Screen colour for individual profiles

  • This seems like the easiest thing to do, but why has it not been done? The ability to designate a screen colour for certain profiles. You could have a fav amp one colour, or profiled pedals etc a ceetain colour. Di yada yada.. If your listning kemper why not stick it a update. Sure it requires no processing power

  • Everything done in the digital world requires processing power. Even a color change. If you use a DAW then you can change all the colors to whatever you want. ;)

    I can change the colour of my shirt today too I dont see how that helps what i am saying in my post. Im not talking about ya daw I am talking about your screen when you looking at it and changing profiles. It would be helpfull

  • I can change the colour of my shirt today too I dont see how that helps what i am saying in my post. Im not talking about ya daw I am talking about your screen when you looking at it and changing profiles. It would be helpfull

    You said changing colors uses no processing power. I said it does. The chances of Kemper changing screen colors for a particular profile is Zero. There are thousands of profiles made for the Kemper. Maybe even ten thousand. It's easier for me and others to sort them by amp type not color type.

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

  • I don't see any need for color coding the screen. If I can't mentally retain information about a profile that I loaded on my unit, then there are bigger problems. Looks like a solution to a problem that doesn't exist from my vantage point.

  • wow some real difficult peeps. If i could have one amp in red, or my stompboxes in green, that would be a plus. If you guys didnt want to use it, you wouldnt have to. If you make hundreds of profiles an they all over the place like me, it be very helpfull

  • wow some real difficult peeps. If i could have one amp in red, or my stompboxes in green, that would be a plus. If you guys didnt want to use it, you wouldnt have to. If you make hundreds of profiles an they all over the place like me, it be very helpfull

    They’ve already color coded the effects types. I have no idea how you’d color code amps/rigs without confusing things.

    Stomp presets never mix with rigs anyway. As mentioned - stomp types are already color coded.

    I’m sorry you’re not finding like-minded people, but at least to me you’re looking for a problem to go with the solution. Disagreeing isn’t being difficult. It’s a difference of opinion. Nothing more.

    The Profiler is pretty simple to organize as-is.

  • Its like people answer with something irrelevant. I not talking the little colours on effects types at all RUEFUS, im talking just like you can go to settings an change colour of your screen, that you can set this in with profiles. I must be on planet nu nu if im the only one thinks this be great. I use browser mode an if you have 30 captures one day of a amp, an you move on, you could designate red as a favorite. Or have a whole capture of a certain day and amp one colour. Anyway I would personally like it.

  • Interesting. However I spend most of my time in Performance Mode. Perhaps there's a use to see what Performance I'm in without trying to read the name, but not which rig, as each one is lit on the remote footswitches anyway when engaged.

    As for the profiles stored on the unit itself in Browse mode, I can't see a use for it but as long as I wasn't forced to take it I'd be fine with that. In Rig Manager, I have so many profiles, that I organise them by profile maker and pack (I've just accumulated them over the years!) and colour wouldn't do much for me there...

    Kemper Powered Head / Stage / Powered Kabinet

    Edited once, last by missionman (February 28, 2023 at 12:30 PM).

  • Quote: “I just wanted to see what peeps think. ”

    Everyone here tends to be exceptionally polite and gracious towards others.

    It’s an extremely well moderated forum and strongly characterised by mutual respect toward everyone.

    With regard to your cosmetic request, I think BayouTexan nailed the salient point earlier: “That in the digital world everything requires processing power”.

    My observation has been, that excellent manufacturers like Kemper, attempt to squeeze every possible practical advantage and useful feature from the available processing chips size.

    I’ve been intimately involved with German manufacturers for a long time and its difficult for individuals from many cultures to properly comprehend just how profoundly focussed on “efficiency” the Teutonic mind set is.

    If we accept that as true, and I believe it to be so.

    Then the question that actually arises from the notion that is the theme of this thread is as follows:

    “What aspect, factor, element, feature or practically useful utility that currently has been implemented in the Kemper profiling amplifier that everyone currently warmly appreciates, do you think should to be entirely dispensed with, in order to accommodate your desire for colour coding amplifier names?

