Weird Performance Slot Merging

  • I'm on RM

    Kemper OS is I have a Toaster.

    The maddening issue I'm getting is that somehow two slots are getting linked together and the following happens with Rig Manager:

    I configure and load Performance 3 and save. Performance 10 now has a copy of this performance despite not putting there or not wanting it there. If I initialize the performance on 10, then even though RM displays Performance 3 correctly, I go to 3 and it is now initialized as well with my performance tweaks all lost, even though I didn't initialize 3. I copy back in the performance to 3 and 10 gets it copied to it again. Maddening. The same thing is happening with Performance 6 and 7. The other performances aren't having this problem. Technically, I should only have Performances 1-6 active. Or at least that was my goal!

    Somehow these performances are getting linked...I think in RM.

  • Wow, I am surprised that something was allowed to be released that is deleting things like this. What are the beta testers actually testing? They should be combing through things like this as there have been reported problems for months when dealing with Performances.
    Not used rig manager for months and months since it deleted some profiled amps I had. Fortunately, they were already in Performances I had made.
    The fact that Performances are not safe is sad. I had fully intended to use loads of Performances as storage for my profiled amps and delete these profiles from the browser. That looks like it would be a disaster at the moment. Add on top that you can’t even export or import Performances outside of the program that wants to corrupt them and it negates any use this program could have for me.
    This is the perfect illustration why we should be able to manage the import and export of Performances on the unit itself. It’s crazy the only way to really organise a Performance is with the program that can destroy them.

  • FWIW, I tried deleting/initializing all my Performances and then pulling back over the saved performances. Doing so created the same issue. It created mirror rigs in in 3 and 10 and in 6 and 7. So, I'm thinking the issue lives in the profile itself. It takes so dang long to get the performances the way I want them that it's pretty frustrating. But, at least I have my performances there despite them mirroring.

  • FWIW, I tried deleting/initializing all my Performances and then pulling back over the saved performances. Doing so created the same issue. It created mirror rigs in in 3 and 10 and in 6 and 7. So, I'm thinking the issue lives in the profile itself. It takes so dang long to get the performances the way I want them that it's pretty frustrating. But, at least I have my performances there despite them mirroring.

    can you please contact support and show us exactly what you mean, a video would be great and if you believe that this all has to do with the Rigs you use, we would need them as well. thanks!

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here

  • can you please contact support and show us exactly what you mean, a video would be great and if you believe that this all has to do with the Rigs you use, we would need them as well. thanks!

    I have send you today a list of video links,
    that shows excatly what's going on. (checkout my product support inquery from

    If I copy performances on position 3,4,5 it will overriede other performances.
    Maybe other Useres have different performance numbers
    like mtmartin71 has 3,10 and 6 and 7.

    Be the force with you ;)

  • I've got the same problem. A new performance started on #53, and Imoved to #2. When I closed and reopened RM, it was also on slot 10 and 11.
    Can send video or pics if needed.

    '19 Relish Eucalypt Mary | '17 PRS McCarty 594 | '15 PRS 408 | '96 PRS Custom 22 | '78 Les Paul Custom | '19 Silver Sky

    Kemper Toaster | Rack | Remote

    Friedman ASM-12 | Atomic CLR Neo Mk II Wedge | ValveTrain Powertrain Studio 20

  • Same problem here, kemper stage... A performance gets copied and overwrites several performance slots, deleting the performance it replaces.... Giving me several duplicated performances I do not want. I can not use this in a live situation now as it is impossible to put my set lists together.

    Can this be remedied?

  • Please do the following before you change anything on your Kemper or PC

    Perform the following task, it will allow the Kemper Team to take a closer look into the issue you're facing:

    - Switch off Profiler

    - Connect the formatted USB stick to Profiler (more about formatting can be found in the user manual)

    - Switch on Profiler while holding the STORE button for at least 30 seconds

    - Once Profiler has fully started up, remove the USB stick and connect it to your computer

    - Locate the file "" and reply to this mail with the file attached

    For Windows users:

    - "My Documents\KemperAmps\RigManager\DebugLog.txt"

    - "My Documents\KemperAmps\RigManager\InstallationLog.txt"

    - "c:\windows\inf\"

    For Mac users: "User/Documents/Kemper Amps/RigManager/DebugLog.txt"

    Send this to
    with a short description.

