morph on all 4 pedals?

  • Hi, I'm new to the Kemper Stage profiler. Not sure if this is the correct area to post a thread but, i hope so.

    I'd like to hook up the 3 or 4 pedals as separate morphs. 2 of them to morph the delay mixes from 2 different delays, one to control a tube screamer dirt level and one to bring in and out an external effect.

    it appears there is only one morph pedal but maybe i'm missing something. I really like the ability to have my foot on the pedal and bring the effects up and down while i'm singing without having to look down to switch patches.

    Hope to hear good news on this subject :)

  • You are correct: there is only one morph function available. You can control several parameters at once with morph but what you are needing to do is not possible, AFAIK. We have been asking for some additional functionality in this area, so the Kemper folks are aware.

    Be Thankful.

  • Morphing is not global, but Rig specific! You can control one set of parameters and ranges in Rig A, another set of parameters and ranges in Rig B, a third set of parameters and ranges in Rig C and so on with just one Morph Pedal. Try not to stuff all your needed variations for every musical scene into the same Rig.

  • Possible....

    Rippin wrote "I like the ability to have my foot on the pedal and bring the effects up and down while i'm singing without having to look down to switch patches". If the intend is to bring effects up and down leaving the foot on one pedal, Morphing does exactly that. But how does it work with four pedals without having to look down? And why is it not possible to switch Rigs and use the same pedal then?

  • Thanks everyone :) Appreciate the feedback.

    I understand the limitations. I was just thinking that since there are 4 pedal outputs I'd be able to assign each one to a separate morph function.

    Switching rigs is not as smooth a transition as the morphing but, for now I'm still thankful to have this powerful of a tool.

    Thanks again :)