Solo boost amount

  • Actually thinking back the mids thing might be a bit misleading as it actually may not be 1db of mids or 750Hz exactly, I'm getting mixed up with my go to settings on my Axe FX 3 and any other equipment I might use.

    My solo boost on the Kemper is actually my main rhythm profile, in the Amp Stack I add 1.0 on the mid pot and add 4 dB on the rig volume plus usually I add 2.0 on the gain also. Then I add more delay or reverb etc to taste.

    Isn't that awesome to be able to EQ, boost, add gain and FX levels with one tap!! + super easy to set up! I like the bumping mid idea some have been reporting!

  • I use either an EQ or Delay's Level setting to +6db. Then assign that EQ or Delay to a footswitch on the remote.

    Do you use reverb after that? (Assuming EQ & Delay are not in the last slot) Just wondering because if I boost before FX it (naturally) magnifies them out of where I want them to be. Interesting to see the different methods, I guessed most would use rig volume....

  • It's not stage tested yet, but I am using the morph button to get a lead boost. What I do is set up a TS type drive in permanent "ON" position but at 0% mix in normal mode. When hitting the morph button on the rig, I morph the mix of the Kemper Drive to 100% to add some slight drive and shaping in front and then raise the rig volume by 3 dbs. This also allows me to have a stomp or something else on and just add to that.

    I used to have a dedicated rig that was my lead sound but I prefer going with a clean, dirt, and crunch sound and then using the morph to alter any of those for leads when I need to punch through.

  • I know what you mean, there are times when I get too much volume with the pedal, then I find myself pulling it back and come back to far and then struggling to find the right level. So I think I will try the morph approach. Are you boosting rig volume?

    Are you boosting the volume with the rig volume and boosting the mids with the output EQ?


    Just to be clear I tend to use a different slot for solos as I often use a different amp/profile as well but I use this principle for boosting for riffs.

    For riffs I boost rig volume, bit of mid and bit of treble for cut, but obviously you can change so many things! I love it