Playing time

  • i'm with you man ... hands down the most inspiring piece of gear i ever bought. i had switched to keyboards for years but it's fair to say i haven't touched any of my keyboards since i bought the toaster 2 years ago. before i had gone through loads of modelers and amps but always used to struggle and have to twiddle settings for hours to find an inspiring sound. with the K i can pretty much load any preset and instantly get into some kind of groove. and i've also played much more than ever before, my fingers are finally at the stage where the callouses don't come of anymore and the left fingertips are now nicely hardened which makes me play even more :P


    free you mind and your ass will follow …

  • There are a lot of very good modelers and plug ins out there.All of these today may sound very good but imo none of these reach the level of the profiler.The kpa is in a different league.

    For me..this thing saved my @ss during the lock down and still continues to do so.Without it I would not have been able to participate in several dozen projects this year.All this while I was "locked down" in my parents house in a village far away from good musicians with all my tube rigs stored unreachable in a friends rehearsal room.

  • I have played guitar so much more than anytime in the last few years.
    I have a lot of great gear in my studio but this is the one thing that has been inspiring to use and play.

    Same here, same here. Actually the Kemper quickly became the center of my creative activities and inspires me to play more and also explore different styles way more than any other piece of gear before. That exploration and crossover with my former styles is actually very satisfying for me.

    Though it has some complexity in it I find it straight forward and rather easy to use and always getting decent results. That eases so much of the pain which was there before sometimes 8)