Seeking advice for guitar feedback to seem more natural

  • Must be gear/profile dependent because my powered toaster into a 1X12 guitar cab has no problem making musical feedback. That is one of the first things I DEMAND of an amp. If it can't do that, I wouldn't own it. It has always been a litmus test for me for the pureness of amp circuitry & quality.. My older Marshalls and Fender tweeds do this easily. My digital gear of the recent past not so much. The Kemper has amazing sustain and I can actually coax smooth musical feedback at a lower volume than I can with my high powered tube amps. Mostly its just a case of turning it up a bit. I don't know about Kones, FRFR, studio monitors, headphones, but just through a guitar cab with a neutral speaker, the Kemper works and sounds just like any very high quality tube amp-or better.

  • Must be gear/profile dependent because my powered toaster into a 1X12 guitar cab has no problem making musical feedback. That is one of the first things I DEMAND of an amp. If it can't do that, I wouldn't own it. It has always been a litmus test for me for the pureness of amp circuitry & quality.. My older Marshalls and Fender tweeds do this easily. My digital gear of the recent past not so much. The Kemper has amazing sustain and I can actually coax smooth musical feedback at a lower volume than I can with my high powered tube amps. Mostly its just a case of turning it up a bit. I don't know about Kones, FRFR, studio monitors, headphones, but just through a guitar cab with a neutral speaker, the Kemper works and sounds just like any very high quality tube amp-or better.

    Almost positive it’s because of my gate I have in stomp A, so I assigned that stomp to my tuner button to turn off quick since I don’t use the tuner.

  • Missed that, sorry!

    I'm pretty sure I don't and never have locked my input. Silly question why would you lock clean sense ( TBH never touch it) ? I might be missing something :)

    If you don‘t lock it, all input settings are loaded from the rig you‘re using.

    I could have farted and it would have sounded good! (Brian Johnson)

  • I do have a gate in a stomp slot, does that really matter as opposed to just using the noise gate knob? Can one make the profile react differently?

    They are different things. The Input Noise Gate is an intelligent noise suppression tool that removes noise before the signal hits any other processing. The Noise Gate stomp is a hard gate that works better for tightening up Chugga Chugga metal riffs.