Kemper Kabinet - it should be able to take DAW direct input in the Aux input

  • I think where the use case seems a bit odd to me is amp sims obviously are a full range simulation and so best suited to FRFR or studio monitors which are full range speakers.

    If I understand correctly what you describe is the "amp in the room sound" that is missing from the Sims via a DAW? That now makes sense to me in what you are potentially asking and there is a bit of holy grail in this - how do you get that on stage feel in a studio, usually at lower volume using FRFR type solutions.

    If I am correct, then you are right in that the purpose of the Kabinet was to try and achieve that (I think successfully). Unfortunately, the answer is still the same which the "magic" from the Kabinet is actually in the KPA, not the Kone. So it's very unlikely to achieve what you need - in fact logic would suggest it would be worse as its further removed from a guitar speaker and closer to a HiFi speaker.

    The alternatives I was referencing is more along the lines of more guitar focussed FRFR solutions e.g. headrush and other options in a similar vein.

    Hopefully that helps ?

    Yeah, you're not wrong. I think I was just trying to suggest that from a different perspective, this is pretty logical - as logical as a kemper player wanting to play through the kabinet, that's all!

  • Yeah, you're not wrong. I think I was just trying to suggest that from a different perspective, this is pretty logical - as logical as a kemper player wanting to play through the kabinet, that's all!

    Please take this in the spirit its meant but that is why I asked the's always better to start with the problem/requirement than the solution.

    On this forum, you never know what people already know. In this case your request was flawed because of not knowing how the kone worked. In other words, it's not logical to want to play through the Kabinet without the Kemper because it's designed to work with it, even as an FRFR. If you didn't know that then it could seem logical..

    Anyway, I hope you have the answer now as we've done this to death a bit :)

  • Please take this in the spirit its meant but that is why I asked the's always better to start with the problem/requirement than the solution.

    On this forum, you never know what people already know. In this case your request was flawed because of not knowing how the kone worked. In other words, it's not logical to want to play through the Kabinet without the Kemper because it's designed to work with it, even as an FRFR. If you didn't know that then it could seem logical..

    Anyway, I hope you have the answer now as we've done this to death a bit :)

    Your second point is correct. But I would suggest that the manual does not make this point clear and judging by everyone's posts here aside from support, that fact was unknown to many. Also, the wording in the manual and marketing material makes what I suggested sound possible...this forum is full of strange attitudes though so I guess everyone is about to claim they understood the kabinet is not frfr at all and can only act that way if the kemper is making it so.

    As a professional problem solver, I might surprise you to say that I wouldn't agree with your first point actually (at least in real life, maybe in guitar world that's the right way though). :)

  • From the manual:

    KEMPER Kone

    As you have read in the chapter The Sound of Guitar Cabinets versus Mic'ed Speakers, the PROFILER can run linear speakers for monitor purposes, as well as traditional guitar cabinets. However, our company also provides a specialized speaker solution for the ultimate in sonic variety: the KEMPER Kone™ is a speaker that allows for a linear reproduction of your Rigs, as well as mimicking several classic guitar speakers.

    The KEMPER Kone is available in three form factors:

    ·       Built into a KEMPER Power Kabinet, it’s the perfect companion for unpowered PROFILER models Stage, Head, and Rack, but could also be used with PowerHead and PowerRack. With two Power Kabinets, you can enjoy stereo sound with any PROFILER model.

    ·       The unpowered KEMPER Kabinet is the perfect match for PowerHead and PowerRack models with its built-in power amplifier.

    ·       KEMPER Kone chassis are also available as a replacement speaker-fitting in any 1x12, 2x12 or 4x12 cabinet designed for 12-inch speakers, either open or closed. You can drive these unpowered cabinets via the SPEAKER OUTPUT of a PowerHead or PowerRack. Alternatively, you can attach an external solid-state power amplifier to the MONITOR OUTPUT of your unpowered PROFILER Stage, Head, or Rack.

    The choice is yours!

    KEMPER Kone Mode

    ¨   KEMPER Kone

    The KEMPER Kone is fully controlled by the software of your PROFILER. Please activate its “intelligence”, navigate to the “KEMPER Kone” page in the Output Section and press the soft button labeled “KEMPER Kone”.

    You will find three familiar parameters that we have mirrored on the KEMPER Kone page for your convenience: Monitor Volume, Monitor Stereo and Monitor Cab Off. When Monitor Cab Off is not highlighted, the KEMPER Kone works in full-range mode.

    ¨   Bass Boost

    The KEMPER Kone has been designed to have a perfect tone when the cabinet sits on the floor. Whenever you lift a cabinet into free space, it will lose a certain amount of the bass fundamental, as the mirroring of the floor will attenuate it. This effect can be compensated by pressing “Bass Boost”, which adds 3 dB to the low frequencies.

    ¨   Sweetening

    The full-range mode of the KEMPER Kone is extremely linear — for some of us, it might even be too linear. The high-quality monitors/PA speakers used with digital guitar amps will often emphasize the low and high frequencies — this makes the sound more appealing and allows for an increase in volume level without causing ear fatigue. The "Sweetening” parameter allows continuous control over the level of this emphasis. At full left position, there is no emphasis at all. At full right, the low and high frequencies will be emphasized by 6 dB, while the overall volume stays roughly the same.


    Let us know, if you find a location, where we unintendedly promote the KEMPER Kone or KEMPER Kabinet standalone and without PROFILER attached.

