated to OS 7.3.2, and then to 8.7.20. It was then I noticed that none of my effects were turned on (I always have 3 enabled on all my presets). I now only seem to have only 7 amp types (I had hundreds before) and all my presets are missing (blank). A lot has changed since I last used my KPA, and I'm excited to get back into it & try all the new features/effects! :thumbup:

    All modelers known to man 8o

    Edited once, last by Radley (May 18, 2023 at 1:56 PM).

  • Sorry, this is still confusing.

    What does "none of my effects were turned on" mean? Which effect modules are on and which are off is a setting stored in every Rig. This doesn't change with an update. If in a Rig effect module A was on in OS 4.0 it's now also on when you load that same Rig. Exception if you have locked effect module A or the whole stomps and effects sections. Check locks.

    We had never amp types. We only have amp presets. The PROFILER comes with 8 example amp presets. Had you created hundreds of amp preset yourself? Perhaps you are mixing this with the selective browse feature. If you open the amp module, dial BROWSE, "From Presets" shows the amp presets and "From Rigs" shows all the Rigs in the pool and you can load the amp in those.

    Please open a support ticket and produce a video demonstrating what you really mean and think what's missing. You can also attach a PROFILER backup. Thsi should reflect Rig and presets, if these existed.

  • Please excuse my lack of correct terminology ~ The missing Amp models I referred to are actually Profiles, mostly done by me. How do I open a support ticket? Please understand that I own & use a lot of different modelers... It will take me a while to read the latest manuals/addendums to truly be 'up to speed' again, but I'm determined!

    All modelers known to man 8o

  • Thanks, Zappledan ~ It's good to be back! :) I think I am getting things sorted out now. I was using the Perform setting instead of the Browser ~ I simply chose the wrong setting... DUH! Now everything looks like it should (in Browser mode), and I have access to all my Profiles & Cabs! :love: :saint: :love: I'm sorry to have wasted people's time, especially Burkhard's... please forgive! The new effects are sounding great, and I still haven't tried half of them yet! Kemper Rocks!!!

    All modelers known to man 8o