    With all possible respect, if instead of purely considering the notion behind this thread.

    One reflects upon the probable actual implications, that actively implementing it might result in.

    It may be possible to gain a realistic perspective as to why it might not actually be, the advantage it first seems.

    In the same way, on a more general point.

    If politicians actually thought through the various notions they come up with.

    And thoroughly considered, the eventual possible outcomes, that might be likely, if they implemented them.

    They probably would conclude that upon reflection, it is probably better for all of us, if they didn’t ever pursue that course of action at all.

  • Its like people answer with something irrelevant. I not talking the little colours on effects types at all RUEFUS, im talking just like you can go to settings an change colour of your screen, that you can set this in with profiles. I must be on planet nu nu if im the only one thinks this be great. I use browser mode an if you have 30 captures one day of a amp, an you move on, you could designate red as a favorite. Or have a whole capture of a certain day and amp one colour. Anyway I would personally like it.

    The screen does change colour for different effect types is what Rufus meant I think.

    So you want to allocate a colour to a rig ( I don't think there would be a logical way to auto allocate unless done by gain level)? Obviously there would be a limit on colours ( I guess its probably around 16??).

    Hmm for people who struggle to read I can see it might be useful but certainly not high on my agenda..

  • Its like people answer with something irrelevant. I not talking the little colours on effects types at all RUEFUS, im talking just like you can go to settings an change colour of your screen, that you can set this in with profiles. I must be on planet nu nu if im the only one thinks this be great. I use browser mode an if you have 30 captures one day of a amp, an you move on, you could designate red as a favorite. Or have a whole capture of a certain day and amp one colour. Anyway I would personally like it.

    Irrelevant? Let's give colors we've already assigned to a different function a second function. No, that's not potentially confusing at all. One thing having two meanings.

    Talk to Tone Junkie. after dragging his gear cross-country, HW did over 500 captures over 3 days while holed up in Josh Scott's house.

    He then culled that down to 7 amps and 81 profiles to create the current JHS amp pack.

    Without colors.

  • Irrelevant? Let's give colors we've already assigned to a different function a second function. No, that's not potentially confusing at all. One thing having two meanings.

    Talk to Tone Junkie. after dragging his gear cross-country, HW did over 500 captures over 3 days while holed up in Josh Scott's house.

    He then culled that down to 7 amps and 81 profiles to create the current JHS amp pack.

    Without colors.

    ill let you try an catch on. Now ya talking about tone junkie, underwhelmed

    Edited once, last by goldensheaf (February 28, 2023 at 1:25 PM).

  • The screen does change colour for different effect types is what Rufus meant I think.

    So you want to allocate a colour to a rig ( I don't think there would be a logical way to auto allocate unless done by gain level)? Obviously there would be a limit on colours ( I guess its probably around 16??).

    Hmm for people who struggle to read I can see it might be useful but certainly not high on my agenda..

    Yes what I mean is if you have a fav profile, you can give the screen a colour if wish. When its finished an all done you can have this. I do not mean in the menus or the leds on the stomps. It means I could have say all my matchless rig one colour, or all my pedal only rigs one colour. As someone who uses browse mode it be very helpfull as 100 profiles before you can forget what ya did for the profile. Thanks for catching on. There like 60 colours right? I do not see if bein a problem power wise when it does it browsing effects already. Anyway thats just my thought

  • Seriously - a guy took 500 captures in 3 days and had no problem sorting them to find favorites.

    …and you don’t care how he does it?

    That you don’t care how he organized them says you don’t want advice or suggestions. You want us to agree with you.

    I know exactly what you’re asking for. I disagree that it’s a good idea.

  • This suggestion sounds to me like a workaround to a better thought naming convention for the profiles (Match-, Ped-, and so for).

    I wouldn't like the screen to change color like a Xmas tree, and hope that the developer team is busy with something more exciting (OS 9.0?:P:P:P)

    If something is too complicated, then you need to learn it better