  • I've already quoted the manual where it is somewhat mislreading in my opinion - it's on the next page or the page after what you quoted where it talks about using the Aux - I've directly quoted it in a post earlier in this thread - so scroll up and you'll find it. You've strawmanned my point a little bit as it makes no comment on whether you can use it or not without the Kemper, but makes a comment about using music through the aux input and being able to have that as FRFR (as I've pointed out, I don't have a kabinet and didn't realize until pointed out there is no aux input on it and that the aux input referenced which I quoted is the Kemper's aux). If you don't see that it's a bit confusing, that's cool with me - but I'm not the only one who read it and didn't think that the FRFR mode was basically an imprint vs. a default state that the Aux input could use (I asked all the guitar players I know well here in LA and they thought it indicated the same).

  • Since I didn't find any concrete quote referenced in your messages, I scanned the following pages in the KEMPER Kone chapter and found this related to Aux In:

    ·       A signal on the Aux Input fed to the MONITOR OUTPUT by using the “Aux In >Monitor” control will be processed by the KEMPER Kone intelligence as well. It will always be processed in full-range mode, even if you play your Rigs in Speaker Imprint mode (Monitor Cab Off active).

    ·       Use two cabinets equipped with KEMPER Kones as a mini PA, maybe for a spontaneous party. Feed your music into the Aux Input in stereo, as classic PROFILER models activate Monitor Stereo, use a stereo power amp into the cabinets. Only the guitar-speaker-like dispersion will make your cabinets sound different to a regular PA.

    Even if you ignore the whole context and earlier passages of that chapter, I think, it's clear, there is always a PROFILER involved.

    Electrically you could feed any line level signal into the KEMPER Power Kabinet and it might produce results like comparable full-range cabinets, but it only lives up to its full capacities if fed with the intelligence of the PROFILER. And that is the exclusive way we promote it.

  • Since I didn't find any concrete quote referenced in your messages, I scanned the following pages in the KEMPER Kone chapter and found this related to Aux In:

    ·       A signal on the Aux Input fed to the MONITOR OUTPUT by using the “Aux In >Monitor” control will be processed by the KEMPER Kone intelligence as well. It will always be processed in full-range mode, even if you play your Rigs in Speaker Imprint mode (Monitor Cab Off active).

    ·       Use two cabinets equipped with KEMPER Kones as a mini PA, maybe for a spontaneous party. Feed your music into the Aux Input in stereo, as classic PROFILER models activate Monitor Stereo, use a stereo power amp into the cabinets. Only the guitar-speaker-like dispersion will make your cabinets sound different to a regular PA.

    Even if you ignore the whole context and earlier passages of that chapter, I think, it's clear, there is always a PROFILER involved.

    Electrically you could feed any line level signal into the KEMPER Power Kabinet and it might produce results like comparable full-range cabinets, but it only lives up to its full capacities if fed with the intelligence of the PROFILER. And that is the exclusive way we promote it.

    The second paragraph there is what I'm quoted exactly. And the first sentence refers to two kabinets. The second sentence then talks about feeding into the aux input. If you don't see that it could be confusing to someone that the aux input referred to in that paragraph is in the kemper, that's all good with me, I'm not trying to change your marketing/info materials - so not sure what the purpose is here if you disagree. If you don't mind that a dozen or so guitarists/engineers read it the same way, it's ok with me.

    Re: your last paragraph, I'm not sure what living up to its full capabilities means exactly, but the very thing you mentioned there about feeding that line signal in and it maybe performing as a FRFR is EXACTLY what i was hoping to see/hear feedback in this thread! Still crossing my fingers someone is out there who wants to tell us about this...

  • Your second point is correct. But I would suggest that the manual does not make this point clear and judging by everyone's posts here aside from support, that fact was unknown to many. Also, the wording in the manual and marketing material makes what I suggested sound possible...this forum is full of strange attitudes though so I guess everyone is about to claim they understood the kabinet is not frfr at all and can only act that way if the kemper is making it so.

    As a professional problem solver, I might surprise you to say that I wouldn't agree with your first point actually (at least in real life, maybe in guitar world that's the right way though). :)

    OK, just trying to help with context here.

    I have never read the manual, I just know what ther Kabinet is for from the marketing. It's not an FRFR speaker, its designed to compliment the KPA. I didn't know that it needs the the KPA to do the FRFR capability but that's not the point for me - it's the "amp in the room" emulation you really were after (having tried to reverse engineer the problem from your solution).

    Yes it does suprise me that you would always start with the solution before the requirement. In fact it doesn't make sense. You cannot solve the problem without knowing the problem, else you are looking for problems with any solution - and I come from the IT would of business Analysis, so no not the case in the guitar world.

    Anyway hope you get it sorted.

  • The second paragraph there is what I'm quoted exactly. And the first sentence refers to two kabinets. The second sentence then talks about feeding into the aux input. If you don't see that it could be confusing to someone that the aux input referred to in that paragraph is in the kemper, that's all good with me, I'm not trying to change your marketing/info materials - so not sure what the purpose is here if you disagree. If you don't mind that a dozen or so guitarists/engineers read it the same way, it's ok with me.

    Re: your last paragraph, I'm not sure what living up to its full capabilities means exactly, but the very thing you mentioned there about feeding that line signal in and it maybe performing as a FRFR is EXACTLY what i was hoping to see/hear feedback in this thread! Still crossing my fingers someone is out there who wants to tell us about this...

    There is a reference to the PROFILER setting "Monitor Stereo" within the same sentence. Why, if this was about a standalone aux in mode where the signal gets directly fed into the Kabinet without PROFILER involvement? It appears, you took a half sentence out of context.