Boss FV-500 with Kemper Stage Set Up

  • Hi All! I am very confused on how to set up this volume pedal with the stage for swells. Do you have any recommendations and how to set ups for this? I cannot find much online. Thanks for the help! Tried to put it through the input area and didn't work. Easily could have been doing something wrong. Thanks!

  • Classical volume pedals like the Boss FV-500 are not recommended. We recommend expression pedals instead. You find this hint in all our manuals and related video tutorials.

    Volume pedals can be plugged between guitar and PROFILER input. Some people even misuse these as expression pedals.

    But real expression pedals, which are optimized to control digital devices like the PROFILER, provide better resolution and can be used more flexibly.

  • MattWylde is spot on. I have an FV500 as well as various other expression pedals (including the Mission EP1). The FV500 is easily the best of them all. It has two pots inside, one log taper volume pot and an other linear taper for expression pedal. As long as you use the Exp out with a TRS pedal, it is a great controller.

  • I still think the FV500H used analog in front of the Kemper is better than expression pedals if you’re looking to emulate the swell from a guitar volume knob, which is how I use it. But I’m really picky and it’s a feel thing. I also use an expression pedal for other functions, just not volume swells.

    These profiles go to 11!

  • I'm new to my Kemper (Head). I don't get my BOSS FV500 working as expression with Wah.
    I have connected a 'guitar' cable... which is a TRS cable I think, from the pedal's EXP of the FV500 to the Switch/Pedal 2 of the Kemper. It's not doing anything.

    Is there any instruction beyond what's in the manuals. I'm not getting there...