Choosing between three Friedman BE100 profile packs - Suggestions?

  • Hi guys, I'm considering getting a BE100 pack because this amp is so versatile. I've found Top Jimi, Reampzone and Live Ready Sound offer packs at similar price points. Top Jimi's sound seems the most dynamic and harmonically rich to me based on online clips, but that may not be a fair comparison due to audio compression. Has anybody compared these profiles?

    I'm also aware that Choptones and Mattfig offer their BE100 packs, but they're above my price range.

    Suggestions will be much appreciated!

  • I'm not sure if he has a pack dedicated to that amp, but the Michael Britt (MBritt) BE100 profiles are excellent. You may have to look for them inside his various packs, as they usually feature multiple amps (often with multiple profiles of each amp) that fit a certain category rather than being dedicated to a particular amp... the packs are very affordable though.

    Michael Britt Kemper Profiles

  • Bert Meulendijk's BE100 pack is outstanding. An incredible amount of different (and useful) settings, studio and merged, all great quality and versatile, good to tweak. Look out for that one, reasonable price at all.

    breu, thanks for that one. Legendary :thumbup:8)

  • It seems the BE is a interesting Amp to profile and there are alot of options out there...I have yet to find one incredibly a metal guy so my opinion was based on Heaviness, Tightness, Balance ect.

    I have Played through and will rate/note what i think:

    Amp Factorys - For now my favorite and most versatile for Clean - Mean tones.

    Reampzone BE Deluxe - Near my favorite and they are free on Rig Exchange...great versatility for what he shared so good - check em.

    Top Jimi - Just didnt vibe with these either had a blankety feel over the tones.

    Bert Meulendijk - Was my first BE pack i played, lots of profiles and great tones out of this here as well!

    Cililab (Midgain) - Not in my ballpark for the right tightness and heavyness. - Usually decently done profiles but these just lacked the high end clarity so could get there with tweaks but out of box nah.

    Tim Owens - Free profiles shared here o forum, There was sooooooooo many, done well in a studio but i just didnt catch any that vibed with me.

    I literally just picked up Live Ready Sounds BE today ...will report back later on whats up.. However for over 400 profiles at 17 buck Promo currently i dont think there is a better deal. And im sure there is versatility included in the pack.

  • If you are a rock/hard rock player, I think Bert Meulendijk's is the definitive BE100 pack. Even for metal parts, I'd rather tweak his profiles a bit (scoop it slightly and add high end) instead of going for a metaller's pack (maybe because I'm so used to them). I seem to return to this pack all the time and it's all over the stuff I'm tracking these days.

  • And don't forget you can switch cabs to something you might like better.
    To me it's the Cab that influences what you hear the most. The freq content and spectra.

    And the Amp part is the one that you feel as a player, how responsive to your playing, articulation, pickups and so on.

  • And don't forget you can switch cabs to something you might like better.
    To me it's the Cab that influences what you hear the most. The freq content and spectra.

    And the Amp part is the one that you feel as a player, how responsive to your playing, articulation, pickups and so on.

    i commented on another post that swiching cabs can really help with the profile sound,and a user commented this.....

    "The algorithm to separate the cab from the amp is not perfect, therefore the result won't be "kosher" (wouldn't sound like this combination in real-life). That doesn't mean it can't sound great"

    stop worrying about what's "best" - just pick the thing that works for you

  • Yeah i can see how people can say that. Just depends on your personal mindset...

    In my case i enjoy the kemper because of its pureness, i dont prefer to build tones from the very ground up.

    When you hear a profile you are aware of whats its supposed to be structured from. If you end up liking it and choose not to touch or adjust much it will be as authentic as possible to the real deal.

    Some folks can get too intense about it, which is fine its just their take on it. People treat it like were back in the VHS Tapes days...the original tape is the best offering/quality ect. You make a copy, adjust a few things and you now have a "Degenerated" copy of that original tape/tone. Another copy/adjustment then again your further away from the original.

    For me, i dont see it completely like that, over the last few months i have taken a few Cabs from profiles i know that deliver the right sound to my ears and if i run into a profile that doesnt have everything i want, ill drop it into that cab and see if i like it. 90% of the time i turn out loving the profile then..even if i broke its genetic code lol just depends on your own personal taste.

  • I have 2 small M Audio BX5’s at home & am going to try some of these profiles at rehearsal into a 4x12

    i have the same monitors,but then could be your guitar,i have a Fender Strat with Seymour JB on the bridge,if the profiles sound too boomy try to raise the definition button or lower the bass a bit.

    stop worrying about what's "best" - just pick the thing that works for you