please cleanup the output menu in rig manager.

  • the output menu in the rig manager is very confusing apart from the fact that it can hardly be used because it shows too many elements on one page (when scrolling the page with the mouse wheel I have again accidentally changed several knobs),

    I don't really know which setting to which outputs belong. E.g. you can find the Phones Volume at Direct out, or in the line Kemper Kone "Monitor Volume / Cabinet off / Stereo" again. If you had placed the line Kemper Kone on the monitor where it belongs, you could have saved space. The whole thing doesn't seem really well thought out.

    Please reorder this and use some tabs to separate functionality and outputs.

    Be the force with you ;)

  • The other thing with the output menu is that I would like a specific main output volume for each preset. I have a few different presets one for home practice, one for recording SPDIF and one for gigs but the output volume is whatever it's set at, not to what I would like the preset to be. Same with power amp on/off. I would like every parameter saved, and when saving why does a whole new preset need to be saved?

  • the output menu in the rig manager is very confusing apart from the fact that it can hardly be used because it shows too many elements on one page (when scrolling the page with the mouse wheel I have again accidentally changed several knobs),

    I don't really know which setting to which outputs belong. E.g. you can find the Phones Volume at Direct out, or in the line Kemper Kone "Monitor Volume / Cabinet off / Stereo" again. If you had placed the line Kemper Kone on the monitor where it belongs, you could have saved space. The whole thing doesn't seem really well thought out.

    Please reorder this and use some tabs to separate functionality and outputs.

    When I need to really think about the Outputs, I expand the lower window so I see the whole thing. Then there's no scrolling required, and I can see everything in context.

    Not everyone has a Kemper Kone, so placing those settings at the bottom makes sense to me.

    Kemper Profiling Amplifier (unpowered) [2014], Remote [2016], Stage [2020], PowerRack, Remote & Kab[2021]
    Twitter | LinkedIn | My Blog | My Kemper Notes

    Edited once, last by ST (September 30, 2021 at 12:05 AM).

  • When I need to really think about the Outputs, I expand the lower window so I see the whole thing. Then there's no scrolling required, and I can see everything in context.

    Not everyone has a Kemper Kone, so placing those settings at the bottom makes sense to me.

    Resizing the editor window every time is impractical, especially on a small laptop. There is also no button to expand the window to full size.

    It is also funny that your picture shows a confusion, in the 2nd line "Mon Out" the radio button "Cabinet off" is deactivated and in the line Kemper Kone the raido button "Cabinet off" is activated.

    The whole thing looks more like someone simply copied all 9 pages of the Kemper output display together without a concept.

    It would be much more useful to use TABS to group them logically.

    The Kone acts directly only on the monitor output and therefore logically belongs to the monitor output.

    Especially if someone is NOT using a Kone and is wondering why his monitor sounds so strange,

    he must first scroll down to see that he may activated the Kone with an imprint.

    Not very user friendly.

    Be the force with you ;)

  • Hi, Yoda Guitar

    My main reason for posting in this thread was to point out that it is possible to see the entire Output section. I find that helpful, and I was sharing the discovery with those who had not yet found it.

    The screenshot is from Rig Manager 3.2.53 PROFILER Public Beta:

    I'm not surprised there are a few anomalies in the UI.

    I just reported this quirky behaviour in a different thread.

    Rig Manager 3.2.53 PROFILER Public Beta: - strange interactions between

    Kemper Profiling Amplifier (unpowered) [2014], Remote [2016], Stage [2020], PowerRack, Remote & Kab[2021]
    Twitter | LinkedIn | My Blog | My Kemper Notes

    Edited once, last by ST (October 1, 2021 at 4:38 PM).

  • I find it simpler to deal with the occasional visit to the output section on the Kemper itself. Do people regularly make changes to these settings here?

    I have to, constantly, as the output presets Don't save all parameters. So if I am going from home to a gig, I have a preset that is called "home" and one that is called "Live with cab" I still have to turn the power amp On (usually only use the cab to check to see if everything is working before The IEM's go in, but sometimes for some stage volume) Then I have to reset the main output volume as I keep it exactly the same every time for the gigs. If I forget to do these things then I have to do it at the venue and I would rather not as there's a lot of commotion and my rack isn't always on stage or nearby. I don't understand why the output presets don't save everything.

  • I have to, constantly, as the output presets Don't save all parameters. So if I am going from home to a gig, I have a preset that is called "home" and one that is called "Live with cab" I still have to turn the power amp On (usually only use the cab to check to see if everything is working before The IEM's go in, but sometimes for some stage volume) Then I have to reset the main output volume as I keep it exactly the same every time for the gigs. If I forget to do these things then I have to do it at the venue and I would rather not as there's a lot of commotion and my rack isn't always on stage or nearby. I don't understand why the output presets don't save everything.

    KPA save all output parameters except for the volumes.

    Kemper says they would like to prevent level jumps when loading presets.

    Especially with headphones and InEar, I see that you have to avoid volume jumps.

    But they didn't think to the end here either, because the main -12dB switch is saved and restored.

    So if you really want to give the FOH board soundman and the audience at the soundcheck a god, then let your signal level adjusting with -12dB during the soundcheck.

    Later on show your band mate how your recording settings are (logical without -12 dB) by briefly loading your studio setup. Everyone in the audience will get a bang when you play the first power chord.

    Be the force with you ;)

  • What about using analogue out for live use and spdif for recording to be safe.

    For recording I'm mostly using the 6 tracks setup or reamping setup.
    So all Channels are used. Sometimes I'm not recording the Delay/Reverb WET effects.

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    Be the force with you ;)

  • For recording I'm mostly using the 6 tracks setup or reamping setup.
    So all Channels are used. Sometimes I'm not recording the Delay/Reverb WET effects.

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    I see your problem now. I think I am using the Kemper in a much simpler way in the studio.


    Kemper Rack OS 10.2.2 - Mac Sonoma 14.5

  • I’ve been playing gigs for almost 40 years Kemper doesn’t have to look out for me. The problems are caused by it not saving my levels. If the output levels were saved for my live sound, the levels for that preset would not cause a problem with my FOH. They would be exact. What they may be set at at home IS the problem. That’s where it’s louder, & not resetting prior would cause a problem. Also it doesn’t save the power amp on/off. It makes no sense that it can’t save everything in a preset and you have to manually go into it turn the power amp on/off and set the levels. It’s a hassle. It’s half a preset. It’s an omission not a feature.

  • I’ve been playing gigs for almost 40 years Kemper doesn’t have to look out for me. The problems are caused by it not saving my levels. If the output levels were saved for my live sound, the levels for that preset would not cause a problem with my FOH. They would be exact. What they may be set at at home IS the problem. That’s where it’s louder, & not resetting prior would cause a problem. Also it doesn’t save the power amp on/off. It makes no sense that it can’t save everything in a preset and you have to manually go into it turn the power amp on/off and set the levels. It’s a hassle. It’s half a preset. It’s an omission not a feature.

    agreed. Output presets are a fantastic idea but are currently totally useless to me as the main things I want to save are volume levels and power amp status. I literally don’t use AnY output presets for that very reason.

  • Unfortunately there are some "intelligent solutions" in the Kemper which make the function useless or at least difficult to understand.

    1. Output preset (scenarios)

    2. Automatic exit from tuner mode (even if the chicken head is intentionally on tuner)

    3. No standby or mute function

    4. Confused blinking of the TAP LED

    5. CutFilter in the output always for main and monitor

    Until today (10 years) I have never seen a block diagram from Kemper in which the signal routing is shown. Sometimes you don't know which function affects which outputs.

    Be the force with you ;)