When will the big update be released?

  • For all users, the new Kemper’s update is like Christmas. Personally, I’m most looking forward to the USB audio feature because it can achieve high sound quality when recording and can record good sound without relying on high-quality sound interface. In addition, I’m also looking forward to Liquid Profiling. I don’t know which day this update will be released. I can’t wait.

  • In the comment section of the TonJunkie youtube video, HW wrote this:

    "Not 100% sure but I think the first few feature will start rolling out in a few weeks."

    In another comment about USB-Audio HW answers:

    "I think that’s the first feature about to get rolled out!"

  • In the comment section of the TonJunkie youtube video, HW wrote this:

    "Not 100% sure but I think the first few feature will start rolling out in a few weeks."

    In another comment about USB-Audio HW answers:

    "I think that’s the first feature about to get rolled out!"

    amazing, just like having a new gear

  • Liquid profiling ....can't wait to dial in my marshall profile the way I dial in my marshall amp 🤞🤞👍👍👍....cool , a few simple tweaks ...I love that they are keeping it simple ...it's just perfect really ....

  • I would like if Kemper named the new update the "Turbo version" just to mess with Fractal. I would hate to spend all that money on a Fractal only for them to tell you. "Hey we have an update and you have to buy a whole new unit".

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

    Edited once, last by BayouTexan (May 11, 2023 at 5:49 PM).

  • +1. Free firmware updates. No obsolete models. OK my Elevenrack had USB audio 10 years ago. But , better late than never.

    The Kemper is a great piece of gear and I am enjoying it at this point in time. I finally bought one about 2 years ago because I didn't think it was mature enough prior. For example, reverb. Nothing worse than average reverb IMO. I am glad that I didn't suffer with the implementation as it was for many years. Years after the introduction, it finally become mature enough for my needs. The profiles are very good and there are now a mature set of profiles available.

    The point here for me is that the hardware was done well. In the end, it is all about firmware with a unit like this. Good on Kemper for finally adding USB audio and making/offering improvements free of charge at this 'late' date. Bad on Kemper for taking so LONG to implement what the hardware is capable of. It seems to me that the firmware development is way behind the hardware and is slow by comparison with many other FW based projects I've been associated with. In any case, Kemper has left and is leaving a lot of functionality and potential improvements on the table even considering the latest release that is still yet to come. I believe Kemper has missed a lot of business opportunities as a result of the FW implementation.

    Of course, all this is my opinion.

  • That was definitely the feature I missed when I moved from the Eleven Rack to the Kemper, especially the tight integration with Pro Tools. Stoked for the update, and curious about exactly how it will be implemented!

    Would love to see -

    • Automatic delay compensation when re-amping (this may not even be an issue anymore, as it was with S/PDIF)

    • MIDI integration, or at least the ability to use MIDI CC to control parameters over USB without extra cables and a MIDI interface

    • The Eleven Rack had a way to "save" the rig being used on a particular track/clip automatically, which meant I never had to save, name, and manage rigs for a project manually. Pretty sweet. Not sure if this is possible with the KPA, though...since the 11R was tied to Pro Tools and made by Avid, I suspect they didn't make that tech available to other companies.

    Edited once, last by Bryan Daste (May 11, 2023 at 7:32 PM).

  • That was definitely the feature I missed when I moved from the Eleven Rack to the Kemper, especially the tight integration with Pro Tools. Stoked for the update, and curious about exactly how it will be implemented!

    Would love to see -

    • Automatic delay compensation when re-amping (this may not even be an issue anymore, as it was with S/PDIF)

    • MIDI integration, or at least the ability to use MIDI CC to control parameters over USB without extra cables and a MIDI interface

    • The Eleven Rack had a way to "save" the rig being used on a particular track/clip automatically, which meant I never had to save, name, and manage rigs for a project manually. Pretty sweet. Not sure if this is possible with the KPA, though...since the 11R was tied to Pro Tools and made by Avid, I suspect they didn't make that tech available to other companies.

    Automatic delay compensation in the kemper would require the kemper to break the time and space continuum.

    I am not even kidding.

    And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.

    Edited once, last by Kim_Olesen (May 11, 2023 at 10:56 PM).

  • Yeah, I think a better idea is to use the setting for static latency (I forget the phrasing) , and then set up your DAW accordingly.

    Yup. Which is what i suspect the protools/elevenrack combo automatically does. Latency delays data per definition. Latency compensation, takes that data and aligns it correctly in a daw timeline.

    But requiring that of the kemper would literally necesitate the kemper to know what is input into it in advance of it being input.

    Which would, as i said, require the kemper to break the time and space continuum.

    And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.