Request for “Volume pedal 2”.

  • Very simple. A request for the addition of a second volume pedal, assignable to any midi cc.

    It should behave exactly as the volume pedal does now, only each rig should be assignable to either “volume pedal 1” or “volume pedal 2”.

    And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.

  • I play in 4 different bands and do a lot of substitute gigs. Often they do not need the same offset between lead and rhythm. And acustics of the venue play a role too. Even the song. A ballad does not necesarily need as loud leads as the hard rock song that came before it.

    So i have volume pedal 1 assigned to all rhythm sounds. I use it for the odd passage where you need to be slightly louder, but not “lead guitar loud”.

    “Volume pedal 2” for adjusting the levels of all lead rigs at once.

    See the picture; Right now i have build my own solution for this. I have a hardware boost pedal in the loop. And in the x slot of all my lead rigs i have the loop open. So the knob on the hardware boost is like the “volume pedal 2” that i am suggesting.

    I see others have requested similar things. Performance master volume etc… I’ve suggested a kind of lead sound level management system. But this solution is far more elegant, and relies on code already in the kemper.

    And the beauty is that it’s user friendly. You can use it if you need, or not if you don’t. But it does not really change/force anything new on anyone. It just gives us multiple-band musicians the flexibility we need.

  • Given the relatively unique use-case, I’d say the chances of getting this are minimal at best.

    What about using a Morph pedal tied to rig volume?

    I have been through all of the possibilities for achieving this with Kim in another thread. There definitely doesn’t appear to be any way to achieve what he needs from the current setup.

  • I have been through all of the possibilities for achieving this with Kim in another thread. There definitely doesn’t appear to be any way to achieve what he needs from the current setup.

    You could ofcourse argue that i have already achieved what i need, via my low tech solution. It’s just so clunky, takes up a slot, involves the extra conversion etc….

    And i think that once it was implemented, it would be a solution other users might like and use as well. Once you have that flexibility (i had it in my old pre-kemper rack setup for 20 years) you can’t live without it

    And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.

  • 1 cable between Exp Pedal and Kemper or 1 cable between volume pedal and Kemper shpuldn't make much difference...out of moving the wireless from the rack to the board...

    Sigh….That’s the workaround, but feature requests are also here because users are tired of workarounds, want their gigging lives to be easier, want as much inside the box as possible for convenience, want less cable clutter on stage etc etc


    This is the most annoying problem with this board. Every second post in feature request seems to be about shooting down other peoples requests, as if it took something away. I could understand it if users requested features removed, but features added is a gift to us all. Who knows, one day you might benefit from a feature, you initially did not think you needed.

    New features does NOT take anything away from anybody. But they ADD something for somebody, making them happier by NOT having them resort to workarounds.

    Rant over.

    And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.

    Edited 2 times, last by Kim_Olesen (February 9, 2022 at 9:47 PM).

  • Sigh….That’s the workaround, but feature requests are also here because users are tired of workarounds, want their gigging lives to be easier, want as much inside the box as possible for convenience, want less cable clutter on stage etc etc


    This is the most annoying problem with this board. Every second post in feature request seems to be about shooting down other peoples requests, as if it took something away. I could understand it if users requested features removed, but features added is a gift to us all. Who knows, one day you might benefit from a feature, you initially did not think you needed.

    New features does NOT take anything away from anybody. But they ADD something for somebody, making them happier by NOT having them resort to workarounds.

    Rant over.

    I apologize I've given the impression of turning down you request, that was not my intention. I was only trying to understand the benefits und suggest a viable way to achieve the same result

    If something is too complicated, then you need to learn it better

  • I still don't understand this setup.

    For each rig I can use the range parameter to set how the volume pedal should work.

    I can also set the maximum rig volume in the rig menu.

    If I need something else to play solo, I always have several options:

    1st I can copy the rig into a new performance slot and adjust it to my needs.

    2nd I can use a booster or distortion effect.

    3rd I can morph, e.g. the rig volume and gain.

    I never use the Volume Pedal to go from rythm to solo,

    I mostly use the morph pedal because I need to adjust several parameters to cut through the band,
    loudness is probably the last parameter I use. EQ and Gain are my first choices.

    For the monitor Volumen this is linked to the Master Volumen Knob.

    The MainOut volumen is fixed set to -12dB.

    Be the force with you ;)

  • Sigh….

    Yet another shoot down post. Yet another, “i don’t need that so how could anyone else possibly need it”. Well done. Did you even read post number 4 in the thread?

    And what do you do if the gig has started and you find that your 5 lead sounds are just to the loud or low side? Stop the band, panick edit/save all 5 one at a time? You might want to do that. But i want a one knob solution that adjust ALL lead sounds in one go. And KEEPS THE SETTING till the next time i touch that knob. In fact i have that, but it is an annoying workaround since it uses the loop, thus keeping me from using that for other things.

    New features does NOT take anything away from anybody. But they ADD something for somebody, making them happier by NOT having them resort to workarounds.

    And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.

    Edited once, last by Kim_Olesen (February 10, 2022 at 1:17 PM).

  • And what do you do if the gig has started and you find that your 5 lead sounds are just to the loud or low side? Stop the band, panick edit/save all 5 one at a time? You might want to do that. But i want a one knob solution that adjust ALL lead sounds in one go. And KEEPS THE SETTING till the next time i touch that knob. In fact i have that, but it is an annoying workaround since it uses the loop, thus keeping me from using that for other things.

    Please don’t take this the wrong way Kim. I really hope you get your wishes and I’m sure many others would benefit if you do? However, I don’t think it is likely to happen.

    Firstly, you have a very unique workflow/layout which couldn’t be made to work with the Kemper Remote in it’s current format. Perhaps it would be possible if the Remote buttons could be reconfigured to allow the five bottom buttons to call up 5 rhythm sounds and five of the top row to instantly access 5 different lead sounds but that would need a major rethink of the Remote and how it links to the profiler (maybe that would be a good feature request too though).

    Your layout of 10 rig instant access via a separate midi controller seemed very strange to me when you first described it. However, I can now see how it would be a very logical setup if I was using a dedicated midi pedal rather than the Kemper Remote.

    It would be interesting to know how many other people use a similar workflow. If sufficient numbers of players work this way maybe Kemper would consider the idea.

    I was going to say the following: Secondly, you talk about rhythm and lead sounds. Only lead sounds would be affected. At the moment the KPA doesn’t have rhythm and lead sounds, only Rigs with varying levels of gain etc. Therefore, there is currently no way for the KPA to know which rigs should be boosted by the global lead adjustment. This would require some form of additional rig tags for lead and rhythm.

    Then I reread your request again and saw the error in my logic as this would be covered by your “each rig should be assignable to either “volume pedal 1” or “volume pedal 2”.” logic.

    Once again I hope your request is successful, although I would far rather have multiple morph pedals (which I have requested several times) but Kemper see my needs as being an “outlier “ much as I suspect they will yours.

  • Wheresthedug Yes multiple morphs. I’d love that feature too. Even one more would allow for a lot of exciting flexibility. One morph for the mix parameter in the Green Screan, another for delay time in the delay stomp etc etc etc…. Endless possibilities.
    Another one would be to lock only the on/off state of a stomp, but let the contents in it change with the rigs. E.g a locked delay stopm. You change rigs, the delay stays on (because the state is locked) but delay time, modulation etc would be the values stored within each rig.

    And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.