    Be the force with you ;)

  • Thanks. I'll give this a go and send. Will this be sufficient or do you need to see screen shots too?

  • Thanks. I'll give this a go and send. Will this be sufficient or do you need to see screen shots too?

    I am not a Kemper support !!

    However, it is important to save all evidence so that Kemper support can find out what is happening.
    However, if you reset / restore the system, the Kemper team has no change to determine where the error comes from.

    Be the force with you ;)

  • please get in touch with us and send what you have. thanks!

    sent details via the contact page with a dropbox link to the pics. (as I didn't see the previous reference to an support "email")
    I can resend the pics to the email if you'd prefer. Mahalo!!

    '19 Relish Eucalypt Mary | '17 PRS McCarty 594 | '15 PRS 408 | '96 PRS Custom 22 | '78 Les Paul Custom | '19 Silver Sky

    Kemper Toaster | Rack | Remote

    Friedman ASM-12 | Atomic CLR Neo Mk II Wedge | ValveTrain Powertrain Studio 20

  • FWIW, it seems to be a FW issue based on some of my testing. I just tried to make a performance without RM. I used slot 3 and just dropped some random rigs in there and stored the performance. I then scrolled to slot 10 and sure enough, it duplicated the change to that slot. No RM involved.

  • I fixed my problems by restoring a backup I made before the update.

    It seems to me to be a problem with the storage organization,
    I also had problems changing the rigs, sometimes I had a loud bang or loud crack.

    Be the force with you ;)

  • I fixed my problems by restoring a backup I made before the update.

    It seems to me to be a problem with the storage organization,
    I also had problems changing the rigs, sometimes I had a loud bang or loud crack.

    Interesting...I should have backed up before the last you did. It sounds like it is something in the latest OS then.

    I have a ticket into support now and supplied them all my stuff. We'll see how it goes.

    Going forward, I need to backup before my updates! :)

  • Interesting...I should have backed up before the last you did. It sounds like it is something in the latest OS then.

    I have a ticket into support now and supplied them all my stuff. We'll see how it goes.

    Going forward, I need to backup before my updates! :)

    what you can try is

    going back to version 7.22 by booting from usb stick.

    then make a backup.

    then update again to 7.3.1 and restore.

    Be the force with you ;)

  • I tried reinstalling 7.3.1 from boot with the FW on a USB stick. I think it may be working. Need to play with it further but so far so good.

    UPDATE: Foiled. It seemed be working as I was using RM to save the performance changes. I turned it off and on and then the same BS happened and 3 and 10 were joined as were 6 and 7. I think tried to initialize 7 and 10 again and save through RM and everything appeared to be fine. Turned off again, turned back on, and now 3 and 10 were showing new performances. They were initialized.

    UPDATE 2: I think we have success! I did have an old backup from Sep 2019. I restored that. It had some different performances in there. I did lose some of the effects I had saved recently but it appears my performance mapping woes have been resolved. 3 is not duplicating to 10 anymore and 6 is not duplicating to 7. So for those of you experiencing some performance rig issues like this, it looks like an older backup can "reset" it. You may lose some custom effects though if you made those post the rig you're backing up with...unless you saved those effects in your local library.

    Edited 2 times, last by mtmartin71 (May 5, 2020 at 5:04 AM).

  • Yep, restoring a previous backup has "re-set" storage ordering for me. However, maybe 5% of the time, when scrolling through performances and selecting a rig, it jumps to a random performance instead of the one I choose!

    I have received an email and have sent back files as requested, hopefully it is something that can be sorted.

    I have to say..... once I opened a support ticket, I was contacted reasonably quickly and felt reassured that I was being looked after.... So, I'm confident this will be remedied soon.