Kemper Stage lost input

  • Hello,

    I'm having the same issue with my Power Rack and emailed support yesterday. I upgraded on 4 July 22 to the 8.7.6. It was after that point that I first experienced this happening. I saw this week that 8.7.8 was released and in the Change Log is addressed "accidental loss of sound" so I upgraded. I still have the issue, in fact it's occurring more often.

    Which OS version is installed? ( I don't run betas)

    Currently 8.7.8

    While the issue is present:

    Is any expression pedal connected and what if you unplug that pedal?

    Yes, expression pedal was connected. I have not tested unplugging but will this afternoon.

    Can you still change Tempo via TAP button?

    I have not tested this but will this afternoon.

    What if you dial Input Source regardless which value it shows?

    I tried changing input settings (originally set to Front, which is what I use) but it had no effect.

    What if you reset all global settings via "Init Globals" in System Settings, while the issue is present?

    I have not done this as I was afraid I might lose settings, rigs, profiles, etc. If this is a safe action, I will test this afternoon as well.

    Gig planned for this Saturday, so I'm stressing a bit on this...

    Edited 2 times, last by AZRipp (July 20, 2022 at 10:04 PM).

  • Kevin,

    Just put an older OS file on a thumb drive formatted with the Kemper into you amp and you will be able to roll it back to a previous version. My band had a short notice rehearsal last night so I couldn't test any more on the 8.7.8 release. I flashed back to the version prior to 8.7.6 and my Power Rack ran perfectly for at least 4 hours. For me the issue raised it's ugly head on 8.7.6 and 8.7.8 didn't fix it for me either.


  • Has this issue been fixed in 8.7.10? I’m playing at Wacken tomorrow and during a pre-production rehearsal today this sudden loss of input happened, which feels scary. Rebooting solved the issue. I’m wondering if I should upgrade the firmware before the show.

  • I find a new ticket related to "Updating analogboard firmware" linked to your e-mail. The message appears during the startup cycle. My support collegue is further investigating it with you. However, it might be hardware related.

    This particular thread here is about a loss if input signal during normal operation in Performance Mode. One switches from one Slot to another and in that moment the input signal gets lost. The user interface works normally but the INPUT LED doesn't reflect any guitar signal anymore. This issue has been reported a few times since OS 8.7.6. Since OS 8.7.10 this issue has not been reported anymore.

    When "Updating analogboard firmware" appears you cannot operate the unit. You don't see the normal user interface. It could be a defective circuit or a defective internal connection. It can happen with any OS.

  • We have just published OS 8.7.17 as public beta version. This revision avoids the accidental loss of input signal in Performance Mode.

    OS 8.7.10 release is safe. However, you can also upgrade to OS 8.7.17 public beta. Rig Manager will suggest the upgrade, if beta versions are selected in your Rig Manager prefererences. You can also download at OPerating System beta Versions" and install via USB flash drive. Instructions are included in the download package.