Hey Guys,
Powered Kemper Rack into a Marshall 1936V - (2 x 12 V30).
2 Guitars, bass and drums.
So last night I had my first rehearsal.
I spent 3 weeks tweaking.
Well it did go better than I thought.
Getting the volume right was the 1st issue.
First the good.
I got the Clean right the first go and it did sound pretty good.
But we play heavy Classic Rock.
So it took me some time to settle in and find my voice.
I felt like my heavy rhythm was a but lost in the room.
I didn't have much time to play around with knobs.
I boosted my solo patch so I could hear myself.
Now to the not so good.
I couldn't hear pick my scape, so I need to EQ some more.
Sustain was not that great, yes I use a compressor.
So also thought I might have has too much bass, which was fighting with the bass player.
I also heard a low feedback on my boosted solos.
What frequencies would push my sound into more of a guitar sound?
I also think it's hard (tweaking) dealing with sound at low volumes, then when you turn up it sounds different.
Plus for the Amps I set the EQ at 0 and used an EQ block with a HPF and LPS.
I was using 80hz and 7500kz for these.
But why set the LPF at 7500hz, when my speaker can only do 5000hz?
I will now zero the EQ in the effects block and play around the the amps EQ.
Any help in fine tuning would be greatly appreciated.