OS 7.1.21 Release Discussion

  • “We have just published OS 7.1.21 Release, which includes the following fixes:

    User Interface

    fixed: wrong position/edit buffer after Performance move

    fixed: edit buffers and locking not correctly maintained during backup/restore

    fixed: View Last Imported not immediately updated after import

    fixed: pot behavior for reversed unidirectional parameters

    fixed: SEND 1 output not correctly initiated after powercycle (Stage)

    fixed: HARDFAULT when moving Performance Slot #2 to Slot #1 via "Move Up" function in Rig Manager”

    I updated my Kemper Rack, using Rig Manager auto download. Updated quickly and no issues to report so far (knock on wood). I will update my Stage later today after giving my Rack a good run through.

  • Yeah and still same bug: Copy a merged (!) cab (A) to another profile (B) in RM using Kemper buttons and do not save anything. Then move to the next profile with right arrow key... The cab A is still shown in the profile B in RM (=wrong), but on the profiler the correct, original cab is shown. For fun: If I now copy a cab from a studio profile to the the profile B (which still shows the wrong cab A), this cab is not permanent, but it still jumps back to the wrong cab A in RM.

    If I make a duplicate of the rig (or copy and paste): Only the new profile shows the correct cab in RM.

    The wrong cab is shown until RM is closed and started again.

    Edited 2 times, last by Ibot39 (March 3, 2020 at 6:51 AM).

  • Sorry to say ...

    Copied a rig via RM vom Local Library to a Performance Slot. via Copy Past

    Nothing happened on KPA.

    It shows on RM the new RIG takes place at the slot, but noting to see on KPA.

    If you then use the Brows knob on KPA to select a Rig from the Browse Pool the KPA Hangs. (no crash but ist still don't react any more)

    If you do the same as before and select some other performances RM the RM crashes.

    Moving a performance from a lower number to a higher number in the list (by drag and drop) the numbering is wrong you have than the same number twice.

    Is it too much to expect to test the basics before releasing anything?

    I found that out in 10 minutes by normal use ...

    Be the force with you ;)

  • Here is what I found...

    For a new Performance in Rig Manager (one that has been initialized and just has “Crunch” listed.
    I double click the the Performance (MyProfiler) to select it, you will see the headphone symbol showing that it’s is selected.
    Go into Rigs (MyProfiler), highlight a rig and either right click (copy) or use Edit drop down (copy).

    Go back to Performance (MyProfiler) and now try to “paste” the rig into the #1 performance slot... nothing happens.

    Now if I then click/select #2 performance and then click/select #1 performance again, I can now “paste” the rig into the #1 performance slot.

    For some reason the first slot does not become active unless you first choose a different performance slot first. After I do this, everything works as it should, all rigs/performances appear as edited on my Kemper as I had within Rig Manager.

  • Moving a performance from a lower number to a higher number in the list (by drag and drop) the numbering is wrong you have than the same number twice.

    I don’t do this normally as it’s hard to stop on the correct performance as it jumps around.but tried it to test... After dragging to a new performance position, it did not update until I clicked on a different performance and then it sorted correctly.

    As another note for saving a performance. Make sure you double click(or CMD+Enter on MAC) the correct performance slot before saving. If you edited a few performances , you will need to click on each performance and then save each one. They do not seem to save as a group/one click for all edits.

    Edited 3 times, last by drog (March 3, 2020 at 4:28 AM).

  • Not sure if this is something that was intentional in programming, as I do not see it in the manual (could have missed it) but... Found something interesting, can be really handy but might also create unintended changes to performances.

    I mistakenly left my Kemper in Performance mode and in Rig Manager I wanted to go and audition some new profiles from Rig exchange . Found something I liked and doubled clicked to audition ( as I always do). Noticed that the headphone symbol did not appear as it usually does? Ok no prob. Continued to check out other profiles...

    I then go back into my performances to make an edit and what do I find... a Performance slot had been overwritten with a rig I had tried on Rig Exchange? Hmmm? So I selected that performance spot and then went back to Rig Exchange and double clicked on a Rig. Then went back into the Performance edit area and low and behold the Performance slot had changed.

    I tried doing this with Rigs from local/Kemper/Rig exchange and it worked with all of them. So, no need to copy paste or drag and drop. I can just double click on a Rig to have it populate the chosen performance slot.

    This only works if you leave your Kemper Rack/Toaster/Stage in performance mode. If it’s in Browser mode you will only audition the profile as normal.

    So is this an intended feature?

  • I cannot do the automatic update from RM.

    RM detects the new firmware for the Stage, asks me to upgrade, downloads it and nothing else. I've tried a few times.

    It's there any trick to do that or should I go the pendrive way?

    I believe that there's a popup that asks if you want to update. Are you seeing that? Perhaps it's suppressed or underneath another window?

    Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. - Wayne Dyer

  • Yoda Guitar

    can you please contact support?

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here

  • yes, that's intentional.

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here

  • Here is what I found...

    For a new Performance in Rig Manager (one that has been initialized and just has “Crunch” listed.
    I double click the the Performance (MyProfiler) to select it, you will see the headphone symbol showing that it’s is selected.
    Go into Rigs (MyProfiler), highlight a rig and either right click (copy) or use Edit drop down (copy).

    Go back to Performance (MyProfiler) and now try to “paste” the rig into the #1 performance slot... nothing happens.

    Now if I then click/select #2 performance and then click/select #1 performance again, I can now “paste” the rig into the #1 performance slot.

    we can't replicate your findings. please contact support.

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here

  • I believe that there's a popup that asks if you want to update. Are you seeing that? Perhaps it's suppressed or underneath another window?

    Yes, I see the popup and I accept the upgrade. Then, nothings happens.

    When I click again to search for new firmware, it's there again, so no upgrade.

    Not s big problem. I can do it from the pen drive, but I'll try a few more times

    Thank you!

  • Here is what I found...

    For a new Performance in Rig Manager (one that has been initialized and just has “Crunch” listed.
    I double click the the Performance (MyProfiler) to select it, you will see the headphone symbol showing that it’s is selected.
    Go into Rigs (MyProfiler), highlight a rig and either right click (copy) or use Edit drop down (copy).

    Go back to Performance (MyProfiler) and now try to “paste” the rig into the #1 performance slot... nothing happens.

    Now if I then click/select #2 performance and then click/select #1 performance again, I can now “paste” the rig into the #1 performance slot.

    For some reason the first slot does not become active unless you first choose a different performance slot first. After I do this, everything works as it should, all rigs/performances appear as edited on my Kemper as I had within Rig Manager.

    I had the same thing on 7.19; I'd hoped it was fixed in this release :(

  • Yeah and still same bug: Copy a merged (!) cab (A) to another profile (B) in RM using Kemper buttons and do not save anything. Then move to the next profile with right arrow key... The cab A is still shown in the profile B in RM (=wrong), but on the profiler the correct, original cab is shown. For fun: If I now copy a cab from a studio profile to the the profile B (which still shows the wrong cab A), this cab is not permanent, but it still jumps back to the wrong cab A in RM.

    If I make a duplicate of the rig (or copy and paste): Only the new profile shows the correct cab in RM.

    The wrong cab is shown until RM is closed and started again.


    we cannot reproduce this. could you please contact support and send a video which illustrates what you write above. we might have missed a little detail. thanks!

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here

  • ...

    Okay I think I get it, finally :D The editor shows it all right, but the Rig Manager inspector and Cabinet Columns don't revert when using COPY/PASTE buttons.. Might be a side effect of something else, so I'll write it down and see if it continues after the next few changes. Thanks for the effort to make it reproducible :)