Remember that one time they teased an iPad app for a week and then straight ghosted us?

  • Yes, I also find this a bit weird and frustrating. They must have had a plan, but to tease things one day after another for a week or so and then go totally quiet doesn't look like a 'strategy'. If it isn't a mistake then it's an error of judgement.

    The other thing is that they could have shown a working prototype, but they showed something that looked totally complete. Whether or not it was only just a wireframe with no code behind it, it gave the impression that it was at least 99% complete.

    I wouldn't mind a 12 month teaser campaign (I would, but for the sake of argument let's say it), but don't start in the first week by showing the whole thing.

    And it is true that apple can take a long time to approve these things - but if we know that and we are not in the business then they must know that. And therefore it should have factored into their plans.

  • I'm not happy about it. But look at from Kemper's point of view. A product drops this year which some are touting the "Kemper Killer" (yes, that's internal MI terminology). One of its selling points is that users can access tones directly from a cloud-connected mobile device. If you're Kemper, you probably want to build a working app prototype and shout it from the rooftops that "APP CONTROL IS COMING." Blast it on social media for a week, get the buzz building. Then you can take your time getting it ready for market.

    jstoffel , I absolutely feel your frustration. I'd love a follow-up. I've even reached out directly for an ETA. But Kemper works on Kemper Time [TM]. I don't think it's super kind to the user base to tease a product then ghost, but really, the app isn't *for* us. It's to sway prospective buyers who are waffling between the Stage and the other product.

    My two cents.

  • I'm content with twisting knobs and pressing buttons. The iPad release is a bonus I didn't see coming. It will be great when it's released, but I'm so happy with my current set up, that it's just another solid addition to an already good product. No reason to be twerked about it.

    Kemper Stage Profiler - Kemper Powered Kabinet - Mission Expression Pedal - PRS CU22 - Strats out the wazoo 8)

    Edited 2 times, last by jnapruitt (June 9, 2021 at 1:54 PM).

  • It's just another great addition to an already amazing product. No reason to twerked about it.

    No disrespect to you personally, but I don't like this rhetoric. I see it on this board quite a lot. Someone will post a legitimate criticism, and others users will chime in, "Not a big deal to me — people just need to get over it!" And it's upvoted to high heaven. It's a big deal to some. Being a fan of a product, company, or entity doesn't mean not being able to see their flaws and wanting better.

  • No disrespect to you personally, but I don't like this rhetoric. I see it on this board quite a lot. Someone will post a legitimate criticism, and others users will chime in, "Not a big deal to me — people just need to get over it!" And it's upvoted to high heaven. It's a big deal to some. Being a fan of a product, company, or entity doesn't mean not being able to see their flaws and wanting better.

    And no disrespect to you personally, some of us dislike seeing all of the complaining. I just don't get it when a company tries to give it's users something new and all they do is complain. If the app isn't ready to be released yet and they put it out there and it has issues, there will be even more complaining. Some of us are happy to know that it is on it's way and are patient enough to wait for it. If all Kemper reads on here is complaints, why would they continue to give us new things for free? I have stayed out of this whole thread (both threads actually) until now. This comment didn't set well with me so I thought I would let people know there is another type of customer on here that appreciates the free things that Kemper gives it's customers and is willing to accept it on their timeline.

  • No disrespect to you personally, but I don't like this rhetoric. I see it on this board quite a lot. Someone will post a legitimate criticism, and others users will chime in, "Not a big deal to me — people just need to get over it!" And it's upvoted to high heaven. It's a big deal to some. Being a fan of a product, company, or entity doesn't mean not being able to see their flaws and wanting better.

    It's all good. Just an opinion based out of gratitude. Not bashing any prior comments. Enjoy and keep rocking!

    Kemper Stage Profiler - Kemper Powered Kabinet - Mission Expression Pedal - PRS CU22 - Strats out the wazoo 8)