"Pointer performances" for simplifying working with multiple setlists

  • Instead of a performance that holds all the data for a performance, it would be nice to have a "pointer performance" that points to another existing performance.

    Let's say I have four different performances for four different songs. A, B, C and D. With pointer performances I could then make setlists that contain the songs in different order, like 1: BACD and 2: DABC without copying performances to multiple locations.

    Pointer performances would not need to have any specific additional "mode". Pointer performances would just need a flag to normal performance that indicates it is a pointer performance and the performance number where it points to.

  • Interesting idea.

    I use a cheap Android tablet with a bluetooth Midi adaptor, and Bandhelper app.

    All songs in the Bandhelper app have the desired performance/slot programmed.

    This way no matter how the setlist is compiled, clicking on the next song jumps to the correct performance/slot.

  • In my opinion a set list program makes more sense to do what you said. A setlist with or without a pointer thing should not be stored in the profiler. It´s not the task of the profiler to do that.

    Kemper Head - Kemper Remote - Palmer Box with Kemper Kone - TC Electronic BAM200 - Laney LFR 112

  • Yes, I'm aware that there exists several additional helping software & stuff.

    I have also used a cheap android midi adapter and controller software. However, setting the MIDI program change parameters correctly for each song feels a bit clumsy. I personally like the up/down buttons in my remote a lot, but now they are pretty much useless. I cannot reorganise performances on my Kemper, because the midi controller then does not know where each song actually is. And if I copy songs to another slots to keep them in order, then I have again multiple versions laying around the performance space.

    Yesterday rehearsals I forgot to take the tablet with me, and I was stuck scrolling through performances to find the correct ones.

    I just think these "pointer performances" could be a relatively small change that would bring performance mode usability into another level.

  • I still don't understand why people need 1 performance per song but....

    I think you're suggestion makes sense although you'd still need to switch up and down. You would hope it's relatively straight forward as its essentially a performance organiser - a layer above performances to order them...which I think makes sense ;)

  • I still don't understand why people need 1 performance per song but....

    I think you're suggestion makes sense although you'd still need to switch up and down. You would hope it's relatively straight forward as its essentially a performance organiser - a layer above performances to order them...which I think makes sense ;)

    Exactly! Switching up or down is not a problem if the "songs performances" or "general purpose performances" are in correct order. You could mix "pointer performances" however you like.

  • For fail-safe operation, every performance and slots would need a UUID, e.g. hashed from the parameters to point to. If you just point to the performance slot ID, changing the order of the performances or changing performances itself will only be noteable once you have the wrong sound loaded on stage and the drummer is already counting in. Then, there‘s no way to avoid embarassement on stage. :pinch:

    Hence, the „pointer performance“ would have to validate all its pointers on load and give a warning in case of a mismatch.

  • For fail-safe operation, every performance and slots would need a UUID, e.g. hashed from the parameters to point to. If you just point to the performance slot ID, changing the order of the performances or changing performances itself will only be noteable once you have the wrong sound loaded on stage and the drummer is already counting in. Then, there‘s no way to avoid embarassement on stage. :pinch:

    Hence, the „pointer performance“ would have to validate all its pointers on load and give a warning in case of a mismatch.

    Don't know... For me it would be enough for the pointer to load another performance from a specific performance slot independent of what there is. If you move or shuffle your originals around I think it would be perfectly fine if it's up to you to fix the pointers also.

    Of course it would be nice to have an option for updating the pointer performances also when moving the original, but I don't think that would be a necessity.

  • I still don't understand why people need 1 performance per song but....

    I think you're suggestion makes sense although you'd still need to switch up and down. You would hope it's relatively straight forward as its essentially a performance organiser - a layer above performances to order them...which I think makes sense ;)

    Can't necessarily say I "need" it, that's for sure. But in my cover band I've been using certain rigs to sound just a little closer to what I "think" works a bit better.

    Hell... I used to run a PRS Custom 50 combo with no pedals. Just the two channels, reverb, and boost. Lol!


  • Maybe I'm missing something but the kemper can already rearrange performances on the device.

    Select the performance you want to move and press the Arrange button, above the display.

    Yes, It is possible to move performances. The point is that if I have multiple setlists where the songs are in different order, I can not do that on Kemper without copying performances to multiple slots. If I had these "pointer performances" I could make setlists using these pointers to keep the performances in the order they are needed.

  • Maybe I'm missing something but the kemper can already rearrange performances on the device.

    Select the performance you want to move and press the Arrange button, above the display.

    Yeah the point is it requires essentially a permanent move and shuffling around on the device.

    What the OP is after is to pre-arrange performances into "set lists" and therefore select " set list 1" with the performances arranged in a certain way and then " set list 2" etc. It would be an easier way to manage if you use the KPA in this way.

  • What the OP is after is to pre-arrange performances into "set lists" and therefore select " set list 1" with the performances arranged in a certain way and then " set list 2" etc. It would be an easier way to manage if you use the KPA in this way.

    I would use RM to arrange several set lists in seperat folders. Each performance - name starting with the number of place in the set list. Before a gig you can copy the relevant setlist to the KPA.