What would it take to get Android support?

  • Of course there will be an Android solutions at some point in time. I have no doubt about that. Anything else would be illogical in a business aspect. Flipping the middle finger to more than half of their customers…..I don’t believe that.

  • Commercial logic dictates that the KPA would be on version 3 or 4 by now. So, Kemper clearly dances to the beat of their own drummer.

    Wise words :D I still don’t see it being something they will have much success with. If this wireless solution is actually something they want us to need or want us to use, why would you flip the middle finger to approx 60% of your users? Makes no sense. Why make a huge deal out of something new and try to make it cool, if you don’t really wanna go through with it.

  • why would you flip the middle finger to approx 60% of your users? Makes no sense.

    We usually don't comment on feature request. In this case we've made a statement but of course you can voice your desires if you feel that's necessary. As it turns out, your 60% estimate is a bit drastic considering the market we're in (musicians / music industry / boutique instruments). A good indicator is that your post just opened page 2 on a thread which is already 10 days old.

    also we have a windows and mac version of Rig Manager and your Profiler is fully operational, stand alone without anything else. So, "flipping" the middle finger might be a little on the strong end. There is already a lot of choice for everybody.

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here

  • A good indicator for that is that your post just opened page 2 on a thread which is already 10 days old.

    It's not an indicator at all since the statement was that it won't happen.

    Doesn't make sense to hang a huge sign "We don't sell bread" outside a shop and then wonder why customers don't continue asking for bread, right? ;)

    your 60% estimate is a bit unrealistic if you consider the market we're in (musicians / music industry / boutique instruments).

    I'm not sure this would be a valid point either. The tablet app is just a remote control, not music production gear. I agree that 60% is a bit too high because we're only talking about the tablet market. You can't deny though that Android tablets have a massive (and growing) market share (currently 46-47%).

    Regarding my own situation:

    I would be much happier if these "remote controls" would be available on Android tablets. I got myself a cheap iPad only because UAD does the same thing like you guys for its Ox Box ... and since I got it anyways, I also use the RME TotalMix FX remote control app sometimes.

    I wish all these companies (incl. Kemper) would recognize the Android world.

    But they don't, so I'm not surprised that people don't continue to ask for it in large amounts.

  • Doesn't make sense to hang a huge sign "We don't sell bread" outside a shop and then wonder why customers don't continue asking for bread, right? ;)

    no, not right. but I didn't post that to discuss it (with you). it's just a fact, there are not many posts. I have no desire to join the actual discussion, I just felt that somethings need to be put straight. so this is the last comment from my end.

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here

  • As GString will not comment further ( and I understand why), I don't expect a response but I hope the Kemper team will still read this.

    So couple of points:

    1. I am not massively interested in wireless as I suspect many others aren't, so RM not appearing on Android is less important to me ...BUT as a policy I hope this is reviewed because if any solutions that rely on tablets or phones are of wider interest, then this will become a bigger issue.
    2. I suspect there are limited posts because it will only relate to those interested in wireless, then Android users, then those on the forum and then those who have seen the thread - but I agree not a massive issue for this one feature.
    3. Majority of users, I strongly suspect, are not music professionals. I am not in the music industry. I am a hobby guitarist that has been playing for 30+ years but I have invested heavily in Kemper. I think therefore I am still a valid client...don't forget us hobby guitarists who have disposable income to spend :).
    4. According to google, the worldwide split is circa 72% Android, 26% IOS. Even if you account for this being driven mainly by phones, a skew from pro's to amateurs ( pro's = Studio users = predominately Mac), its still a very high percentage. So taking in to account my points 1 and 3, IF any development becomes valid on a smart phone, then the impact of missing android will be significant. By saying we cover windows and Mac, that is obviously for desktop/fixed. It would be crazy to miss windows off because its the market leader. On mobile, by numbers, android is... the market is different as you move into the mobile world.

    Hope that makes sense.

  • Okay….I cannot find any valid numbers regarding Android OS vs Apple IOS. But I found numbers from 40% - 54% of the market belonging to Android. Put in the equation that Windows also has a slight part of the market and all the other OS’s out there like in Huawei. Then the market share is at least be close to 50% in Android’s favor if only focusing on Apple and Android. So yes….it’s flipping the middle finger to 50% if the consumers. Unless you somehow found out that only Apple people (like myself) buy your stuff. I hardly believe that to be true. But in that case you might be right regarding the sensible thing to do is just to do Apple.

    Because people don’t respond to a topic is not the same thing as what the market shares of Android vs Apple is like. Tons of variables can be put into the equation.

    What system is placed in most phones and tablets right now? Are you willing to confirm that pretty much around 50% of all mobile devices are born with Android? And if you can, then how come you don’t see it as weird when half of the population uses Android?

  • Okay….I cannot find any valid numbers regarding Android OS vs Apple IOS. But I found numbers from 40% - 54% of the market belonging to Android. Put in the equation that Windows also has a slight part of the market and all the other OS’s out there like in Huawei. Then the market share is at least be close to 50% in Android’s favor if only focusing on Apple and Android. So yes….it’s flipping the middle finger to 50% if the consumers. Unless you somehow found out that only Apple people (like myself) buy your stuff. I hardly believe that to be true. But in that case you might be right regarding the sensible thing to do is just to do Apple.

    Because people don’t respond to a topic is not the same thing as what the market shares of Android vs Apple is like. Tons of variables can be put into the equation.

    What system is placed in most phones and tablets right now? Are you willing to confirm that pretty much around 50% of all mobile devices are born with Android? And if you can, then how come you don’t see it as weird when half of the population uses Android?


  • The point isn't total install base. That irrelevant.

