[Public Beta] PROFILER OS

  • ckemper

    Yes ,Green scream -it has this harshness ....

    I think better tubescreamer - is tubescreamer ,whih sounds exactly like real ....)

    did you try to reproduce my results ,with my DI and rig ?

    And i don`t know what need to be done,to force KD sound like my analog Tubescreamers...((((((

    Edited 2 times, last by artembankin (October 31, 2020 at 2:17 PM).

  • The Green Scream and the Kemper Drive have identical circuits, when Definition, Slim Down and Tone is set accordingly.

    We don't give recommendations about the volume settings of the originals, as it depends in a number of circumstances such as Clean Sens. This is why the volume knob on the pictures are greyed out.

    For an A/B test, simply level the volume by the volume knobs of the analog pedals.

    Definition, Slim Down and Tone were set as per the presets. I set the Drive and Tone knobs of the Green Scream at 5.0, halfway, to try to match the settings on the KD 808 Mid preset. They sounded different. Maybe it is the level control? It was set at <0.0> on the GS, 0 on the KD.

    Even though the volume knob in the pictures is greyed out, it still appears to be at 1.30 o’clock, which is where I started at on my physical pedals. Maybe there shouldn’t be a value at all on the pictures?

  • I think I will do yet another demo, regardless how bad of a player I am. Don't forget that I'm not considering myself a "guitar player". I'm a studio guy with a huge emphasis on electric guitar sounds.

    The "problem" will be even more obvious ... I would even say a deaf listener will be able to hear the difference between Kemper Drive and a real world overdrive in terms of openness and overall volume. :D

    Basic power chords for the rescue and I'll try to ignore comments how boring my playing is, hahaha.

  • The "problem" will be even more obvious ... I would even say a deaf listener will be able to hear the difference between Kemper Drive and a real world overdrive in terms of openness and overall volume. :D

    Are we talking about two different issues?

    Me and @Atlantic (seems so) have checked your Rig for the volume drop, when you rise the KD volume.

    I could not reproduce it unfortunately.

    Is "openness" the volume issue or something different?

  • Definition, Slim Down and Tone were set as per the presets. I set the Drive and Tone knobs of the Green Scream at 5.0, halfway, to try to match the settings on the KD 808 Mid preset. They sounded different. Maybe it is the level control? It was set at <0.0> on the GS, 0 on the KD.

    Even though the volume knob in the pictures is greyed out, it still appears to be at 1.30 o’clock, which is where I started at on my physical pedals. Maybe there shouldn’t be a value at all on the pictures?

    As I said, volume settings cannot be recommended by us, as it depends in the signal flow and settings of of Clean Sens.

    It must be set by ear. However, I assume this is an easy task and can be done in seconds.

  • ckemper

    did you try to reproduce my results ,with my DI and rig ?

    I have checked your rig, also with AMP and CAB switched off.

    Played guitar through it.

    I could not reproduce this digital clipping.



    I suspect that your issues are not directly related to the Kemper Drive, but to a bug in the Profiler, presumably triggered by a strange setting in your Profilers. Please send a backup to support@kemper-amps.com, so we can have a deeper look.

  • Is "openness" the volume issue or something different?

    Here's the second demo ... just ignore WHAT I play, please. And because I forgot to mention in the video, it's a 1968 Gibson Les Paul Custom I used.

    Colorsound Power Boost is in front of the Kemper this time, no Loop Mono, no reamping. If someone can't hear it, he must be beyond deaf. :D

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    ckemper: I have more than just one Profiler and it's the same on all I have right here in the studio in Germany. I'm 100% sure it wouldn't be any different on the ones in Kathmandu / Nepal.

  • Atlantic

    This is very strange ...i exactly replicated your result witn tone knob on 7 .....

    with my rig - tone knob is set to MAX

    And you result has no dynamic at all,,,,worse than my original ....

    lightbox artembankin

    To both of you, please keep in mind that I am not saying that the KD has no issues. Actually I am probably the only one checking for your issues outside of the Kemper team, and reporting back. I'm taking it from a debugging point of view.

