Problem copying rigs to performance

  • Hi guys, searched the forum for an answer but didn't find it.

    I've been using an Kemper toaster for a few years, bet switched to a Stage recently. I transferred my rigs, but haven't changed a lot since, because of corona (no repetitions, no gigs).

    Now I'm trying to create a few new performances, but there seems to be a problem to copy-paste rigs to performance. I can copy, but I can't paste (greyed out) in Rig Manager. I can't copy performances neither rigs. Not in a new performance, not in an existing performance. It works in 'Local Library', but not in 'My Kemper'. There is only one performance stored in 'My Kemper' and I can't add a new one...

    Is there some setting I need to change to be able to do that? I attached 2 screenshots showing the menu with the greyed out options.

    Any ideas?

  • From what I see on those pictures you are not copying a Rig, but a Performance. Rigs can be found at All Rigs.

    And then to paste a Rig you need to select not just a Performance, but one of the Slots within the Performance. You find the five Slots on the right hand side in vertical order.

  • And then to paste a Rig you need to select not just a Performance, but one of the Slots within the Performance

    Quite right. This is how I do it and how it should work. But, to my experiences: sometimes it works, sometimes not. I do not know why. And this is a RigManager problem I met since the beginnings of RM. So, if I do this copy/paste operation, it mostly does not work with the first trial. I have to repeat the process, change Performance number and go back to the one which is my target, repeat copy & paste until somehow - not clearly why - it eventually works.

  • Quite right. This is how I do it and how it should work. But, to my experiences: sometimes it works, sometimes not. I do not know why. And this is a RigManager problem I met since the beginnings of RM. So, if I do this copy/paste operation, it mostly does not work with the first trial. I have to repeat the process, change Performance number and go back to the one which is my target, repeat copy & paste until somehow - not clearly why - it eventually works.

    Tested this again and it works here with current OS and RM.

    Please open a support ticket and demonstrate the whole process including how you copy and how you paste. From the pictures above I cannot see what is currently in the clipboard. If you copy a preset instead of a Rig, you can't paste it into the Slot of a Performance.

  • Ehh, I'm sorry guys. It just occurred to me, that I should try what the system managers at work always tell me to do when the software isn't working properly...restart it. Generally, Rig Manager is always open on my macbook. I just closed it, restarted the software an it works like a charm. Maybe I should close the program a little more often and reopen it. Sorry to have bothered you without trying that first.

    Anyway, thanks for the advice and thinking alon guys, and Burkhard, the problem occurred both for copying complete performances (picture 1) as for rigs to performances (picture 2). I have an comparable problem with the Loopster software I use for using backing tracks, I need to close it and restart it every time I use it or the playback function won't work.

    But for me this problem is solved !

  • Ok! Should the issue happen again, please consider, if source and destination correspond.

    - You can copy Rigs, presets, and Performances. Rigs can be pasted into another Rig location including the Slot of a Performance

    - Presets can be drag/dropped into modules e.g. output presets into Output Section.

    - And Performances can be pasted into other Performance locations. If you paste into All Performances/MyProfiler you need to select a concrete destination Performance e.g. Performance 32.

    So, there are some logical limitations.

  • Same happened to me. Paste is disabled no matter if I use my Stage connected or if I work offline. I tried with no Stage connected to copy rig and to paste it into Local library Performance slot. - No luck. BTW this issue started when I moved from Intel chipset MAC to M2 chipset MAC. I do not know if that's related ...…iew?usp=sharing…iew?usp=sharing

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  • in your screenshots it appears that no Profiler is currently connected to your computer. This is mandatory in order to create new performances.

    If you connect a Profiler and paste is still not available please make sure that the Profiler is in performance mode and that the headphone symbol is visible next to the performance name in Rig Manager

  • This logic avoids that you put a Rig A into the Slot of a Performance, while the Editor with its store buttons could have a Rig B in focus., which created a lot of irritations. Now the Rig focussed in the Editor is always identical with the Rig you put into the Slot.

  • I've experienced the same behaviour, where I could not paste a rig in a performance's slot (I was in Performance mode, the slot was activated etc). The workaround that worked for me was to close RM and restart it.
    I am pretty sure it's a glitch/bug in the app, but couldn't fin a way to consistently reproduce the issue till now.

    Lunchbox, last Release and RM version, W10.

    Still chasing a worthy one :/

  • Performance Mode and Slot activated are not sufficient. Selecting in Rig Manager is also not sufficient. As mentioned before, the Slot needs to be "loaded", which means:

    - the destination Performance gets displayed on the front panel of the hardware

    - the destination Performance is marked with a headphones icon in the Rig Manager list

  • Performance Mode and Slot activated are not sufficient. Selecting in Rig Manager is also not sufficient. As mentioned before, the Slot needs to be "loaded", which means:

    - the destination Performance gets displayed on the front panel of the hardware

    - the destination Performance is marked with a headphones icon in the Rig Manager list

    Thanks Burkhard, I'll be sure to check what you mentioned

    Still chasing a worthy one :/