    It's tablet users (a subset) who are also using them for music production of some sort (subset of a subset). The percentage gets real small real quick.

    Then you add the condition that they're Android users, using it for music.....and who also own a KPA....and want to control it wirelessly. Now, you're at least 3, if not 4 subsets deep in finding viable candidates. Then add the enormous fragmentation of Android OS on top.

  • Who uses a tablet as a DAW or to supplement a DAW? I know some does of course. But if that is the condition that weighs the heaviest, I cannot see any logic. Because most people do not use a computer and a tablet at once. I know….it’s a statement without any backing. But with all the pictures of amateur studios I’ve seen, I rarely see this type of setup. I’ve considered it myself though, but I don’t need the hassle and I don’t need it. It’s really just a gimmick thing in my eyes. More gear is cool. And look….I can control my DAW with my fingers.

    If the condition is that it’s based upon people using a tablet to make music and those people mostly use Apple iPads, I believe that not many will be a candidate.

  • DAW isn't the only application. I'd be shocked if it was even a primary use for a tablet of any kind.

    With the mobility, which is what this is about, using an iPad to trigger tracks, midi commands, sequencers, loops, lights, running entire mixing boards (Behringer X32/X18 plus a TON of others). Overwhelmingly Apple-based is what I see. Android is around....but similar to the old days of Apple being for graphic designers......they're heavily favored in music.

    Why else would Sweetwater and GuitarCenter sell Apple hardware......but to my knowledge, not a single piece of PC or Android-based hardware between them? Not one.

  • I think it’s just because iPadOS is one os only. There’s a lot (really) of android versions in the market plus the extra things that company add on their android system.

    Going for Apple app is a just that if your app is stable, it is stable on all devices (kind of).
    android would require a lot more customer care services.

    Hughes and Kettner did the same way for the app of the gm40

  • That’s because you only think as a pro musician. Apple products are mainly highly appreciated and used in pro environments. Are there more pros or more amateurs out there? My guess is clearly more amateurs. I know only two amateurs using Apple for music production and home practicing. Most I know uses a pc. Including myself and my pc has been rock solid without any issue for the past 5 years.

    But using a pc or using an Apple computer has really nothing to do with the use of a mobile unit for controlling a Kemper through a wireless connection. That’s just about flexibility, right? It’s only about adjusting profiles on the go, right? So what has Apple being looked at as the best solution for pro audio to do with a mobile solution that is for amateurs as well as pros on the go? I don’t see the connection between the pedestal, Apple is placed upon, and a fairly simple thing as a mobile wireless solution for editing to create a fancy flexible connection. I use Apple devices for daily stuff, but a pc for music and I have Rig Manager which works wonders. I absolutely love RM. I don’t tour or play in a band, so I will probably never use the wireless option, but I see the potential for others and think it’s a cool thing. No doubt about that.

    What I have rambled about in the above written words are all leading to my prior points in my earlier posts. The use of tablets is mainly divided between Android and Apple. That’s a 50/50 thing. And musicians do not solely use Apple devices. Pros and semi-pros tend to use a MacBook of some sort, yes. But the majority are amateurs and that’s a whole different ballgame.

    If I only had the perspective of an amateur, the picture would be, that Apple is not being used that much. At least in Europe. Here pc is bigger. But the truth is somewhat a lot more complex.

  • That’s because you only think as a pro musician. Apple products are mainly highly appreciated and used in pro environments. Are there more pros or more amateurs out there? My guess is clearly more amateurs. I know only two amateurs using Apple for music production and home practicing. Most I know uses a pc. Including myself and my pc has been rock solid without any issue for the past 5 years.

    But using a pc or using an Apple computer has really nothing to do with the use of a mobile unit for controlling a Kemper through a wireless connection. That’s just about flexibility, right? It’s only about adjusting profiles on the go, right? So what has Apple being looked at as the best solution for pro audio to do with a mobile solution that is for amateurs as well as pros on the go? I don’t see the connection between the pedestal, Apple is placed upon, and a fairly simple thing as a mobile wireless solution for editing to create a fancy flexible connection. I use Apple devices for daily stuff, but a pc for music and I have Rig Manager which works wonders. I absolutely love RM. I don’t tour or play in a band, so I will probably never use the wireless option, but I see the potential for others and think it’s a cool thing. No doubt about that.

    What I have rambled about in the above written words are all leading to my prior points in my earlier posts. The use of tablets is mainly divided between Android and Apple. That’s a 50/50 thing. And musicians do not solely use Apple devices. Pros and semi-pros tend to use a MacBook of some sort, yes. But the majority are amateurs and that’s a whole different ballgame.

    If I only had the perspective of an amateur, the picture would be, that Apple is not being used that much. At least in Europe. Here pc is bigger. But the truth is somewhat a lot more complex.

    PC is bigger everywhere. MacOS has a sliver of the overall market - but an outsized one in music-related activities.

    The point is - until you give Christoph Kemper a compelling reason beyond what he already knows, which is more than you or I do combined, Android support won't happen.

    This thread is a good barometer. 11 of the 35 current posts are from either you or me and in ten days, it hasn't even cracked page 2.

    Not a resounding call to action.

  • I certainly regret opening this thread now. Let's keep it to +1s only from now on.

    Just looking to show support for Android in the future, not share our opinions on what we think can/should be done.

    Fair enough. But why regret? Isn’t the whole point in creating a thread to make yourself and others richer regarding perspectives? To understand more than you already do. To gain perspective. I question stuff to get more knowledge. Often I’m right. But often I’m not.

    I still don’t see a post regarding an Android solution as a safe knowledge. There can be a ton of stuff, that influences this. BUT….it is of course an indication.

    But I see your point. +1’s from now on.