    Regarding artembankin issue, and the dynamics. Ok, I thought that we where looking for digital clipping or harshness. So I upped the input to the max (not just a little like you asked me to do ). And obviously that mus have hit the compressor in the Master bus of my DAW, hence the lack of dynamics I guess. Anyway, in my first example at exactly the same settings as your reference tone, the harshness in your original was higher than mine. Please consider that something else in your KPA might be creating those issues.

    lightbox in your first video I understood that you had no volume rise after 2.3 value. It was clear I think as it even got lost in the mix the higher you turned the knob. And that is precisely what I replied about, because in my KPA with the last beta installed and with your settings there is a clear and proportional rise in volume after 2.3 until I reach 5.0 value. There is no doubt that in your second video the pedal booster is a lot more powerful than the KD, but still we don't know if the loss of volume over 2.3 is fixed using KD. We might be talking about two different issues here.

  • lightbox the issue I see here imo, is that you are not setting the pedal for unity with the Kemper , so you are basically boosting your signal to the Kemper with the pedal . Where the internal KD is set for unity with itself (if that makes sense). That is where the clean sense comes into play within the Kemper to give it more of that perceived boost or not depending on how it is set.

    You could do the same experiment on an tube amp with two of the same pedals. Set one for unity with the amp and jack up the volume on the second one, the second one will always sound louder and fuller because of that.

    This is also most likely the cause of some of the digital clipping others have talked about.

    This is my opinion on the matter, will do more test myself this weekend. Thanks for the videos as that helps to see if I can work around this on my end. I had noticed this before while using pedals but never really took time to set up unity well enough.

  • still we don't know if the loss of volume over 2.3 is fixed using KD. We might be talking about two different issues here.

    It has not been fixed if you're referring to the latest OS 8.0 update. I don't think they have touched anything in this sector (yet). I don't even know if they could fix it even if they wanted to, no idea. Might just be a limitation of the Profiler not being able to handle extreme dynamics. But what takes me wonder is why I can pump plenty of energy into the amp profile either by the actual pedal in front of the Profiler or in the Loop Mono ... while the Kemper Drive (and likely the other stomps, haven't tried yet due to time constraints) fall short.

  • Atlantic

    I`m already asked my colleagues and friends with KPA ,to replicate my test ,and waiting for results..

    this question is very important for me,because i still think that overdrives is weakest side of kemper...

    and i would be very happy ,if i could refuse to using my analog pedals ..and do all in the box.....

    Edited once, last by artembankin (October 31, 2020 at 4:15 PM).

  • Okay.Done.

    I finally(took a week) have what I am looking for since decades:

    Nice smooth & fat but "non tube" vocal fusion style sound with my stratocaster for nice melody lines while for the very first time I dont have the feeling that I step into cardboard boxes with every single note during fast runs.Nice.

    This ...I never ever achieved with any pedal.This is a great experience.Thank you dear Kemper folks..this KD is actually "more than a drive".Within the Kemper amp it is a powerful tone shaping tool.One more.:thumbup:

  • It has not been fixed if you're referring to the latest OS 8.0 update. I don't think they have touched anything in this sector (yet). I don't even know if they could fix it even if they wanted to, no idea. Might just be a limitation of the Profiler not being able to handle extreme dynamics. But what takes me wonder is why I can pump plenty of energy into the amp profile either by the actual pedal in front of the Profiler or in the Loop Mono ... while the Kemper Drive (and likely the other stomps, haven't tried yet due to time constraints) fall short.

    Maybe try to use some high pass filter before(and/or after) KD . Maybe there is some low(inaudiable) frequency content that saturate the amp input. I have to check this.

  • Atlantic

    My friend did a proper test ,and result pretty the same ....

    And i understood why you couldn`t exactly repeat mine

    For some reason my rig profile don`t open properly .....with my friend rig manager

    i give him a screenshot with proper settings ..and everything fell in place...

    Here proof of reamp,with my original file and friend reamp

    and screenshot with settings

    All this proves that the problems with harsh are in the kemper drive model...

    It just don`t sound right,, and green scream ...as well