Stereo or mono

  • Hi guys! I've been playing in stereo for a long time, but at last gig sound guy sad that there is a phase issue and signals are canceling each other. How do toy avoid this problem, or should i just run a mono out? I've tried double tracker and sound seems not tight and chorusy.

  • TBH its one of the reasons I run mono.

    Unless you want to use ping pongs or make use of stereo panning I struggle to see the real point. I know stereo is a bit more than that but I still think you can get depth from your chorus's, reverbs etc...

  • TBH its one of the reasons I run mono.

    Unless you want to use ping pongs or make use of stereo panning I struggle to see the real point. I know stereo is a bit more than that but I still think you can get depth from your chorus's, reverbs etc...

    I use many deferent delays and they are so great in stereo, but maybe it's time to try mono:)

  • I do a mixture of both. One band in stereo and one in mono. I think the distance apart of FOH can be an issue. Mind, I’m on in ears and my sound is great in stereo. I’m not sure if any of the punters would care. I guess if you’re doing bigger gigs, mono is the way to go

    A brace of Suhrs, a Charvel, a toaster, an Apollo twin, a Mac, and a DXR10

  • I do a mixture of both. One band in stereo and one in mono. I think the distance apart of FOH can be an issue. Mind, I’m on in ears and my sound is great in stereo. I’m not sure if any of the punters would care. I guess if you’re doing bigger gigs, mono is the way to go

    i use in ears too and everything sound great. we played in small club and sound guy said that their is a phase issue, so he flipped over the phase on one channel

  • The problem with stereo in a live situation is that most of the audience isn't in the stereo field. Only a (small) handful of people are in the sweet spot right out front and benefit. The rest hear more of one side. The result can be strange and not what's intended.

    Many bands don't realize that sound engineers will often recognize that the room (or FOH system) won't support stereo very well. Even at its widest, the stereo field is still narrow. They'll sum stereo signals at the board and feel no need to tell you. It sounds better in the room (which is their job - and their reputation) and saves huge arguments that band members (one way or the other) lose.

  • The problem with stereo in a live situation is that most of the audience isn't in the stereo field. Only a (small) handful of people are in the sweet spot right out front and benefit. The rest hear more of one side. The result can be strange and not what's intended.

    Many bands don't realize that sound engineers will often recognize that the room (or FOH system) won't support stereo very well. Even at its widest, the stereo field is still narrow. They'll sum stereo signals at the board and feel no need to tell you. It sounds better in the room (which is their job - and their reputation) and saves huge arguments that band members (one way or the other) lose.

    Good point, thanks! I'm always for the better sound of the whole band, so maybe i'll leave stereo just for in ears.

  • Even at its widest, the stereo field is still narrow. They'll sum stereo signals at the board and feel no need to tell you.

    I made the move from stage to FOH 30 plus years ago, never have ran stereo. It's enough of a battle getting decent coverage and an overall good balance of a live band in a room with all the elements that are already in play without adding an extra obstacle. You do your best to accommodate the talent so they're performance isn't hampered by you and a mix that can be enjoyed by the audience. Just a side note, I also keep dead channels that are labeled for those that like to offer their assistance, 99 percent of the time moving those faders will resolve whatever problem they perceive.

    But at home, I sold my mono power amp and got a Powerstage 700 along with a second 112 raw cabinet and speaker (still in the box) a few months ago, I can't hardly wait to have glorious stereo in the house! But alas, to many home improvement projects are interfering with completing my dream rig🥴

  • It's a simpler way to go all around, but you can also talk with the sound engineer to see what they think. When it works, it *is* glorious. :)we

    we have a chat and he told that little delay between channels will fix the problem. i've tried the double tracker, but the sound isn't good, so i started this thread:)

  • If you run the doubler in stereo and let FOH sum to mono then you still should get a "fatter" sound than just mono alone. However, I do this technique when mixing and it sounds great...

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    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.