MIDI stack on/off help required please! :)

  • Hi,

    I would need to activate and deactivate the whole stack section of my Kemper via MIDI. But what I found on the subject is this:


    Amplifier (Address Page 10)

    2 On/Off

    4 Gain

    6 Definition

    7 Clarity

    8 Power Sagging

    9 Pick

    10 Compressor

    11 Tube Shape

    12 Tube Bias

    15 Direct Mix

    Equalizer (Address Page 11)

    2 On/Off

    4 Bass

    5 Middle

    6 Treble

    7 Presence

    Cabinet (Address Page 12)

    2 On/Off

    3 Volume

    4 High Shift

    5 Low Shift

    6 Character

    The problem is that I'm not used to NRPN MIDI messages and how to set them in a MIDI controller. So if you guys are more educated on the subject than me please a little help would very well appreciated! :)

  • Ok thanks! But what I write in the controller and what kind of message I send? CC? Would I send a Tooggle CC message and write the full F0 00 20 33 00 00 01 00 04 41 00 00 F7 to turn it off and the other to to turn it on? maybe it's obvious for some but not for me sorry! ;)

  • schoko, your help is very welcome! Thanks! The problem is that in my Morningstar MC-6 the SysEx messages in a preset are labeled like on this picture and it is impossible to enter data like f0 or f7 but only numbers in the form of 0X0 or 35X0 etc...

    Edited once, last by Pick909 (March 3, 2021 at 5:57 PM).

  • Where you can enter sysex in this editor? Maybe try with NRPN notation:

    You have to send four CC commands:
    $B0 $63 $04
    $B0 $62 $41
    $B0 $06 $00
    $B0 $26 $01 (0x00 for off)

    Now I'm lost! ;) I absolutly don't know how to enter those kind of value in my controler. You say these are CC? Or maybe SysEx? I can't find any $B0 character in my controler preset messages. I know, I'm not good in MIDI but thanks to enlight me please! :)

  • Now I'm lost! ;) I absolutly don't know how to enter those kind of value in my controler. You say these are CC? Or maybe SysEx? I can't find any $B0 character in my controler preset messages. I know, I'm not good in MIDI but thanks to enlight me please! :)

    $B0 == CC message so just ommit all B0. Select CC message. Next byte is CC number and next is the Value.

    So set is as follows:


    $B0 $63 $04
    Type:CC Number: 0x63 hex (or 99 decimal) Value: 04 hex(4 decimal)


    $B0 $62 $41

    Type:CC Number: 0x62 hex (or 98 decimal) Value: 41 hex(65 decimal)


    $B0 $06 $00

    Type:CC Number: 0x06 hex (or 6 decimal) Value: 00 hex(0 decimal)


    $B0 $26 $01 (0x00 for off)

    Type:CC Number: 0x26 hex (or 38 decimal) Value 01= on 00 =off

    You have to use Decimal notation in the editor so use Calculator in windows to convert from Hex($) vlues.

    I belive you have to set Toggle mode on. on Pos1 and Pos2 por MSG 1,2,3 the same value . For MSG4 pos1 (Value 0) Pos 2 (value 1). I'm just guessing so you have to check this with your device manual.

  • IT WORKS !!! :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup: Thank you so much DanienGreda for your help, it was the final piece of my RIG !! And, in bonus, I learned how NRPN works and how to enter values! Great!! :) And thank you too schoko, what a good community in this Kemper forum!

  • Hi, i use SYSEX for this:

    "F0 00 20 33 00 00 01 00 04 41 00 00 F7" -> turn it off

    "F0 00 20 33 00 00 01 00 04 41 01 00 F7" -> turn it on

    I will publish my project for a kemper controller on github soon(controlled via midi from the browser), i will write the info in the forum too. (i really implemented a lot of the functions which are possible).


    I have the same problem. That Sysex Message doesn't work. I don't have the time to get into sysex messages, as millions guitarists in the world. Is there anything new about the topic? Like a CC for the Stack section? Why is that so difficult to implement?

    Or can anyone just post the full Sysex and/or NRPN code to switch the stack on and off?


  • Hi,

    I have the same problem. That Sysex Message doesn't work. I don't have the time to get into sysex messages, as millions guitarists in the world. Is there anything new about the topic? Like a CC for the Stack section? Why is that so difficult to implement?

    Or can anyone just post the full Sysex and/or NRPN code to switch the stack on and off?


    The SysEx messages you quoted are correct. Something else is failing you.

    I would check that the MIDI Global Channel in System Settings includes the channel you're sending the SysEx to in your DAW.

    Btw, if you enable UI to MIDI on the same settings page, the kemper will send out the MIDI messages that correspond to your tweaking of the knobs and buttons. Could be useful in the future, if you need to control more functions.

  • Hi,

    I have the same problem. That Sysex Message doesn't work. I don't have the time to get into sysex messages, as millions guitarists in the world. Is there anything new about the topic? Like a CC for the Stack section? Why is that so difficult to implement?

    Or can anyone just post the full Sysex and/or NRPN code to switch the stack on and off?


    Standard MIDI is 8 bit technology. There are theoretically just 128 control changes available, but according to the standards some are already blocked for general purposes. The PROFILER has way more controllers. Therefor we reserve control changes for real mainstream controllers like volume pedal and effect module on/off. Stack on /off is not mainstream.