Profile Refining with a DI of the Tonex Capture Sounds

  • If you aren't familiar with the Tonex Capture process, when making a Tonex Capture the software sends four minutes of a series of sine waves (similar to the Kemper Profiling tones) and several prerecorded guitar playing examples prior to performing the more involved 20+ minute matching process. I decided to create a DI of the four minutes of sine wave and prerecorded guitar playing examples and send this into the Kemper for the Refining portion of creating a new Profile.

    The results of this are very interesting. On the amps of mine that the Kemper Profiles well, using the Tonex DI during the Refining process produces the absolute best Profiles I've ever created. They are closer to the amp than any Profile I've ever made. In fact, when A/B/C comparing Kemper/Amp/Tonex the only way I can tell the difference between the three is because the Tonex captures have a really high background noise vs. the Kemper and the Amp.

    On the amps that the Kemper doesn't Profile well, Refining with the Tonex DI still produces a better Profile vs. ad lib Refining, I just ended up with a Profile that didn't exactly match the amp as usual but the differences were smaller than when not Refining with the Tonex DI. The Profile didn't sound bad, it just doesn't match the amp as well as the amps that Profile really well.

    Tonex Captures still beat Kemper Profiles for accuracy. On my amps that don't Profile well, the Tonex Captures are spot on when comparing to the amp. There is still a really high noise floor on the Tonex Captures. I haven't spent any time looking into that to see if it's something I can correct but wow, Tonex is the clear winner here.

    Kemper clearly has to do something to compete with this new tech if they want to stay competitive. Literally just running a DI of the four minute Tonex DI when Refining makes a big difference in the outcome of the Profile.

  • If you aren't familiar with the Tonex Capture process, when making a Tonex Capture the software sends four minutes of a series of sine waves (similar to the Kemper Profiling tones) and several prerecorded guitar playing examples prior to performing the more involved 20+ minute matching process. I decided to create a DI of the four minutes of sine wave and prerecorded guitar playing examples and send this into the Kemper for the Refining portion of creating a new Profile.

    The results of this are very interesting. On the amps of mine that the Kemper Profiles well, using the Tonex DI during the Refining process produces the absolute best Profiles I've ever created. They are closer to the amp than any Profile I've ever made. In fact, when A/B/C comparing Kemper/Amp/Tonex the only way I can tell the difference between the three is because the Tonex captures have a really high background noise vs. the Kemper and the Amp.

    On the amps that the Kemper doesn't Profile well, Refining with the Tonex DI still produces a better Profile vs. ad lib Refining, I just ended up with a Profile that didn't exactly match the amp as usual but the differences were smaller than when not Refining with the Tonex DI. The Profile didn't sound bad, it just doesn't match the amp as well as the amps that Profile really well.

    Tonex Captures still beat Kemper Profiles for accuracy. On my amps that don't Profile well, the Tonex Captures are spot on when comparing to the amp. There is still a really high noise floor on the Tonex Captures. I haven't spent any time looking into that to see if it's something I can correct but wow, Tonex is the clear winner here.

    Kemper clearly has to do something to compete with this new tech if they want to stay competitive. Literally just running a DI of the four minute Tonex DI when Refining makes a big difference in the outcome of the Profile.

    mmm im gona try this. But i can not use this on the tonex x se version. Any way you can share the 4 min clip?

  • Killer man thanks. Eq may be a funny one though. How did you record it? straight to your DAW? Via pedal and a pre? I can always eq it to taste i guess. I was going to try something similar next as Im on a quest to get my profiling right. Was going to play youtubes of clean players as i refine an see what happens. Then someone posted here that he sends a recorded guitar track of a fav sound to get it close. Looking forward to trying this. Thanks again

  • Killer man thanks. Eq may be a funny one though. How did you record it? straight to your DAW? Via pedal and a pre? I can always eq it to taste i guess. I was going to try something similar next as Im on a quest to get my profiling right. Was going to play youtubes of clean players as i refine an see what happens. Then someone posted here that he sends a recorded guitar track of a fav sound to get it close. Looking forward to trying this. Thanks again

    From DAW > Interface > Into Kemper Input.

  • From DAW > Interface > Into Kemper Input.

    Wow after 3 years owning a kemper an trying to get my fav sound in there i just csme as close as ever. That works really well. Finally. Kemper has got too suprise us with new refining. Whats strange is other than the bleep part, it just playing. It sounds to me that parts are harmonised. 2 guitar octaves together. Its v slight, maybe thats what differs? The three options after this 4 minute sequence, is that just more noise? Im just happy that woofy mid cardboard artifact is gone. Maybe