Increase Captured Profile Level

  • Help me understand how the profiling process establishes the level of the capture?

    I'm finding that I have to increase the rig or amp level as much as 6 to 8 dB on some captures to get a comparable level to other profiles (eg. Tone Junkie, M Britt, Top Jimi).

    It seems that the return level during the capture is auto-adjusting, and perhaps limiting the level of the capture... if I try to increase the return level it knocks it back down.

    Capture levels also seem to be greater on clean tones, while overdriven tones seem lower levels.

    Insight is helpful and appreciated, thanks...

  • Have you set input sens in a way that clean and distorted profiles have roughly the asame loudness?

    I believe you mean "clean sens"? I've explored the parameter, and with "clean sens" set to 0 dB (and "dist sens" also at 0 dB) I'm hearing a balanced loudness for clean and distorted tones, for example with MBritt clean and distorted profiles of the same amp.

    However if I capture a profile and compare it to the same MBritt profile (or any other commercial profile) my created profile may need a 6 to 8 dB boost for equal loudness when comparing the profiles.

    The profiles I am capturing are overdriven (not clean) profiles, and the imbalance seems to be relating to overdriven tones.

    Edited once, last by dradlin (July 12, 2022 at 11:55 PM).

  • The manual reads...

    "Adjust the “Return level” parameter so that the LED shows green at input signals. An exact adjustment is not necessary, the correct volume will be found automatically by the PROFILING algorithm."

    It seems to me that on overdriven captures "the correct volume will be found automatically by the PROFILING algorithm" is about 6 to 8 dB lower than what I'm hearing on comparable commercial profiles... the crux of my issue.

    So I'm seeking ways to effect/influence the captured level.

  • It is possible that some commercial Profiles have the Rig Volume or Amp Volume set higher, simply to appear louder and therefore 'better' than the competition.
    The loudness war is everywhere ;)

    The profiles that I am comparing to for purpose of balancing loudness have rig volumes set to 0 and amp volumes range from about 0 to 1.5 dB.

  • I Mean:

    - 1 set the KPA in profiler mode,

    - 2 Connect the complete signal chain you want to profile as Usual,

    (let's say with the Volume of Your amplifier at 5)

    -3 Press Profile (kpa sends an audio test signal and auto adjust the level)

    - 4 now turn up the Volume of Your amplifier from 5 to 5.5 or 6

    - 5 Refine the profile

    - 6 Save the profile

    Do what above twice to get 2 profiles:

    one without point 4 and one with point 4.

    Compare the 2 profiles.

    I Guess the 2nd one is a bit Louder than the first.

  • :D:D:D 👌

    seriously try it if you can.

    Maybe that's why professional profiles are so GOOD.

    as DonPetersen said the war of loudness is everywhere.

    back to Your former question how the profiling process establishes the level of the capture? I don't really know. Sorry.

    Maybe somebody in kemper's staff is allowed to explain it.

    I Know inside the profiler there's the ancient "Crunch" profile that is a sort of Master/First Profile ever made by ckemper himself (the genious big boss behinde all of this "magical" process.)

    Maybe that profile is still used by every machine as Reference "loudness" profile initilaly.

    I Also remind that it's recomended in the manual to adjust every profile according to that one.

  • I have recently been messing around with IRs a lot. IRs come as WAV files (uncompressed audio). So you can edit them in an audio editor.

    IRs in theory are the result of passing an IMPULSE (very short square wave, 1 sample wide) into a circuit/amp/speaker etc. The result is normally an exponentionally damped sine wave looking thing. It has a large peak that oscillates as it disappears.

    When I edit these files in an audio editor, the large peak gets smashed down. These "edited" IRs are normally 3 dB louder once implemented.

    I am not saying this is what the OP is experiencing. Every profile I have ever made in the Kemper seems to be the same loudness as the M.Britt stuff I have purchased. Or even stuff off the Rig Exchange once you turn the AMP vol to 0.