I have to do all this to sing?

  • I want to begin to add my vocals to some demo mixes but this is a whole other job! Geez! It's hard enough to try and sing and now this?

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    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

  • I have the Behringer B-1. Sounds great. Not on me. But on real singers. And they dropped the price recently also $89 US.

    But I have also recorded good singers with a $30 garbage dynamic mic and they still sound awesome :)

    All you need is any mic, plug it into the Kemper and you are good to go. Its got all the Comp, EQ, Amps, Verb, Delay, etc you could ever need.

  • Simplest method is to drink a bottle o' whiskey the night before, get up early and record without warming up your vocal chords.

    If you want grit, that is... :D


    My top tip is high-pass filtration. The single factor that screams "demo!" to me more than any other is bassey vocals.

    So, back off (distance) from the mic and high-pass the recorded tracks. Honestly, this makes a huge difference.

  • I want to begin to add my vocals to some demo mixes but this is a whole other job! Geez! It's hard enough to try and sing and now this?

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  • Best advice I can provide after 6 months of vocal work , is to work out your vocals everyday , 2nd one is to invest in a good vocal preamp ( mine is a art voice channel, I also use it on folk and trumpet !)

    SM7B to KPA is great, as stated above , you can use all the great delays & verbs and record a dry signal as well.

    There is a huge part of work at DAW on post prod , editing & FX chain tuning, this will make all the difference.

  • Best advice I can give:

    Train singing intensely if you havent already :)

    Focus not only on pitch, but also on rhythm of singing when training and recording.

    Record yourself while training.

    Train in front of a mirror - so you can se e g if you open your mouth properly

    Get a mic that fits you voice. I found that SM7 does not fit mine even though it is very popular for my STYLE of singing.

  • About daily vocal exercises :

    I've downloaded this vid as an mp3 and use it all days , I started 6 months ago and my voice is now a body builder ;)

    Excellent and varied exercices by the super enthusiast Cheryl Porter : it's tougher than it looks , but persistance is key.

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    The biggest hurdle for most beginning singers is overcoming shyness. You cant sing properly at a low, shy volume. You do not build enough air pressure. So be bold and do not worry about sounding bad and you will make the fastest progress. You will strengthen the muscles faster and really find out what your voice is capable of doing.

    And make sure your throat is clear before actually recording. Brush your teeth, gargle, drink some weird tea concoction, what ever works for you. It does not take too much weight on your vocal cords to stop them from resonating at their highest frequencies. Your cords are probably best warm, so cold drinks may not be the best solution as you are singing.

    1) Clean your throat.

    2) Do warm up exercises.

    3) Start your recording session.

    4) Touch up with warm drink as needed to keep clear.


    The biggest hurdle for most beginning singers is overcoming shyness. You cant sing properly at a low, shy volume.


    Unfortunately, this is not my problem. My wife says I speak at 70db in normal conversation. My mother-in-law, who just came for a visit, had to take out her hearing aid because my voice was hurting her (you know I love that part ;)). I think my biggest hurdle is clearing up my allergies before a song. I suffer with that crap 24/7 and shoot up Fluticonasie twice a day - which is probably why I never caught Covid. :pinch:

    I think you can drink warm green tea before singing.

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.