If I could only assign the Morph pedal to.....

  • If I could only assign the Morph pedal to..... the Clean Sense... it would be perfection for me.

    I do not use pedals or effects (besides delay and Reverb)

    Most of my tones are on the edge of breakup.

    The only "boost" I use is the Clean Sense

    It would be amazing if I could control it mid playing in case I need a little more "umph"!


    Edited once, last by ElectroFuzz (December 17, 2022 at 6:19 AM).

  • Just out of curiosity, what is better for you about using clean sense as opposed to the pure booster or the gain knob?

    I suppose the clean sense is designed as a set and forget type of thing to balance overall volume between amps, can’t see it being added.

    New talent management advice to Laura Cox -

    “Laura want to break the internet? let’s shoot another video of you covering the Nightrain solo in the blue singlet, but this time we’ll crank up the air conditioning”.

  • The purpose of Clean Sens is to balance the loudness of clean versus distorted sounds, which is dependent on guitar, pickups and playing. It is not intended to act as a dynamic booster. There are other tools and parameters to achieve that, which can be controlled via pedal e.g. Volume Pedal located at Input or Pre Stack or Wah Bedal Boost or morphing other volumeparameters pre Stack.

  • Just out of curiosity, what is better for you about using clean sense as opposed to the pure booster or the gain knob?

    I suppose the clean sense is designed as a set and forget type of thing to balance overall volume between amps, can’t see it being added.

    Let's say you have a great preset but the sound is a little bit muffled.

    By boosting the clean sense you add more definition.

    It sounds the same but it sticks out more a little more in the mix.

    Note it's not gain, just more of the clean tone for definition.

    Yes I can find a workaround but the clean sense is fast, easy and works every time.

  • Let's say you have a great preset but the sound is a little bit muffled.

    By boosting the clean sense you add more definition.

    It sounds the same but it sticks out more a little more in the mix.

    Note it's not gain, just more of the clean tone for definition.

    Yes I can find a workaround but the clean sense is fast, easy and works every time.

    there is a parameter in the amp section called “definition” and that can be morphed. I find that this is the first control I touch whenever a profile is a little brittle or a little dull. I also liken it to a pickup position adjuster. Dial a profile to sound good in the bridge pup and the neck will be too dark. Sound good for neck pup, bridge is too bright. A nudge on the definition allows one profile to work on both pups.

  • Let's say you have a great preset but the sound is a little bit muffled.

    By boosting the clean sense you add more definition.

    It sounds the same but it sticks out more a little more in the mix.

    Note it's not gain, just more of the clean tone for definition.

    Yes I can find a workaround but the clean sense is fast, easy and works every time.

    When you make something louder it always sticks out in the mix more. Clean sense just makes the cleans louder relative to the dirty sounds.It should make no difference to any rig with gain above around 3 - 4 as these are treated as dirty. I have just tested this and it works as expected UNLESS you have a compressor on. In this case Clean sense does change the sound by adding more gain. I suspect this is a bug rather than a feature though.

    It is not something the Kemper are ever likely to make morphable because it just doesn't make sense to do so. There are plenty of morphable parameters that can make any sound more defined.

  • there is a parameter in the amp section called “definition” and that can be morphed. I find that this is the first control I touch whenever a profile is a little brittle or a little dull. I also liken it to a pickup position adjuster. Dial a profile to sound good in the bridge pup and the neck will be too dark. Sound good for neck pup, bridge is too bright. A nudge on the definition allows one profile to work on both pups.

    Yes that's a good start, probably definition combined with Rig volume will give similar results.

    Like I said, workaround is possible but I am here for wishes, they asked and I replied.

    It would cost practically nothing and it will not negatively affect no one.


  • Sorry, the way you have been using Clean Sens is not in line with its meaning. You are free to do so, fine. But we are not planning to enhance the misuse and by doing so encourage others to drive the misuse even further. It had been a conscious decision not to enable morphing of Clean Sens. Morphing is not in line with the true purpose of Clean Sens.