Is a Kemper Kabinet thaaaat much better than just using good guitar cab?

  • There is a imprint off mode, which technically is an FRFR one, that one will reproduce the profile with the original cabinet if you use cab On. If you change to imprints, then you get the imprinted speaker, disregarding which cabinet was the profile recorded with. Experiment what works for you, if anything, the Kabinet is the most versatile guitar cabinet in the world when paired with a kemper.

    The answer is 42

  • Awesome! Please get back to us with a full report after your gig.

  • Had another rehearsal yesterday and lent our other guitarist one of my Kabinets ( he has a powered toaster).

    1) He really liked it

    2) we both had to turn down as we were drowning out all other instruments

    I'm gigging tonight with it as well :)

  • ..... I' ve not tried any imprints ( not exactly sure how ) and will just try Monitor Cab On/Off at sound check to see what sounds better to me onstage through the Kabinet.

    So , the cab that is in the profile will be what I hear through the Kabinet, correct ? .......

    I wonder why you don't read chapter Kemper Kone in Main Manual 8.5, pages 96-110? You will find answers to all your auestions and probably even more there :)

  • Awesome! Please get back to us with a full report after your gig.

    First chance to respond.

    So yes, played Wednesday. outdoor park in a open gazebo.

    We do classic rock / blues. Hard hitting drummer

    Kemper into Power Kabinet and also DI to FOH mixer.

    Other guitar surprised me and did not bring Fuchs 50. Brought a Komet 19 and 1 X 12 cab.

    So my main concern was put to rest - Adequate stage vol from Kabinet.

    I had Power Amp setting at 80%

    Monitor Output Vol at 70%

    Kabinet Vol at about 1-2 o'clock

    It was more than loud enough onstage.

    Even had he brought Fuchs 50 I could have been fine w/ Kabinet.

    I think I do need to re-think using 3 different profiles with the simple stuff we do.

    This is only second gig using Kemper w/ my old band which we've not played together in 10 years.

    I have only been playing in church , originally w/ pedalboard in to AC20.

    When we had the band it was pedalboard into AC20 w/ 1 X 12 Blue or,

    if outdoors it was pedalboard into AC30 - No worries about enough volume.

    I sold AC30 to fund Kemper and it's worked fantastic at church up until covid hit and we could no longer do it indoors.

    I'm hoping to get the Kemper set up more simply for the simple stuff we do.

    Likely just one profile w/ cleans , grit and crunch/solo stuff.

    I may even try my pedalboard into Alt input of Kemper and out to Kabinet.

    But , I will say for anyone wondering if the Kabinet is loud enough as an onstage guitar cab, in my experience it absolutely is !

  • Sounds like it all worked out!

    Just a question - you're talking about the volume of the Power Kab and the volume of the Power Amp. In my understanding of your rig the power amp in the Kemper isn't in use, just the powered Kab. You're plugging the Kab into the Monitor output, correct?


  • oh yea.. had the Kab (with powered rack) for 3 days now. Kemper was a very solid tool but it left me flat and it sat there unused. With the kab I get that kick in the ass that playing guitar needs to have.

    My only slight issue is sustain, it does not sustain as well as a high end amp like my Mesa Mark V 35 or my 5150 MK3. The other issues is the Fender profiles don't punch quite as hard as sitting in a room with a broken up DLR or Twin.

    I've had a blast creating amp folders for Fender, Mesa, and and lining up Mars 69 and 71 sl's. Oddly enough I love some of the Schulz Rockman profiles as the signals are bit more normalize esp for scratch tracks where you are just laying down ideas. Goofing around with newer mfgs like Mezzabarba.

    After a bit of frustration the Stomp and Effect sections make total sense when esp used in conjunction with Rig Manger.. I can add in some delay or phase to pick some sustain. I leave the OUTPUT section set on KONE so I can cycle thru IR's.

  • Sounds like it all worked out!

    Just a question - you're talking about the volume of the Power Kab and the volume of the Power Amp. In my understanding of your rig the power amp in the Kemper isn't in use, just the powered Kab. You're plugging the Kab into the Monitor output, correct?


    Volume of Power Amp control on page 8 Output section when Kemper Kone soft button highlighted. Using it to make Kab Louder.

    I have an Unpowered Kemper head.

    Yes, going out of Monitor output on the back using instrument cable into the Kab.

  • My only slight issue is sustain, it does not sustain as well as a high end amp like my Mesa Mark V 35 or my 5150 MK3.

    The other issues is the Fender profiles don't punch quite as hard as sitting in a room with a broken up DLR or Twin.

    Sustain (prolonged decay, really) isn't really as much a question of manufacturer as it is of amount of compression (distortion being an extreme form) and volume.
    High amounts of distortion will create the illusion of more sustain (I'll just go with it and use this term) while high volume will feedback energy into the strings.

    So if amount of gain, volume (!) and absence of anything that interferes with a long sounding note (like a noise gate) are equal, there is no reason a tube amp would add more 'sustain' then the PROFILER.

    Most of the time, it's an unfair comparison, like a blaring tube head over a 4x12 compared to a PROFILER over studio monitors at polite studio levels ;)

    but check for activated noise gates, both as STOMP and the one on the front.


  • High amounts of distortion will create the illusion of more sustain (I'll just go with it and use this term) while high volume will feedback energy into the strings.

    ... and once you find the right balance of compression AND physical feedback (volume), you get actual (endless) sustain.

    It's there, it's possible, it's right in between prolonged decay and feedback into 2nd harmonic.

  • I got the Kone fever and after a year bought one. I was super stoked to say the least, my hopes were very high. Put it in an open back cab this morning and spent several hours tweaking settings and.....nope, just to fizzy no matter what i tried. Just swapped it out for an old celestion out of a fender mustang for now, not ideal but I can tolerate it. The quote above is worth its weight in gold.

    I assume that, instead of using "Monitor Cab Off" only, you have additionally switched off the Cabinet Module in the signal flow.

    This is not a mode that is suitable for the Kone, and will result in a shrill sound.

  • For rehearsal and stage volumes we recomment to turn the Power Kabinets volume chicken head all the way to the right, and do the rest of the volume control on the Profiler.

    This way you have access to the full headroom of the whole system.

  • I assume that, instead of using "Monitor Cab Off" only, you have additionally switched off the Cabinet Module in the signal flow.

    This is not a mode that is suitable for the Kone, and will result in a shrill sound.

    No sir, that assumption is not correct, the Cabinet Module wasn't switched off. I honestly believe I may have just received the one fluke from a production batch.

    For years I have done A/V design and installation as a sideline and though it doesn't happen often, I have on occasion received a product with a bad component or DOA completely. I still buy products from those companies without hesitation and will continue to do so, I in no way want my experience with one item to reflect negatively on any company. My profiler is the best investment in gear hands down that I've made in 38 years of playing. I've played guitar more in the four years I've had it than the previous ten years, mainly because it makes each playing session more enjoyable.

    Thank you for taking the time to communicate with a customer on the forum, that's unusual in this day and age, especially from someone in your position, it is greatly appreciated.