The Kemper Foot Controller: Evolution

  • I really believe the basic choices have been made already :)

    I am sure Gianfranco is correct. The size and even the final layout is surely done by now. The last word we had from CK seemed to be that everything was finalized as per the layout (ie where the foot switches were to go - with the possible exception of the up/down switch configuration) The way he said it made me think that they were basically ready to be built or they were currently producing them and had to just finalize the software to determine the switches function/location and silk screen the case. Of course I could be all wrong, but I hope not :)

  • I'm wondering where the looper will be in the signal path. I'm hoping they can put it post Effects. When I use a looper I generally want one sound for the rhythm/background, and another for solos. This is the problem with putting a looper in front of the lunchbox ...

    Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. - Wayne Dyer

  • I'm wondering where the looper will be in the signal path. I'm hoping they can put it post Effects. When I use a looper I generally want one sound for the rhythm/background, and another for solos. This is the problem with putting a looper in front of the lunchbox ...

    I am sort of assuming they will give us a choice like most loopers that are built in. At least I hope so! Maybe there will even be some unique and creative options built in to it.

  • I'm wondering where the looper will be in the signal path. I'm hoping they can put it post Effects. When I use a looper I generally want one sound for the rhythm/background, and another for solos. This is the problem with putting a looper in front of the lunchbox ...

    External looper was my thought when I suggested variable input/output points in the efx loop. You know, the thread nobody responded to...

  • This is exhausting! While I feel that the KPA is a game changer in terms of tonal flexibility and possibilities, it's disappointing that in the two + years since the start of this thread, we still haven't a controller. Occasionally, it is more cost effective to purchase or licensee a technology rather than develop one. In this case, Gordius was (is) a perfect fit.

    Just my $.02

    Someone else can do the conversion to Euros!

  • This is exhausting! While I feel that the KPA is a game changer in terms of tonal flexibility and possibilities, it's disappointing that in the two + years since the start of this thread, we still haven't a controller. Occasionally, it is more cost effective to purchase or licensee a technology rather than develop one. In this case, Gordius was (is) a perfect fit.

    Well, this is exactly what they did by establishing an agreement with the guy (Xavier) for the dedicated UnO chip.
    Perfect choice, because for around 150 € you could get a well-working MIDi controller (probably the best P/Q around) and not feel spoiled when reselling it for buying the future KFC :)

    Also, IIRC Fractal did not take less for putting their pedalboard on the shelves.

  • Well, this is exactly what they did by establishing an agreement with the guy (Xavier) for the dedicated UnO chip.
    Perfect choice, because for around 150 € you could get a well-working MIDi controller (probably the best P/Q around) and not feel spoiled when reselling it for buying the future KFC :)

    Also, IIRC Fractal did not take less for putting their pedalboard on the shelves.


  • I'm very much looking forward to the KFC, but it won't be the perfect solution for me.

    I think it will be GREAT as a foot controller for the KPA of course, but I am planning to use external pedals as well (Fuzz, Delay, and Uni-vibe) and I would like to write those pedals into my presets.
    This can be done with my Musicomlab EFX unit because it's also a programmable true bypass switcher with MIDI, but I don't know how I'll do this with the KFC.

    Maybe there will be some workaround.....anyone have any ideas?

  • I'm very much looking forward to the KFC, but it won't be the perfect solution for me.

    I think it will be GREAT as a foot controller for the KPA of course, but I am planning to use external pedals as well (Fuzz, Delay, and Uni-vibe) and I would like to write those pedals into my presets.
    This can be done with my Musicomlab EFX unit because it's also a programmable true bypass switcher with MIDI, but I don't know how I'll do this with the KFC.

    Maybe there will be some workaround.....anyone have any ideas?

    I think I read that the Kemper sends the corresponding MIDI program changes through the MIDI Thru/Out jack. You could send program changes to it that go along with the Performance Slots. (This is assuming these PC changes will also be sent when the KFC is controlling the Kemper, and not a MIDI controller)

  • I think I read that the Kemper sends the corresponding MIDI program changes through the MIDI Thru/Out jack. You could send program changes to it that go along with the Performance Slots.


    I suppose this would work for the Delay! (Timefactor)

    How could I make it work with the Fuzz and Vibe? They are not MIDI controllable.

    My goal is to leave the pedals ON at all times and be able to switch them in and out of my signal chain. I suppose I could get another very small bypass strip that responds to MIDI commands and put them in that....?

    I'm not very well versed in this stuff so trying to plan it all out in my head is causing some brain melt.

  • If you want to switch them independently of changing Kemper sounds, yes, you would need a separate controller.

    I want it to work the way my setup does now, but also controlling the Kemper.

    Right now I have a pedal switcher which has loops on it, and I can create presets that pull different combinations of these pedals in and out of my signal chain. I run this setup into the front of my Fender Pro Reverb.

    So for instance, I have one preset that has the Fuzz and the Timefactor (set to analog delay) and when I hit the next preset it gets rid of the Fuzz and pulls in my Tubescreamer, and switches to a different preset on my Timefactor.

    I would love a way to have this same control over my external pedals, while also switching rigs and effects on the KPA.

    My existing controller can do this (and I am considering upgrading to the newest model), but I also want to have the 4 EXP pedals, and I'm not sure I'll be able to make that happen. I would like one EXP pedal dedicated to my monitor volume, and 3 more freely assignable to Kemper effects or my Timefactor and possibly Mobius as well.

    I can have one each that plug directly into the Timefactor and problem there. I was also thinking of getting the Mission for Kemper EXP, which would plug into the back of the Kemper and control Delay and Mod speed/depth, since it is a dual EXP. That leaves one more pedal that would plug into my Musicomlab and control my Monitor volume via CC's.

    I might be asking for too much here! I'm not even sure such a setup is possible.

    And honestly I don't yet know if I'll need that much control, but I am fairly fidgety about my sound onstage, and I have gotten to the point where I have no patience for bending over and fiddling with knobs while I'm playing.

    Any thoughts?

    Sorry for the slight derail!

  • When the KFC is released, I think we will know more about how it can be integrated with other gear.

    I used to try to plan for every live possible sound change, too. But, it is too easy to get lost in the possibilities.

    I don't do that anymore - I have sounds programmed for the songs we play live. One button changes everything.

    If you consistently play the same songs, you'll never need to fiddle with a knob again.

  • When the KFC is released, I think we will know more about how it can be integrated with other gear.

    I used to try to plan for every live possible sound change, too. But, it is too easy to get lost in the possibilities.

    I don't do that anymore - I have sounds programmed for the songs we play live. One button changes everything.

    If you consistently play the same songs, you'll never need to fiddle with a knob again.

    Yes what I'm envisioning is probably overkill.

    If the KPA would allow expression pedal control of any parameter on a per rig basis, that would go a long way toward giving me what I want. Hopefully in a future FW update they will allow this.