Professional profiles vs my own.

  • I’ve noticed that the profiles I take of my own amp feel a lot more responsive than ones I’ve bought or downloaded from the rig exchange for the same amp. Anyone else experience this and have any clue why?

    Kemper Stage

    ISP Stealth Pro power amp

    Mesa Boogie 4x12 Rectifier slant cabinet

    ESP/E-II Guitars

    EMG 57/66 pickups

  • I definitely profiled at performance volume. That may be why. My lead channel profile is amazing the notes jump off of the fretboard. Adding a compressor and adjusting the Definition settings were key.

    of course I’ve been using this amp since 2008 so maybe I’m just so used to the sound and playing through it.

    Kemper Stage

    ISP Stealth Pro power amp

    Mesa Boogie 4x12 Rectifier slant cabinet

    ESP/E-II Guitars

    EMG 57/66 pickups

  • I'm finding the same thing and believe perhaps that paults' response is correct. I am definitely after amp-in-the-room and listen to it like that, not like an experienced recording engineer. My measure of success is a side-by-side of the Kemper/Kone vs the original amp.


  • Also you dialed it in to sound and play great with your particular situation. Fingers guitar, cables, room etc.

    Kemper PowerRack |Kemper Stage| Rivera 4x12 V30 cab | Yamaha DXR10 pair | UA Apollo Twin Duo | Adam A7X | Cubase DAW
    Fender Telecaster 62 re-issue chambered mahogany | Kramer! (1988 or so...) | Gibson Les Paul R7 | Fender Stratocaster HBS-1 Classic Relic Custom Shop | LTD EC-1000 Evertune | 1988 Desert Yellow JEM

    Edited once, last by musicmad (August 4, 2020 at 10:30 PM).

  • I’ll try the input suggestions. I’m running through a guitar cabinet does the same rules apply for output, I’m thinking maybe not?

    Kemper Stage

    ISP Stealth Pro power amp

    Mesa Boogie 4x12 Rectifier slant cabinet

    ESP/E-II Guitars

    EMG 57/66 pickups

    Edited once, last by Xombie2000 (August 5, 2020 at 11:52 PM).

  • i think Paul nailed it. When you make a profile yourself (or I make one myself) You make it to sound like your amp the way you want to hear it when playing. When a professional profiler makes a profile

    A) they might not have the same idea of a great sound to you

    B) they try and make a sound that will sit well in a mix with other instruments rather than simply be pleasing to player themselves.

    I know that when I make profiles of my Boogies they are pretty much indistinguishable from the real amp in the room. I love how they sound. However, that doesn’t necessarily make them great profiles for anyone else to use.

  • I know that when I make profiles of my Boogies they are pretty much indistinguishable from the real amp in the room. I love how they sound. However, that doesn’t necessarily make them great profiles for anyone else to use.

    This was the case with my Dual Rectifier. It has a pretty unique preamp and power tube setup. So I guess I was so used to hearing that amp not just any dual rectifier that the others sounded different.

    Kemper Stage

    ISP Stealth Pro power amp

    Mesa Boogie 4x12 Rectifier slant cabinet

    ESP/E-II Guitars

    EMG 57/66 pickups

  • of course I’ve been using this amp since 2008 so maybe I’m just so used to the sound and playing through it.


    We defiantly get used to the sounds we like. when I got my KPA I thought great I can relive the JCM800 sounds I used to like...hmm don;t really like them that that because the profiles aren't any good? I think its because I looked at that amp with rose tinted specs. Having previously played ENGL's for 5 years+, they seem to be more the sounds I prefer.

    With tyour amp, you've spent a number of years and and gigs dialling in both the amp and your ears ;)

  • I don’t think the potential for comb filtering due to different rooms can be discounted. A 3rd party profile will naturally have certain frequencies that are either amplified or cancelled in another room. If you profile an amp in the same room you play the profile in: you shouldn’t have additional comb filtering. I prefer my own profiles as well, but always cycle through my favorites folder (mine and commercial) when I get to a venue to find the profile most suitable for the room.

  • I found the same thing when I was playing through my cab with Celestion G12S-50's. The only hi gain profile I liked was the one I made myself with my JCM800 2210 and a modded SD-1. I was borderline going to sell the Kemper until I profiled my own amp.

    Now I'm running Kones I'm really liking a lot of other profiles, a particular 50w plexi profile with the gain pushed up slightly is now my go to rig. However I can't get the profile of my amp to sound any good through the kones at all. I'm only now starting to realise how dark my old speakers are and how well they're matched to the overly trebley sound of the 2210, they really throw a blanket over most other Kemper profiles though.

    It makes sense that your sound through your gear is going to sound best. However awesome the Kemper is it pays to remember, particularly for hi gain sounds that the speakers and cab your playing through affect your sound possibly more than the amp itself.

    One other thing I've noticed is that a lot of the hi gain rigs have been profiled with scooped mids and poor string definition/clarity (I guess that's what most other hi gain players like) hence why I tend to go for slightly lower gain rigs that sound better and then tweak the gain to taste

  • One other thing I've noticed is that a lot of the hi gain rigs have been profiled with scooped mids and poor string definition/clarity (I guess that's what most other hi gain players like) hence why I tend to go for slightly lower gain rigs that sound better and then tweak the gain to taste

    Good points. I don’t scoop the mids, they are what really punch through the mix and add the right type of growl. Also, I normally increase definition after refining.

    Kemper Stage

    ISP Stealth Pro power amp

    Mesa Boogie 4x12 Rectifier slant cabinet

    ESP/E-II Guitars

    EMG 57/66 pickups

    Edited once, last by Xombie2000 (August 11, 2020 at 7:49 AM).