Harmony Question

  • One thing that I can never seem to wrap my head around with the Kemper is how to set it for correct harmony notes.

    For example, what should be a REALLY simple tune, is beyond me. I'm trying to figure out what to set the parameters to in order to play the harmony part in Robert Palmer's "Bad Case of Loving You." Link to the song is below. Skip to 1:30 to get to the part I'm talking about. It's a really simple harmony with the lead guitar playing on the "B" string at the 15th fret and ultimately ending on the 12th fret just before the solo starts. The low harmony plays on the "G" string bending at the 14th fret and then ending on the 14th fret of the "D" string.

    I put the Harmonic Pitch effect in the "x" stomp, and set it to the key of E, with voice 1 interval set to -4th. This sounds right for the first half of the harmony, but when I end on the 12th fret, it's still playing the 4th below and the correct harmony is the 5th below. How do I set this so that the Kemper knows to play the 4th below for the first part of the harmony, but switch to the 5th below for the end note?

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  • As Finally says, i would probably just try and play it manually.

    However, if you want to use the harmonizer you would create a custom scale. For each note that you play set the scale interval to play the correct harmony note. For example, lets say the key is selected as Cmajor and you want to play the notes C E FG but you want the harmony notes to be G B A B above your notes. Your scale intervals would be

    step 0 = +7

    Step 1 = N/A ( anything you want as you don’t play it.)

    Step 2 = N/A

    step 3 = N/A

    Step 4 = +11

    step 5 = +9

    step 6 = N/A

    Step 7 = +11

    step 8 = N/A

    Step 9 = N/A

    Step 10 =N/A

    Step 11 = N/A

    this took me a ridiculous amount of time to work out correctly using my fingers to count semi tones for note names for both the played not (scale step) and harmony notes and check everything was correct. It would have taken less than 5 seconds if Kemper allowed the ability to enter note musical intervals and/or note names. :rolleyes:

  • Yip. I think I'm going to go with the approach that Finally suggested. Wheresthedug if I tried doing all of what you wrote, my head would explode. That one small harmony part isn't worth it considering it's just a cover tune. haha

    Its a great song BTW!

    That would be a good feature request - i.e. to switch between intervals and actual notes ( although obviously need to be able to state which actual note i.e. which octave).

  • Its a great song BTW!

    That would be a good feature request - i.e. to switch between intervals and actual notes ( although obviously need to be able to state which actual note i.e. which octave).

    I'm surprised there isn't a way to do this with an expression pedal (like the old Whammy pedals). Switch from one set harmony in the heel down position and to another harmony in toe down. Could probably do it with morphing.

  • You can do some harmony changes with the pitch pedal instead of the harmoniser effect but for something like this I would be easier to just play it live or program a user scale.


    I just checked and you can actually morph the interval on the Harmonic Pitch Shift.

    I'm not sure if this is a bug or current intended behaviour but you can't set Morph in Rig Manger by moving your footswtich then adjusting a value. This still works on the Profiler itself but not in Rig Manager. The only way to set Morph in RM is to hold "cmd" (Mac not sure what it is on Windows) then change the value.

  • A long time ago I put a pedal controlled steel guitar effect in rig exchange. I think it might’ve been before morphing. Search for my username, and you’ll find it.

    It’s not the kind sound you’re looking for, but if you turn off one of the pitch voices, you can set the other one to Change the interval of the pitch shift.

  • If anyone has problems to find the right values for the intervals,
    maybe my excel macro can help
    Easyer way to create user scales using Excel Macro

    because it might be confusing, the Note H(B) means the german H wich is otherwise known as B.

    That is a fantastic little tool. It also shows how easy it would be to create a simple GUI in the Kemper itself that allowed users to enter intervals in the most intuitive format for each individual user.

  • Here's a thought, if you have the remote, and it's only for this tune, use two harmonisers (one in mod one in x). One a fourth below and one a fifth below. Assign one of the remote buttons to switch between them with one press. You'd need to keep your wits about you though.

    A brace of Suhrs, a Charvel, a toaster, an Apollo twin, a Mac, and a DXR10