Sharing a repair experience

  • That's a hot take.

    I said in the video, before any discussion here, that UPS was a huge part of the problem, and that I was disappointed with Kemper's response. It's been twisted - by you two, mainly - into a somewhat nasty 'well it's your country that voted for Brexit' discussion. Twisted into 'grown men crying' and other nonsense.

    I'm sharing an experience. It's relevant to other people sending their Kemper around the world to get it repaired. You can make it personal and about me being a big crybaby if you like, I don't mind.

  • That's a hot take.

    I said in the video, before any discussion here, that UPS was a huge part of the problem, and that I was disappointed with Kemper's response. It's been twisted - by you two, mainly - into a somewhat nasty 'well it's your country that voted for Brexit' discussion. Twisted into 'grown men crying' and other nonsense.

    I'm sharing an experience. It's relevant to other people sending their Kemper around the world to get it repaired. You can make it personal and about me being a big crybaby if you like, I don't mind.

    And yet what everyone is trying to tell you is that it is neither UPS or Kemper. It is you government that has made a hot mess of it all. The only people this is relevant to is anyone in the UK. It does suck because as I mentioned it was nice to be able to order from the UK but that just isn't feasible any longer due to your customs. I liked Anderton's but that will have to wait for a visit now. Does give me a reason though... ;)

    Again, sorry that you had a bad experience. I have stated my view above and I am done with this thread. Time to get back to something we all enjoy, music!

    Edited once, last by wpotere (February 25, 2022 at 5:44 PM).

  • I understand. I completely agree that the customs situation is a mess. Believe me, we all know about it. How is it though, that I can deal with Thomann, and they are clear with communication, they get in touch to explain how they will charge, how it will ship from German to the UK, and all the rest of it, and then they deliver on their promise? The point is that is it possible to work with this situation. Many companies are doing it.

    So yes, the UK customs situation is a factor but Kemper could do better and I don't understand why this is so controversial.

    UPS are the cheapest, and worst option. Kemper chose to use them. They have no responsibility? I don't agree.

    And no, it's not just UK customers who it's relevant to. Earlier in the thread there was a guy from Norway (also no in the EU) who had similar issues.

  • UPS are the cheapest, and worst option. Kemper chose to use them. They have no responsibility? I don't agree.

    And no, it's not just UK customers who it's relevant to. Earlier in the thread there was a guy from Norway (also no in the EU) who had similar issues.

    1) Set up a company and choose gold premium option as your delivery.

    2) Be in EU.

    I can't do anything, if you take my hard sarcasm personal jonwrightguitar that's now I am, some love me, so me hate me, I don't care - I'm sure you're cool person to talk and play with, but your first post (or one of first posts) on these forums and you blame Kemper in 4K 8|? Does it make sense? Recording video "Kemper You Suck" in Full HD was not enough? What about environmental footprint?

  • I watched the video before I became aware of this thread. I'm not here to goad or troll, in fact I'd liked your previous videos but this one just misses the mark and at least to me, I don't think you're presenting your point in the way you think you are.

    Comments in this thread perpetuate this.

    In this shit-show of an era with cancel culture at the fore, one has to be careful in what they post. I'm loyal and ignore the hysteria that rises but even so, based on what I've witnessed, you've tarnished your channel.

    Sorry, I think you've got this one wrong.

  • I watched the video before I became aware of this thread. I'm not here to goad or troll, in fact I'd liked your previous videos but this one just misses the mark and at least to me, I don't think you're presenting your point in the way you think you are.

    Comments in this thread perpetuate this.

    In this shit-show of an era with cancel culture at the fore, one has to be careful in what they post. I'm loyal and ignore the hysteria that rises but even so, based on what I've witnessed, you've tarnished your channel.

    Sorry, I think you've got this one wrong.

    Fair enough, thank you for the feedback. What's interesting is that in terms of audience retention, this video is performing better than many - it's hard to know what to make of that. At the end of the day it's a largely fact-based account of my experience with my feelings on it. Nothing to do with cancel culture at all, other than my feelings on recommending the unit to people with specific regard to reliability and the cost/convenience of getting it repaired. Unfortunately the narrative of me being a MASSIVE Kemper fanboy, recommending it to anyone and everyone, making videos on it and so, and then feeling quite let down by the service, seems to have been missed (or interpreted as being a crybaby).

    The thumbnail was a question mark for me; it's quite inflammatory, but it's how I felt after what happened and those kinds of thumbs are par for the course on youtube. This has been an interesting experience - I regret being drawn into tit-for-tat squabbling with a few of the individuals on this forum for sure. I appreciate the feedback.

  • ....recommending it to anyone and everyone, making videos on it and so, and then feeling quite let down by the service, seems to have been missed (or interpreted as being a crybaby).

    Still I think you've been let down mostly by Brexit mess and UPS clerks, but I know - it's easier to target the weakest. The weakness of human's nature.

    The thumbnail was a question mark for me; it's quite inflammatory, but it's how I felt after what happened

    Very important rule in life - do not act when you're emotional. We're all humans and guitarists/musicians especially have soft hearts, due to nature of how we perceive the world.

    I regret being drawn into tit-for-tat squabbling with a few of the individuals on this forum for sure.

    Thanks for referring to me, but I have no power or interest to pull anybody in tit-for-tat squabbling. If this is what you call giving my honest opinion.

    Anyway, is your case progressing? Any news from Kemper, UPS, customs?

  • Fair enough, thank you for the feedback. What's interesting is that in terms of audience retention, this video is performing better than many - it's hard to know what to make of that. At the end of the day it's a largely fact-based account of my experience with my feelings on it. Nothing to do with cancel culture at all, other than my feelings on recommending the unit to people with specific regard to reliability and the cost/convenience of getting it repaired. Unfortunately the narrative of me being a MASSIVE Kemper fanboy, recommending it to anyone and everyone, making videos on it and so, and then feeling quite let down by the service, seems to have been missed (or interpreted as being a crybaby).

    The thumbnail was a question mark for me; it's quite inflammatory, but it's how I felt after what happened and those kinds of thumbs are par for the course on youtube. This has been an interesting experience - I regret being drawn into tit-for-tat squabbling with a few of the individuals on this forum for sure. I appreciate the feedback.

    The irony here is that I think we all sympathize with the hassle you have been through ( I've said it a number of times).

    You have managed to wind people up because of where you see the blame - that instigated the tit-for-tat.

    I even tried to at least get agreement and you slammed me as well so you have managed to create what I think has become unnecessary antagonism directed at the wrong people - hence people lose sympathy and all constructive comments went out of the window.

    I'm sure you know that its really difficult to convey emotion ( the right or wrong emotion) on forums, so things escalate quickly.

    On my part I hold no grudge and really hope you get things sorted.