• So IK claimed it will sound just like the real deal. Well we have heard that countless times about amp sims from devs.

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  • You can easily hear the difference on the highs on the plugin which is just a nasty sound.

    Only about two tones sound decent on those two videos above to my ears. I think you can get away with plugins for death metal because, well... it's death metal.

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

  • I've been trying it and having very mixed results. Kemper may not always get it perfect every time, but its always close and you have the ability to fine tune and correct things yourself.

    Some of the results I've been getting have ranged from much more accurate than a kemper to significantly less accurate. And on my computer, it takes 2 hours to make their highest quality capture, which is a huge trade off. It might go somewhere but its a seriously premature release as it stands.

    btw that video with the Friedman above is mine, I've also done some others of other amps.

  • Meh. I'm a big IK Multimedia fan (mainly their soft synths and iLoud Micro speakers), but this sounds about the same as Amplitube.

    My Kemper and S-Gear plugin is safe. S-Gear sounds superior to Tonex.

    The key to everything is patience.
    You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.
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    If it doesn't produce results, don't do it.

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  • Amp vs Tonex vs Kemper. I think it sounds pretty, pretty good.

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  • when it works properly, the results are quite good. The main issues are how long it takes to make a model, and the quality of the captures varies a ton.

    Kemper has huge advantages in those regards - even if the accuracy isn't quite as good, you could make tons of profiles in the time ToneX takes to make one, and you have more control to edit parameters afterwards. I think for the most part both can be indistinguishable.

    ToneX does sound a bit more accurate to my ear, but sometimes it lacks a little bass and sometimes the attacks soften. Its not perfect, but it fills a void that the Kemper doesn't (and the Kemper does lots that ToneX doesn't).

  • Tonex vs Quad Cortex vs Kemper

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  • I bought Tonex Max.

    It is buggy right now, and the UI is pretty bad imo.

    But the “Tone Models” sound and feel great.

    I was surprised by the first video fredrikn posted above. The Kemper was way off. I have seen many other videos where the Kemper was much closer to the amp. I wonder if he did something wrong while profiling.

    I think Tonex is at least as accurate. Hopefully they’ll fix the bugs and rework the UI soon.

    The usefulness of having these captures as a plug in in the DAW cannot be overstated. I would love to see a Kemper VST.

  • capturing a preset from another device doesn’t really give you the experience of using the original device. It actually annoys me a bit that people care so much about modelling a modeller when there are so many cool amps and cabs out there. But I suppose that’s the fun of it

  • I gave it a spin today and.... I didn't formed an opinion yet but I must say I enjoyed playing some of the presets and that's a big positive.

    I did not expect that. It's usually listen and uninstall immediately for me but this one will get a second look for sure.


  • Real amp vs ToneX vs Kemper vs Quad Cortex comparison, with null testing.

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  • Listened with better speakers and the Kemper sounds a little compressed compared to the real thing. The cortex also sounded compressed to me and he did not say anything about that.

    As he stated in the video, if you were hearing this stuff live at a venue it would be impossible to notice. They all sound pretty damn amazing.

    The other thing to think about is what can you do with it after you profile it. The Kemper gives you a lot of options to fix things up you may have missed when profiling. And to me Rig Manager is the best UI for making sounds I have ever used. That is worth way more than a 3-5% difference in sound.

    I wonder how these shootouts would sound if the Kemper Amp EQ was set to PRE. I often wonder if that is what is making it sound so muted/compressed. There is a crucial freq that is getting squashed or removed. You can hear it in this vid. If it was set to PRE that freq would still be there and I bet it would get closer.