Tuner mode wrong?!

  • Tuner mode wrong?!

    I have a power rack but I think the toaster behaves the same way.

    If I set the selection switch (ChickenHead) to the tuner position, I can switch the Kemper to Browse Mode or Performance Mode by selecting one of the remote buttons 1-5 or Up / Down or with the Volume Pedal, depending on what happened before selected.

    This is confusingly illogical and absolutely impractical.

    In live situations I use this switch during breaks in play to mute the Kemper.

    If someone accidentally presses the remote or touches the expression pedal, the full signal is sent to the FOH.

    What kind of sense does this make ?

    Be the force with you ;)

  • I set the chickenhead to PEFORM and use the TUNER switch on the remote to activate the tuner, which also mutes the signal.

    This doesn't work if you have longer breaks where you leave the stage or have to leave, e.g. because a different performance is being presented. We have something like that more often at charity or gala events where dancers or speakers perform.

    It is also simply illogical if you have a selector switch and the Kemper does not do what is on the switch position.

    It went so far that I installed a switch in the Kemper rack that switches off all output signals

    because the Kemper does not have a usable standby function.

    Be the force with you ;)

  • Just program a rig with stack section off, or volume all the way down , and switch to that rig when you leave the stage.

    really ?

    I don't need such a workaround.

    I have a switch, as I have already written.

    But why it has been wrong for years that you can exit tuner mode by accidentally tapping a button on the remote control is a mystery to me.

    Who comes up with that?

    A switch should do what it says on the switch and nothing else.

    This pseudo-intelligence annoys me.

    When you put the car in reverse, you don't want the car to go forward just because parking control thinks there isn't enough space in the back.

    Be the force with you ;)

  • While I agree with the various posts stating alternative ways to mute or “workarounds” I also have to agree with Yoda that it is illogical that the Kemper should allow a situation where the profiler performs differently than the switches indicate. I believe this behaviour is what Burkhard would call a logical conflict ?

  • I believe this is an intended behavior.

    The unit remembers where you were prior to moving to the tuner. Move the knob from browse or perform to tuner. Then push a button on the remote - you’re back where you started.

    To me, that’s not an accidental behavior. It is one intended to be the opposite of preventing sound. It alleviates the problem of when you forget to switch the knob back - and need to play.

    To each his own, but turning the volume on the guitar down, my volume pedal on zero and the tuner engaged is my habit.

    Three things I control have to go wrong in order to mistakenly make sound.

    Add in the person running the board (dedicated engineer or a band member, depending) will mute all channels during a break. That makes 4 safeties.

  • Turning the guitar down doesn't help as the noise from the high gain amp still comes through.

    You can't rely on the man at the mixer, because he may not know you, he may have 6 to 15 acts on stage in one evening and, if in doubt, will switch off your channel strip if it bothers you and forgets to turn it on again when the show goes on.

    Especially at festivals or gala events where several actors have to share the backing line, an amp should behave like an amp.

    I would prefer if I can turn off this whole "I know what you want to do before you do it" logic.

    All the little "gimmicks and hidden clever solutions", some of which are not even described in the manual, make the Kemper unpredictable.

    Another example if you set the Imprint neutral (Flat) in the RM Editor in the Cabinet, you can no longer change the Global Imprint in the Output menu. So you first have to switch to a rig that uses the global imprint or another imprint, then you can change the global imprint in the output. In general, the output menu is quite a mess, as you often don't know which setting affects which output.

    The whole thing shows me how software engineers think these days:

    "I program particularly clever software that protects the user from his own confusion."

    Unpredictable software behavior has already crashed planes.

    Be the force with you ;)

  • Another example if you set the Imprint neutral (Flat) in the RM Editor in the Cabinet, you can no longer change the Global Imprint in the Output menu. So you first have to switch to a rig that uses the global imprint or another imprint, then you can change the global imprint in the output.

    All you have to do is to go to CABINET and turn the Imprint Select from Full-Range Mode one entry to the left to Use Global Imprint.

    As you might remember, after the introduction of Imprints, they were global only. Repeated user requests led to the addition of a local and global setting. Additional features always carry the danger of introducing more complex schemes - however in this case the user base was quite vocal about the need for Imprints per Rig.

  • All you have to do is to go to CABINET and turn the Imprint Select from Full-Range Mode one entry to the left to Use Global Imprint.

    As you might remember, after the introduction of Imprints, they were global only. Repeated user requests led to the addition of a local and global setting. Additional features always carry the danger of introducing more complex schemes - however in this case the user base was quite vocal about the need for Imprints per Rig.

    Thats not what I mean.
    If you choose 'Imprint Select - Full-Range Mode" in the Cabinet menu the Imprint selection in the output menu page 8/9 gets deactivated.
    If you choose any other Local Cabinet Imprint (like or Celestion V30 or Use Global Imprint) the Imprint selection in the Output menu page 8/9 is activated.

    So I can't change the global imprint for all my other Rigs, if my current selected rig is a acoustic rig with the full-range mode.
    This makes no sense to me. Changing Global settings should be independent from local selection.

    Be the force with you ;)

  • You could also, save an output preset with volumes all the way down, but until they program a work around you would have to kneel down and put it in that output during breaks. Maybe you can find some way to use the lock function too. My guess is they would be more apt to program a board lock in that you have to know the combination of buttons or pedal presses to unlock.

    Edited once, last by Pwrslave (September 17, 2021 at 4:52 PM).

  • You could also, save an output preset with volumes all the way down, but until they program a work around you would have to kneel down and put it in that output during breaks. Maybe you can find some way to use the lock function too. My guess is they would be more apt to program a board lock in that you have to know the combination of buttons or pedal presses to unlock.

    unfortunately Output Presets don’t save volume settings. I see this as a major oversight which pretty much renders Output Presets useless for me. However, the Kemper team have considered the pros and cons and are very firmly of the opinion that the current situation is the way they will continue.

  • unfortunately Output Presets don’t save volume settings. I see this as a major oversight which pretty much renders Output Presets useless for me. However, the Kemper team have considered the pros and cons and are very firmly of the opinion that the current situation is the way they will continue.

    Yes, right, the volume settings are not saved, but inconsistently the -12db switch. Which leads to an enormous jump in volume when switching an output preset. So it does exactly the opposite of what they actually wanted to avoid, namely unpredictable volume jumps when switching the output profile.

    Be the force with you ;)

  • Yes, right, the volume settings are not saved, but inconsistently the -12db switch. Which leads to an enormous jump in volume when switching an output preset. So it does exactly the opposite of what they actually wanted to avoid, namely unpredictable volume jumps when switching the output profile.

    Looks like it will have to be accomplished through the rig volume. You can go completely silent through the rig volume , but looks like you would just have to save a performance of rigs with every rig volume set to silent. Problem can still happen but wouldn't they have to step on the bank footswitch first?